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KSP's reputation, does it deserve it?


Does KSP deserve its current reputation?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Does KSP deserve its current reputation?

    • It is underrated and deserves more.
    • Its reputation is what it deserves.
    • It is somewhat overrated.
    • It is overrated, it deserves less praise.

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The (very) bad thing these past decade in video games was to hide a poor games behind stunning graphics

THIS! ^^^ Hey, let's make yet ANOTHER generic shooter that is no different from Half-Life or CounterStrike except moar graphics!

single thread: what a joke, people seems to have been widely brain-washed by Intel. Their architecture is not a good as they claim to be and multi-thread/multi-core/multi-anything is not a magic solution than improve performances with 100% guaranty.

Multi-threading can help, but back when dual cores were first starting to get to be mainstream in the gaming community, the main advantage was that the OS could run on one thread and the game could have the other core all to itself. In this way, you still got a speed advantage even if the game itself didn't support multiple threads.

Nowadays, with quad core being the standard, and sometimes quad core with hyper threading, there's a lot more potential to unlock, but only for games that are CPU heavy. Most of my games tax the graphics card the most. That's not to say that the CPU can't be the bottleneck, but generally I look at the graphics card first as the component to upgrade.

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Actually, I say chess sucks any time the subject comes up. The pieces don't look like what they're supposed to represent and the rules seem pretty arbitrary. There's no terrain or line of sight usage, no flanking, no ranged attacks.

Well, it's not supposed to be an accurate representation of warfare, so that point is moot. I agree that the rules are somewhat random, though. Still, they apparently work.

On topic: the game IMHO deserves its praise...kinda. Pretty much all reviews on the net are vastly positive, but what it does need is more coverage. A lot of gaming media won't review stuff that isn't at least in beta, so most people (that don't use Steam) never hear about it.

KSP may have quite a lot of flaws right now, but it's also amazing in a lot of aspects that overshadow the said flaws. For one... it has been said before, but there isn't really much to do on planets right now. I believe Squad has it right with wanting to add more reasons to go places before adding more... places. You have to roleplay quite a bit if you want to keep it exciting and/or challenging. Just my 2 cents. :rolleyes:


Most of those points were nit-picking. Replayability is huge. The Art Style is pretty, and you customize your program in the way you build, fly and dream your crafts. Keybind documentation is easy to find, and I hate devil's advocation.

Replayability is indeed huge if you impose your own rules, participate in Challenges etc. But otherwise, everything can be done in one save. Also...even with devil's advocation, the opinions are a liiiittle bit biased on this forum :)

Edited by Ravenchant
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Actually, I say chess sucks any time the subject comes up. The pieces don't look like what they're supposed to represent and the rules seem pretty arbitrary. There's no terrain or line of sight usage, no flanking, no ranged attacks.

Frankly, I'm surprised anyone even plays it any more.

Still, one could argue that it stood the test of time, what with 1000 years of history under its belt...

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KSP is a good game that deserves the hype. But it is far from perfect.

In my opinion:

Things that are bad about KSP:

UI, especially during flight. Right-clicking parts on a wobbling rocket to do science (If you didn't keybind properly)? Really now? A simple dropdown menu would go a long way.

Goals. It's a sandbox game, but there is very little reason to go anywhere. This means people need to find their own objectives, which can be a big turnoff for some. Something to actually do on the surface would be nice.

Repetitivity. Lets be honest here, once you've done a Duna mission you've essentially done everything there is to do in the game. There are no new mechanics from that point onward, just different colored landing sites.

Learning curve. This game is by far one of the murkiest games I've ever played. It's not so much a curve as a brick wall. Good thing they're working on tutorials.

Things that are good about KSP:

The mods. Dear god the modding community is glorious. Endless variety, difficulty and creativity.

Realisticish physics. You get a real feel for the physics involved in spaceflight. It's really cool that you can go read up on orbital mechanics from a textbook and then use that to be better at a game.

The views. Seeing Jool on Laythe's horizon justifies the trip.

Community. KSP just has a very nice bunch of people playing it.

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Its reputation is what it deserves. I think all of us would say, "It has its flaws, but they are vastly outweighed by the sheer amount of hours I have had fun." This is the interwebs, and people don't pull punches here. It doesn't matter that this is the home forum. If the game sucked, the community would express their disappointment, and the reviewers would gleefully point out the suckage.

Edited by ArmchairGravy
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You're asking the members of a forum dedicated to a game if they think that game is great?

Next you'll poll people at the Superbowl to find out if they think Football is overrated. :D

Check out Rockstar's GTA5 forum around the launch of multiplayer. Doesn't matter if it's the home forum. If the suck is there the community will have the torches and pitchforks in hand.

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Check out Rockstar's GTA5 forum around the launch of multiplayer. Doesn't matter if it's the home forum. If the suck is there the community will have the torches and pitchforks in hand.

Yup! Same with Rome II Total War. Dedicated Total War series fans tore it apart!

