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Universal Storage (For KSP 1.4.x) 13th March 2018

Paul Kingtiger

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The science wadge can be made detachable - I asked about it here or in the dev thread and it's just one little tag in that part's config file. Should be possible to dig up with a search. I don't know how you tell KAS the part's storable and what the volume is, But it's probably in the same file somewhere.

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make a module manager file and place the following code in it

@attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = True
storedSize = 10
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

i'm at work so i cant verify how it looks on your back right now, but this should be close to fully functional... i think...

if it's wonky and tries to attach to any place on any part, set AttachOnPart to false

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Here's a bit of an odd thing that I don't think I've ever seen requested...(but please don't hold me to that :sealed:)

A Universal Storage "Cover Panel." Physically behaves like a wedge, but is only the external face of a wedge without a door (or maybe with sort of "folding camp chair" sort of structure on the flat edges of the wedge). Uses Super Folding Technology to be able to fit in a KAS container (10-20 KAS volume).

The idea is, I have an unmanned service module that occasionally hauls supplies up to my station. Liquids and gasses transfer fine, but in my head one shouldn't be able to "flow" food from one craft to another, so out go the Kerbals on EVA to swap the wedges around. Except, since I don't like having empty wedge sections or exposed bags/cans in space, I didn't leave any open spots on the station. And of course the servicer can't have big empty wedge holes in it. Thus I have a Kerbal on EVA with a huge smile on his face holding a wedge as he drifts away into space so his partners can play swapsies.

Instead, I fit Cover Panels in what would be empty spots on the servicer, which when docked the Kerbals can stuff in a KAS wedge while they jangle wedges around, and perhaps put back eventually.

I initially tried to use a Science Wedge for this, forgetting that obviously it can't detach since the idea is for it to have other parts attached inside...

Very nice idea, I like it! I'll see what I can do :)

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The Science bay already has the KAS code to make it grabbable, it's just commented out because if you grab it, everything attached to it falls off!

To reenable just remove the comments.

		//	This part has KAS grabability disabled by default as grabbing it will detach any parts mounted to it.
// If you want to reenable simply remove the comments on the module below.
// {
// name = KASModuleGrab
// evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.01, -0.14)
// evaPartDir = (0,0,1)
// attachNodeName = back
// customGroundPos = true
// dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.45)
// dropPartRot = (-10.0, -90, 0.0)
// bayType = wedge
// bayNode = back
// bayRot = (0, 0, 1)
// }

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Silly question; any way to surface mount these? or attach individual ones inside a cargo bay or similar for transport in spaceplane or similar? I'd like to put these into mk2 cargo bays and only real option I came up with is using the quad-core but only using 2 sides of it after turning it 45 degrees:


Seems a bit inefficient density wise.

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Silly question; any way to surface mount these? or attach individual ones inside a cargo bay or similar for transport in spaceplane or similar? I'd like to put these into mk2 cargo bays and only real option I came up with is using the quad-core but only using 2 sides of it after turning it 45 degrees:


Seems a bit inefficient density wise.

I approve of this request. Maybe make a space-plane compatible core?

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Thanks for the extra info Marce, I'm still testing things today and will take a close look at the overflow options.

Also do you know if USI converter is a stand alone plug-in (technical and licence) I know RoverDude was looking to produce something but I haven't seen any information on it.

Sorry, I missed your post Paul: I think the converter is standalone, but I haven't tried it to be honest. License is Rover's usual generous "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License". I suppose you think about bundeling it? Well, I can't speak for Rover, I suggest you write him a PM, he answers very fast usually and then you know for sure what you can do.

On a side note: TaranisElsu answered on my PM and he said he'll have a look at the changes. I don't know if and when how fast he'll include it of course.

I like US more and more every day, thanks! :)

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Made some progress, it involves a tweakscaled modular girder (though any small part that can be surface attached and has nodes should work:



The Mk2 B9 cargo bays have nodes on the inside that are a bit offset downwards, if you make your own node like that you can fit 3 with no clipping, 4 with minimal clipping, though the bottom ones would be hard to reach like that realistically speaking, I guess a small IR rotatron would solve that problem, though it still feels like it would be more optimal to mount the containers against the interior walls, a part that is surface attach that lets you mount one module (like the KAS storage container holder frames) would be nice, tweakable or FS mesh switcher that extends that one mount into several would be even nicer (instead of 40 parts to mount 20 containers in a row you need 21).

