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[1.2.1] Taurus HCV - 3.75 m CSM System [v1.5.3 - July 1, 2014]


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Hey, I'm using this pod too so I developed a fit 3m heatshield with fairing for the pod. It's not final yet and I'm planning to make a whole orion-like service module even a LAS. Just like the standard pack I have. I'll be branding them under Kerbodyne if you want, I can brand them under yours or if you don't like me developing, you can just tell me. :)

Here's the pic, I'll be developing on my thread, just thought I'd let you know.


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Blackheart, You are awesome. I won't be using this capsule for landings much (not as a lander anyways. Maybe as an air-droppable Ker-bal stor- er, housing.) so a Service Module would get a ton of use.

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  blackheart612 said:
Hey, I'm using this pod too so I developed a fit 3m heatshield with fairing for the pod. It's not final yet and I'm planning to make a whole orion-like service module even a LAS. Just like the standard pack I have. I'll be branding them under Kerbodyne if you want, I can brand them under yours or if you don't like me developing, you can just tell me. :)

Here's the pic, I'll be developing on my thread, just thought I'd let you know.


This is looking really good! I'm looking forward to seeing what else you do with the capsule.

I will warn you, however, that we are going to be making a decoupler and heatshield of our own, because we feel that those parts need to be included with the capsule and we would rather use parts that we control the entire design of.

However, this may be a while coming, and you are more than welcome to develop whatever you want for the capsule.

I'll tell you now that we have no current plans to make an Orion style service module for the capsule, and we would love to be able to link to your parts on the main page when they're completed.

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  blackheart612 said:
Hey, I'm using this pod too so I developed a fit 3m heatshield with fairing for the pod. It's not final yet and I'm planning to make a whole orion-like service module even a LAS. Just like the standard pack I have. I'll be branding them under Kerbodyne if you want, I can brand them under yours or if you don't like me developing, you can just tell me. :)

Here's the pic, I'll be developing on my thread, just thought I'd let you know.


Awesome! I actually removed the pod because the standard 3.75 DRE heatshield just doesn't appeal to me visually, and ruined any thought of even using the capsue. With this add on, I'll likely be giving the pod another go. Cheers!

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After the ARM release, I've stuck with Stock parts only. No other parts add-ons seem to flow with the Stock parts for me, but this one is great! Went right into the mix and I think it will stay.

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  Midanthrope said:
Awesome! I actually removed the pod because the standard 3.75 DRE heatshield just doesn't appeal to me visually, and ruined any thought of even using the capsue. With this add on, I'll likely be giving the pod another go. Cheers!

You should be, this pod is awesome :D

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My only complaint is that the screens are too far away/small to see properly. Also, shame that the main display is a HUD ladder style, rather than a navball.. I find it a lot harder to pilot that way.. That said, it's a wonderful piece of kit - the interior looks amazing (loving the little storage boxes on the lower deck!) and Squad should really take some ideas from this into consideration when they inevitably make their own 3m capsule. I know they won't, but hey ho..

Also, I've found the only thing that lets it down is the lack of 3m parts to complement it, specifically 3m RCS tanks and a 3m orbital engine (like the 909 or Poodle). Low thrust, high efficiency kinda thing. Seeing as the only engine candidates are 2m, I can't use KWs radial 3m SAS units either because it's a conic fuel tank.. I think Squad really jumped the gun on these 3m parts, it's woefully underdeveloped.

But that has nothing to do with this mod, it's amazing stuff! Hard to believe it has such a small footprint too.. excellent work guys!

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So the Taurus capsule may be "done", but that doesn't mean all of R&S Capsuldyne can sit back and pretend to work. The R&S Capsuldyne Landing Division has gone a week now locked into the workshop, and this is what they have to show for it:


The twisting, they tell us, is entirely necessary.

Stay tuned!

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  bsquiklehausen said:

So the Taurus capsule may be "done", but that doesn't mean all of R&S Capsuldyne can sit back and pretend to work. The R&S Capsuldyne Landing Division has gone a week now locked into the workshop, and this is what they have to show for it:


The twisting, they tell us, is entirely necessary.

Stay tuned!

The twisting in my mind isn't necessary but, it is amazing. Keep it in!

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so there are a lot of functionality mods I'd like to see this compatible with; among them, optional configs for TAC life support, deadly reentry, and modular fuel tanks would be nice. I tried to make these myself but it's been super buggy. Tied in with modular tanks, why is this a solid fuel not LFO engine? Presumably this is meant to mimic the dragon capsule which would have LFO. I there for tried to make a modular engine config but i think I really ballsed it up. Any-who, the work I did is all in separate config's in THIS dropbox for your consideration.

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  CSVoltage said:
so there are a lot of functionality mods I'd like to see this compatible with; among them, optional configs for TAC life support, deadly reentry, and modular fuel tanks would be nice. I tried to make these myself but it's been super buggy. Tied in with modular tanks, why is this a solid fuel not LFO engine? Presumably this is meant to mimic the dragon capsule which would have LFO. I there for tried to make a modular engine config but i think I really ballsed it up. Any-who, the work I did is all in separate config's in THIS dropbox for your consideration.

At the moment, neither of us really have time to do a whole bunch of configs, though DRE support at a minimum is planned. As for the built in engines, ours is not supposed to mimic Dragon, just offer an alternative to the (somewhat clunky) escape tower.

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  blackheart612 said:
I think the legs twist too much, it might get loose. Hahahaha. Maybe just one while do from horizontal to vertical. Just an opinion :P
  check said:
I like the landing legs, but as mentioned, I don't see the point of 270 degree rotation before deployment. 90 degrees would be enough based on how it's stowed.

The legs spin 270 degrees to lock more in place (and to look more technical and cool). I'm planning on doing custom sounds for them, so hopefully it'll make sense then.

  drtedastro said:
how is the heatshield coming along?

We have not started our own heatshield yet, but blackheart has actually made a really nice one - there's a link in the main post here.

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