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Component Space Shuttle - dev thread [IMG heavy!]


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Dragon01 has requested the following message be posted here in relation to his ban and this add-on.

I will be discontinuing the mods I maintain on KSP forums. BobCat's mods will not be updated to 0.90. I might be creating/looking for a new website to which I will move my mods.
Edited by KasperVld
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  KasperVld said:
We don't comment on why people are banned. I don't think anyone would appreciate being put into the spotlight in such a way.

Is it against forum rules to protest a fellow member getting banned? I mean Dragon being banned from the forums will have a significant impact on the gameplay for hundreds of players. I understand that there are policies that need to be upheld but a full ban seems excessive. A suspension seems more fitting. I know that other modders might take over where he left off but that might not happen and if it does it could take a great deal of time. It is really upsetting to think about the loss of all the historic mods he was maintaining will now be lost. The CSS was just about to get off the ground (no pun intended), and now its dead again. I know you can't offically comment, but if I started a thread in protest and maybe getting a petition bring Dragon back would that be against forum rules?

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  sp1989 said:
Is it against forum rules to protest a fellow member getting banned? I mean Dragon being banned from the forums will have a significant impact on the gameplay for hundreds of players. I understand that there are policies that need to be upheld but a full ban seems excessive. A suspension seems more fitting. I know that other modders might take over where he left off but that might not happen and if it does it could take a great deal of time. It is really upsetting to think about the loss of all the historic mods he was maintaining will now be lost. The CSS was just about to get off the ground (no pun intended), and now its dead again. I know you can't offically comment, but if I started a thread in protest and maybe getting a petition bring Dragon back would that be against forum rules?

To answer your question first: yes, it would be. Rule 3.4 to be exact - linky. As for the full ban vs suspension thing: his ban is not permanent and he can choose to return when it expires. Now I suggest we don't derail this topic any further. If you have questions please write them to me in a PM or email (forum@kerbalspaceprogram.com).

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  sp1989 said:
Is it against forum rules to protest a fellow member getting banned? I mean Dragon being banned from the forums will have a significant impact on the gameplay for hundreds of players. I understand that there are policies that need to be upheld but a full ban seems excessive. A suspension seems more fitting. I know that other modders might take over where he left off but that might not happen and if it does it could take a great deal of time. It is really upsetting to think about the loss of all the historic mods he was maintaining will now be lost. The CSS was just about to get off the ground (no pun intended), and now its dead again. I know you can't offically comment, but if I started a thread in protest and maybe getting a petition bring Dragon back would that be against forum rules?

I agree, with sp1989 AND Sippyfrog... Dragon's CSS mod actually gave me something I was searching for for the longest time, a working space shuttle similar in function to the real ones (when they were still operational), and his ban has left me in a rather uncomfortable position with the recent announcement of my upcoming recreation of the space shuttle missions. sp1989, if you start a petition, I will Definitely sign it!

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  Sampa said:
I agree, with sp1989 AND Sippyfrog... Dragon's CSS mod actually gave me something I was searching for for the longest time, a working space shuttle similar in function to the real ones (when they were still operational), and his ban has left me in a rather uncomfortable position with the recent announcement of my upcoming recreation of the space shuttle missions. sp1989, if you start a petition, I will Definitely sign it!

Well Its kinda against the rules so I will not be creating one, and it seems that its not a decision by the admins its a Dragon decision. He is not banned forever, it seems like a self inflicted exile. Most likely he is frustrated with the forums because having been on here for almost a year now Dragon has butted heads with quite a few people. So although it is a shame that all of these historic mods are going to to die, we can only hope now that Dragon calms down and return gracefully. However having sparred with him in the past myself, I wouldn't keep your hopes up. Lets just also hope that he might give up the reigns to other modders if that time comes as well.

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  MeCripp said:
One thing to remember most of this are not his mods so there not his reigns to give not really sure how that would work.

You are correct. However he has taken over many of them, curated many of them, updated many of them, and officially taken over many of them. So if someone wanted to take over and somehow gets in contact with Bobcat they would have to start with code and models from .22. If they got i contact with Dragon they would only have to work back from .25 and he might already have stuff done. Its a matter of work and what people are willing to do, to restore these mods. However you are correct, many if not all are other peoples work.

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Some of this update have came from the mod creator not Dragon even he told me that.

EDIT- That was on the BobCat stuff he told me about.

EDIT- Bobcat did that last update to his mod not dragon that is what he told me when, I asked him about something.

Edited by Mecripp2
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  MeCripp said:
Some of this update have came from the mod creator not Dragon even he told me that.

