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[1.2.1] Taurus HCV - 3.75 m CSM System [v1.5.3 - July 1, 2014]


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  On 12/12/2015 at 11:13 PM, Inverurie Jones said:

In which node on the CTT is the command module currently hiding?


The same node it's in is you don't use CTT (which I believe is Meta-Materials) - Taurus HCV doesn't come with a CTT patch.

If you'd rather it was somewhere else, I made my own patch which moves it to Heavy Command Modules.

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Thanks for this mod, I was looking for something to keep me interested in continuing my career mode save and it hit the spot. I've used everything except for the Quadroodle engine with no issues. The Science bay part seems to have strange attachment locations inside the bay, but the offset part fuctionality in the editor make this easy to deal with. I would absolutely love a 3.75M part part with the same doors, but more interior storage area.

Always have to keep moving towards bigger and better things. Before and after Getting access to the Sweet 3.75 functional parts:

23740334925_67c3a6447c_c.jpgTRAVERLLERcomparison by Kris Flory, on Flickr

Edited by Turd
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  On 12/13/2015 at 10:33 AM, Inverurie Jones said:

Cheers! How do I use the patch? I mean, where do I put the file?


It can go anywhere inside your Game Data folder. Personally, I would recommend creating a new folder within Game Data where you can store it along with any other custom patches you may download (or write yourself).

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  On 12/14/2015 at 8:24 AM, Turd said:

Thanks for this mod, I was looking for something to keep me interested in continuing my career mode save and it hit the spot. I've used everything except for the Quadroodle engine with no issues. The Science bay part seems to have strange attachment locations inside the bay, but the offset part fuctionality in the editor make this easy to deal with. I would absolutely love a 3.75M part part with the same doors, but more interior storage area.

Always have to keep moving towards bigger and better things. Before and after Getting access to the Sweet 3.75 functional parts:

23740334925_67c3a6447c_c.jpgTRAVERLLERcomparison by Kris Flory, on Flickr


Everything works fine. Also, if you want a 3.75 m service bay, there's a 3.75m expanded service bay at Lithobrake exploration technologies, except it has sliding doors, rather than swinging doors.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Science Bay doesn't actually shield its contents.  As I understand it, ModuleCargoBay shoots out rays from a center point; they stop when they hit the wall of the cargo bay part, and any other piece they hit on the way is shielded.  However, because the Science Bay has two separate bays, the rays from the center (0,0,0) get blocked before they can hit any other parts to shield them.  The fix is to define multiple cargo bays with discrete centers for every cargo bay space.  Here's a hotfix patch (may require reassembling/relaunching craft to get the behavior to take):

		lookupCenter = 1.5,0,0
		@lookupCenter = -1.5,0,0

The proof of the pudding is in the eating; by the stock config, I can extend solar panels even when the bay is closed (which shouldn't happen if they're shielded), while the panels are shielded appropriately when I use this patch.  (Obviously @jnrobinson doesn't need to include a patch -- there just have to be two ModuleCargoBays with the offset centers.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/2/2016 at 12:12 PM, Boots said:

Hi guys, is there any plan to add USI-LS support for these parts now that that mod has moved over to ReplacementParts as the basis for the habitation system?


Here is a ModuleManager patch to add USI-LS hab and recycler functions to the Taurus parts. The science lab and passenger cabin get recycler and hab-space functions, respectively, as they are big versions of the stock parts which get those functions from USI-LS. The HCV itself has nice bay windows, a bit like the cupola, so it gets an equivalent hab multiplier.

  Reveal hidden contents

Edit: use the link, not the spoiler text, due to overzealous automated censorship on the part of the forum software, per Kerbas_ad_astra's note below.

Edited by PocketBrotector
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  On 2/10/2016 at 2:40 PM, PocketBrotector said:

Here is a ModuleManager patch to add USI-LS hab and recycler functions to the Taurus parts. The science lab and passenger cabin get recycler and hab-space functions, respectively, as they are big versions of the stock parts which get those functions from USI-LS. The HCV itself has nice bay windows, a bit like the cupola, so it gets an equivalent hab multiplier.

  Reveal hidden contents

Thank you!



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  On 2/11/2016 at 2:57 AM, Delta_8930 said:

This mod doesn't use up a whole lot of memory. Have you tried turning your graphics settings down? 


Yeah. It helped slightly. I already use ATM

EDIT: That was just the size of the launcher and my piece of s**t computer

Edited by Whovian41110
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  On 2/10/2016 at 2:40 PM, PocketBrotector said:



Looks like somebody set the censor-ware to "overdrive" -- Squad, you've committed the "clbuttic" mistake!  I'd say what the part's name should be, but it would be just as mistaken.


Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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Ok, here is the first version of the patch:

Installation instructions:

1. Create a new CFG file in your 'GameData' folder and name it anything you wish.

2. Copy all of the code below to the CFG file.

3. Run KSP.

	name = TaurusHCV_Probe
	freeScale = true
	scaleFactors = 1.25, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5
	scaleNames = 1.25m, 2.5m, 3.75m, 5m, 7.5m
	defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1

		type = TaurusHCV_Probe
		defaultScale = 1


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  On 2/14/2016 at 12:20 PM, Whovian41110 said:

Is there any way to disable the LES on the Taurus?  I nearly had a very unfortunate accident with a Duna ship


In the VAB/SPH remove all the solid fuel before flight. That way nothing happens when you accidentally stage the LES.
The downside however is you have permanently disabled it for that flight.

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  On 2/14/2016 at 12:50 PM, Tex_NL said:

In the VAB/SPH remove all the solid fuel before flight. That way nothing happens when you accidentally stage the LES.
The downside however is you have permanently disabled it for that flight.


It's running on monoprop. I kinda need that for RCS thrusters

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