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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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  Exovian said:

You plan to make the N1? Diamonds for you wrong game. Still, awesome.

lol. we have not begun any rocket projects. Currently the first rocket we will be making is the Angara. but other than that IDk. not my project. I am making space station parts :) I have a few dozen more to work on before all is said and done on this project.
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Two questions about the Angara.

1. Will you be making it compatible with Zemit\'s Soyuz?

2. Will it have a crap - ton of tiny parts, like the Falcon 9? (I only ask because it lags my laptop to hell)

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I\'ll be sure to download these parts soon, I just want to clean out some unused parts to reduce clutter. I was quite surprised to see my guide here as well. 8) However, I did have one teeny-weeny little mistake that made the high-to-low to orbit miss by half an orbit (oops). I did fix it so you do want to update that.

Link to guide:http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7138.0

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Angara should be a modular system. hopefully less restricting than the failcan 9. and less engines.

I do plan on Zarya and Zvezda one day.

I recall once having a dejavu about xemit getting mad at this. I hope he doesn\'t mind me replacing 80% of the model to make it more easy to animate @__@

But I updated the Mir class radiator inorder to allow it to be animatable once animations arrive.



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I am in class an board and decided to go back to the mun. but this time with KOSMOS.

after thoughts. KOSMOS weight needs to be balanced.

after rebalnce kosmos should require munar landing engines and such. MIR tanks and engines should not be addiquite for this lol.

Decided on 6 legs. plenty of room for Jeb to relax in and




I ejected my fairings and they took out my rockets ass.








Jeb ain\'t even scared. Glad I brought 6 legs.



Lets get a tan


all is well.


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Made the side mount rendezvous engines. They are slanted so they avoid the tapers thrust wise. They are also fully thrust vectorable. I used a trick from the durgun capsule to get them to mount flat but be slanted AND thrust vectorable :D what took me a day to figure out before took me an 10 minutes today.





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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

after thoughts. KOSMOS weight needs to be balanced.

Seconded, these parts are kind of ridiculously dense. Although it\'s an interesting challenge to get these parts into orbit with reasonably sized rockets, they tend not to play well with others when I try to mix and match with other addons (or even stock parts).

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  silent_prtoagonist said:

Seconded, these parts are kind of ridiculously dense. Although it\'s an interesting challenge to get these parts into orbit with reasonably sized rockets, they tend not to play well with others when I try to mix and match with other addons (or even stock parts).

well in all honesty they will probably get heavier haha. I was talking about the fact that i never adjusted the weights. a 0.75 wide body part weights the exact same as a 1.5 m body section part because they are all copied cgf files lol.

but yeah they will weight more after the balance (which will probably wait till docking comes out since currently you Have to launch whole station at one time. it would not be fair to make them heavy while you still have to launch this way.

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:

well in all honesty they will probably get heavier haha. I was talking about the fact that i never adjusted the weights. a 0.75 wide body part weights the exact same as a 1.5 m body section part because they are all copied cgf files lol.

but yeah they will weight more after the balance (which will probably wait till docking comes out since currently you Have to launch whole station at one time. it would not be fair to make them heavy while you still have to launch this way.

Of course this is your mod and you can do make it however you like, but just to put things into perspective:

According to http://www.russianspaceweb.com/tks.html TKS had a launch mass of 21,620 kg, and a maximum diameter of 4.15 m. I believe your version has a max diameter of 1.5 m, so it\'s scaled down by a factor of 2.77. Assuming the same density, a scaled-down TKS should have a mass, then, of 21,620kg/(2.77)^3=1,017 kg. But, assuming the 1 KSP mass unit=1 metric tonne convention, your version masses at least ten times this...

Again I\'m certainly not demanding that you change anything, it\'s your project. (Plus, if I really wanted to, I could just go through and edit the .cfgs for my own use.) Just food for thought :)

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