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Check out Rockstar's GTA5 forum around the launch of multiplayer. Doesn't matter if it's the home forum. If the suck is there the community will have the torches and pitchforks in hand.

Oh and every update here you would think the game was total crap with all the complaining.

The people weren't on those forums complaining because they hated the game. They were on those forums complaining because they thought the game they loved enough to get on forums about was changing.

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Captain, this question is not logical.

To ask if something has the reputation it deserves, is actually only asking if the respondent concurs with the public opinion.

Furthermore, reputation is the average of the sum of all publicly voiced opinions, there is no deserving only receiving.

Though I find the human need to dwell on such questions quite fascinating.

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I'll play devil's advocate.

It's got more praise than I think it deserves. Yes, it's a pretty decent game, especially for alpha, but it's not the best game I've ever played. Some of the UI is annoying, the lack of keybind documentation is annoying, that the game doesn't tell you how far back your quicksave is is VERY annoying. The amount of customization available for your program is almost nil, and the replayability is woefully lacking. While it's gotten better, the art style is... meh. The parts don't really have very much flavor to them. And speaking as a jaded player of abandoned alphas, this Dev team has zero track record for me to trust that any of the above will be fixed in any meaningful way.

If I had to rate the game objectively... I'd give it a seven or eight. Fun, worth the money... But could still be better.

I think the reason you think so (in this case) is because a lot of people who play this game enjoy the subject of space thoroughly and love to create things. The creativity for your space program is extremely varied, you can build rockets that look like giant cubes, or ones that look like real rockets and everywhere in between. Granted, it's your opinion, if you don't like the game so much then why do you reply on the forums saying negative things such as these and the dev team... You definitely don't know how much effort goes into this game, each person on the team spends hours, if not days getting out the next update, and you think that just because you play the game you have the right to criticize the massive amount of work that goes into this game...Damn you must be very ungrateful and spoiled. The game is still in ALPHA, not even to version 1.0 think about it, it has bugs and is still in development

So if you are going to complain, leave it in the dumpster outside the VAB and keep your subjective thoughts to yourself.

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Captain, this question is not logical.

To ask if something has the reputation it deserves, is actually only asking if the respondent concurs with the public opinion.

Furthermore, reputation is the average of the sum of all publicly voiced opinions, there is no deserving only receiving.

Though I find the human need to dwell on such questions quite fascinating.

Oh well, this thread was good while it lasted.

Although I regard it to be one of my more influencing maneuveres.

You're asking the members of a forum dedicated to a game if they think that game is great?

Next you'll poll people at the Superbowl to find out if they think Football is overrated. :D

Ha ha ha, I guess my ego was fully upright back then. Being the competent critic you are, I have no counterarguments.

Edited by DJEN
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I voted its somewhat over rated. Fact is graphics are bad, single core support only, very little parts come stock, no achievements, many bugs, very slow progress.. this game is now 2 years old. That sums it up. Dont get me wrong, i love the game but its definitely not up to 2014 standards.

In my opinion if it had competition of the same genre, if it wasnt the only fat cat in town, the results would be quite different.

I think the above was spot on.

I'd also add it needs 64 bit processing, and the updates seem to be slowing WAY down.

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Captain, this question is not logical.

To ask if something has the reputation it deserves, is actually only asking if the respondent concurs with the public opinion.

Furthermore, reputation is the average of the sum of all publicly voiced opinions, there is no deserving only receiving.

Though I find the human need to dwell on such questions quite fascinating.

VIKI, Your logic is undeniable.

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Omg IpPtSnw.gif...when someone asks me about ksp i'm just going to throw this gif at them.

KSP is definatley up there with my all time favourite games. Its something that you can always come back to especially with the vast modding community that is out there.

I also like the fact that its a thinking mans game (ok you can have fun without thinking in ksp) It makes a nice change and I think people who play it are surprised at how inacurate other space games are.


So my list of all time great games that my childeren must play now includes ksp even if its just to teach them basic physics. This game is the epitome of "learning can be fun"

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Ladies and gentleman, please keep in mind that while we encourage discussion and differences of opinion, the forum will work better for us all if we confine our comments to the subject of the discussion and refrain from insulting each other.

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NASA likes it, so I'm going to side with the rocket scientists.

From the article:

“Half of our software team is actually from the gaming industry,†said Keith Nicewarner, a robotics engineer at SpaceX. “At the end of the day, a lot of the problems are software problems, and you don’t need to know rocket science to solve them, we already have rocket scientists.â€Â

That makes me worry for the future of NASA, all things considered.

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Makes sense to me, gaming is one of the few software fields that focuses on simulating a lot of things at once, and one of the big ones there is almost always physics. So if you want someone to code flight control software who's already interested in what you do, gamers are a good place to start looking.

What I should've gotten from that article: Real-life space agencies love KSP and that is awesome.

What I actually got from it: SpaceX went to E3 hunting modders to make MechJeb for the Falcon 9.

Edited by TerLoki
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