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Speed Unit Changer - Simple plugin to visualize speed in different units


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After some guessing and hair-pulling, I managed to make my first plugin:

Speed Unit Changer, a simple plugin to visualize current speed in different units.

It's integrated with awesome Toolbar plugin made by blizzy78. You need it to use this mod: forum link

A Screenshot:


I need your help! Please try it and add (constructive) comments and ideas to improve it :cool:

Currently, it shows surface speed in m/s, km/h, mph (miles per hour), knots and ft/s.

Download it from dropbox

Edited by lttito
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Red Iron Crown why not use FAR ? You have better aerodynamics and a Mach meter and you can put the FAR window at the bottom of your screen

Honestly, because I don't spend that much time in atmosphere and I don't like to use game-altering mods. The Mach meter is in the "nice-to-have" category for me.

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Interesting. I assume it changes from surface to orbital speed when it changes on the navball, correct?

Currently, only shows surface speed. I'm thinking of give an option to choose which speed (surface, orbital or target) you can display your current speed.

My final desire is to display the speed in the navball and by right clicking on it, change the unit (cycling among several units), but I can't figure how to write in the speed field in the navball. Anyone know how to get the GameObject referent to speed in the navball?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just displaying units for people that are used to / comfortable with. The idea i had to make the plugin was that its difficult for me to know how fast im going with a rover at 20 m/s, but it's really easy for me know that Im too fast at 70 km/h.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Does this mod conflict with FAR? Lately it does not seam to be working for me. I am still stuck with m/s on the navball. The altitude window still works.

Perhaps could add an option to display the speed in a window as well?

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