Again you are correct. But the mod creator isn't updating the mod, Dragon was, bobcat isn't coming back no matter how much we wish he does. So my point is that without Dragon or some sort of intervention these mods are going to die. My other point is that it would be easier to take over what Dragon has done so far instead of starting from the last place Bobcat left off. To do that Dragon would have turn over what he has done so far (the reigns) to get things going again.

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Wo what happened ?

I was happy that today is last crazy day at work. And from tomorrow my free time is returning so I cna finish the shuttle. And now I see and read this that Dragoon was banned.

Anyone can tell me in PM the detials ?


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  Jovzin said:
Wo what happened ?

I was happy that today is last crazy day at work. And from tomorrow my free time is returning so I cna finish the shuttle. And now I see and read this that Dragoon was banned.

Anyone can tell me in PM the detials ?


Your models are still your models, no? They haven't been used yet IIRC, and If someone takes up the job of re-making the config files and you continue your work on your models, you could just make a new mod entirely, right? Or is that not okay?

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  Jovzin said:
Wo what happened ?

I was happy that today is last crazy day at work. And from tomorrow my free time is returning so I cna finish the shuttle. And now I see and read this that Dragoon was banned.

Anyone can tell me in PM the detials ?


If your work in the shuttle model is 100% yours and you didn't take any from the CSS and you are willing to work on the SRBs and the external tank. Then montyben is willing to do the configs. Then both you gus should start a new thread and get this thing going again from the ground up.

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  sp1989 said:
Well Its kinda against the rules so I will not be creating one, and it seems that its not a decision by the admins its a Dragon decision. He is not banned forever, it seems like a self inflicted exile. Most likely he is frustrated with the forums because having been on here for almost a year now Dragon has butted heads with quite a few people. So although it is a shame that all of these historic mods are going to to die, we can only hope now that Dragon calms down and return gracefully. However having sparred with him in the past myself, I wouldn't keep your hopes up. Lets just also hope that he might give up the reigns to other modders if that time comes as well.

Here's to hoping he give this mod update control to another member of the team so we may continue enjoying the mods he provided for us for a long time to come!

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  Jovzin said:
Hold on.

I wrote an e-mail to Dragoon. Waiting for his response. I am relly looking forward for his answer.

And yes I did not take any part from CSS or some other mod. Started it from scratch.

Let me know if you need help. I have created all new sounds for the shuttle that are very realistic. Even better than the last update. PM me so we can talk!

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  raidernick said:
He was doing config maintenance for Cepheus who released it under by nc sa who originally got it from rocket2guns who released it under a free license.

He was doing a lot more than just config maintenance, mate; I haven't been personally involved in development since late July (hiatus because of school reasons). Dragon's done a lot of good things for this mod, so we'd best not downplay that. I don't know what he did to get banned, and I don't care. All's I know is that I don't want this mod to die. Raidernick has PM'd me, and since I like the work he's done with Skylab and Soyuz, I gave him the go-ahead.

  raidernick said:
There is no reason to talk to dragon01 at all. This mod is not his to give.

While you may have a point there, it's just tactful to talk to him, smooth things out, and clean up any loose ends.

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  Cepheus said:
He was doing a lot more than just config maintenance, mate; I haven't been personally involved in development since late July (hiatus because of school reasons). Dragon's done a lot of good things for this mod, so we'd best not downplay that. I don't know what he did to get banned, and I don't care. All's I know is that I don't want this mod to die. Raidernick has PM'd me, and since I like the work he's done with Skylab and Soyuz, I gave him the go-ahead.

While you may have a point there, it's just tactful to talk to him, smooth things out, and clean up any loose ends.

So, Raidernick is going to maintain this mod now? Sweet...I have found that I love his mods as well. BTW, would you argue too terribly about the addition of a new vertical tail model for the shuttle that better represents the Columbia's tail (aka, the SILTS pod)? If you don't, I'd like to make an official request for it.

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  raidernick said:
With the source files that would be an easy fix, although unlike the rest of the shuttle you wouldn't be able to simply "switch" the texture for different shuttles. You'd need a separate tail part just for Columbia.

Then, would it be possible to add a Columbia tail part alongside the existing tail?

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  raidernick said:
That's right, it is possible, with the source files. Without those I need to try and use the .mu files to create a model that can be edited on blender. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't, it depends on the part. Hopefully Cepheus is able to find the source files and I'd be happy to fix it. Without them though progress is going to be VERY slow and I may need to even redo some parts from scratch if they can't be imported into blender.

ok, take your time. Sorry for initially misunderstanding what you said. BTW, thanks for taking up this project, you have given a lot of people a sigh of relief that this will not die.

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