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This game is incredible!


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Hi from Canada!

Just downloaded this game last week and I have been playing non-stop. When I was a kid I always wanted to be an astronaut. While this game is definitely far from that, it has kickstarted my interest in learning about orbital mechanics! This game is so addictive. I love the combination of creativity, learning to work the game, and learning basic rocket design and orbital mechanics. So far I've played career and sandbox. I've landed probes on Mun and Minmus and have landed and returned Jeb from the Mun. I've also been following along the wiki campaign which I find pretty interesting. My next step is to land Jeb on Minmus with the same Mun lander and then maybe make my first space station. The possibilities are endless - I love this game!



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It's funny how people always land on the Mun first.

Because of the lower gravity, it's actually easier to land on and return from Minmus

Anyway: Welcome

Minmus is further away. Most beginners (myself included) think the Mün is easier to land on because it is nearer.

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Minmus is further away. Most beginners (myself included) think the Mün is easier to land on because it is nearer.

The difference between getting to the Mun and getting to Minmus is negligible in terms of fuel needed.

However, the need to match inclination makes Minmus a bit more difficult to get to than the Mun, at least for beginners.

Edited by Awaras
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The Mun is easier to land on than Minmus. But harder to get BACK from. When you add the delta V needed to lift off again to get back to Kerbin that's where Minmus wins out as being the easier one. Not only does it take less fuel to escape Minmus, there's also the fact that this means you don't need to bring all that extra fuel mass down with you on the landing.

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Overall it's easier to get TO the Mun because of inclination, but Minmus is more forgiving on the landing. Mostly because the gravity is weaker and thus you don't accelerate as fast, but also because the flats are at sea level, so you can actually trust your altimeter on Minmus

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I have only landed on Minmus...and I have yet to take off from there. Only 220 Delta-V left. But, I agree, the landing was pretty darn easy with the low gravity.

Welcome to the game rd-md, it's quite addicting and fun!

220 should be enough to get into orbit.

Funny enough it's also only 200 or so deltaV to get back to Kerbin from Minmus orbit (you just need to fall back home, and than Kerbin's atmosphere will slow you down for landing

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I just went to the Mun first because it seemed like the logical progression. Plus I was following along the Wiki Campaign. But after going to Minmus I realized it was definitely easier to land there!

Famous last words... "I've landed on the Mun and Minmus and returned... Time to do the same on Eve!"

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The difference between getting to the Mun and getting to Minmus is negligible in terms of fuel needed.

However, the need to match inclination makes Minmus a bit more difficult to get to than the Mun, at least for beginners.

Exactly. End it took a while till I found the wiki, and found out about the lack of gravity in Minmus. :D

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