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Forum's English-ish Dictionary


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So a Redditor's Russian wife was having difficulty with trying to describe a tape measure. She said to him "Do you and an inch?... Do you have inches?... Do you have a roll of inches?" and when told its real name she said it sounded stupid. This was posted to imgur here and spiraled out of control as the community posted their examples of what they've heard people saying like this. Here are some examples from that post (and this one, made by someone who saw it all and picked out his favorites):

  • Ulcers: Sore mouth bubbles.
  • Merry-go-round: Horse tornado
  • Ice cubes: Very cold water with corners.
  • Matches: Things to turn candles on.
  • Air horn: Scream spray.

Do you get the idea? Anyway, my point is that we should do this, as a game. Think of a word, any word, and make a description for it as can be seen here. If you have a real-life example of one then go ahead and put it in. It does not have to relate to the game and can be literally anything (within reason, don't be stupid). The scoring consists of 1 point per word with a definition. Extra point for those that are real-life examples. I'll start with a few so you can get an idea of the layout (you can post as many as you like in one post):

  • Engine: Fire pipe.
  • Water: Basic drinking liquid.
  • Tree: Natural wood pillar.
  • Microphone: Fuzzy talk ball.
  • Air freshener: Smell squirter.

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Target Marker (on navball): Purple thing.

Prograde Marker (on navball): Yellow thing.

Usage: (to describe how to modify your approach to target during a dock) Put the yellow thing on the purple thing.

Note: I say this in my videos all the time. I also use the NavBall Docking Alignment mod so I also sometimes say "Put the yellow thing on the other side of the purple thing from the red thing."

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It does not have to relate to the game and can be literally anything

I'm amused, then, at how many relate to the game :).

Periapsis - low water mark of blue map sort-of-circle

Dictionary - list of scribble meanings

Game - fun waste of time

Forum Game - fun waste of time with strange light people

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