Quick mockup of what I mean:


How I did it:


Edited by K3|Chris
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Made some progress, it involves a tweakscaled modular girder (though any small part that can be surface attached and has nodes should work:



The Mk2 B9 cargo bays have nodes on the inside that are a bit offset downwards, if you make your own node like that you can fit 3 with no clipping, 4 with minimal clipping, though the bottom ones would be hard to reach like that realistically speaking, I guess a small IR rotatron would solve that problem, though it still feels like it would be more optimal to mount the containers against the interior walls, a part that is surface attach that lets you mount one module (like the KAS storage container holder frames) would be nice, tweakable or FS mesh switcher that extends that one mount into several would be even nicer (instead of 40 parts to mount 20 containers in a row you need 21).

Why not treat them as a payload. Use a pair of Clamp-o-Tron Jr., one for the interior of the bay, one for the payload. Then build your payload insert, and pull it out and attach to the station some where. Have may be a command chair and some RCS on the payload...the Kerbal takes a seat, pilots it out of the bay and moves to to a transfer dock.

Other option could be Infernal robotics, mount the payload to a piston and hinge. When you want to trade wedges, just start rotating the hinge and extend the piston putting the cargo into a more optimal and open position for EVA transfer.


A thought for Universal Storage...Ladders. Often I have been interested in putting ladders on wedges...but can not. And typically I do not have access to the extending ladders when I really want to add ladders or handholds. Would it be reasonable as a tweak to have an option or button that adds a ladder to the outside of the wedge. May be just a simple L or pair of L's that move with the door. So that the Kerbals have a hand hold of some kind.

Edited by SyberSmoke
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I don't think this is a US specific problem, but it seems that the converters (using the TAC ones) start to go all wonky anywhere from 3000-5000x and above. Probably a rounding issue or something :-(

In addition, it seems like even with the Human Kerbal consumption rates, for one Kerbal, all I need to do is slap one Sabatier, an Electrolyzer (Elektron) and a Water Recycler on my ship and the only limiting factor becomes food & electricity, since kerbal food is 22% water as well.

Not that these are easy to solve - packing enough food for a journey to Laythe for six kerbals (so they can control the remotetech probles) is difficult. But I guess my question is - is this right? Can I just use food as my estimator to determine how long the life support system will last?

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Generic Resource Converter which is packaged with US doesn't have that problem, but it doesn't work on rails. At the moment there isn't a perfect solution that I know of.

For the consumption rates, your assessment is just about right, food is the only resource that cannot be recycled and this reflects the real space program. However the others aren't perfect. The water purifier is only 97% efficient so you will loose water there and the Sabatier reactor consumes hydrogen, for every 1 mole of CO2 you process you're consuming 2 moles of H2, although you can carry a lot of H2, so I wouldn't worry too much.

Your biggest issue is power. Unless you're using mods that provide nuclear power you're going to need a lot of solar panels to run everything, especially if you're going to the outer system.

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Time for an update of what's coming next!

I've already got 0.9 in the can, and it's out with a few people for testing. This is something we plan to do for all future releases so we can get a better product out to you and ensure the obvious bugs are sorted before general release. Of course the pay off of that is slower release as all this takes time, but I think now we have the TAC pack out the way, it's going to be worth it.

So 0.9 doesn't contain any new parts! But it does feature a redesign of the folder structure. Everything is now in a single folder called UniversalStorage which makes it fully compatible with Part Catalog, which now correctly auto tags our parts and uses the included icon. This also means that you won't have to remove folders when making minor updates (well let you know when to delete anything before installing). MiniAVC will continue to tell you when an update is available for each individual pack, so no lost functionality there.

This does cause a potential issue for those using DMagic Orbital Science, but we're working together to make sure nothing breaks.

Another big update for this release is a new look webpage for downloads. We're splitting the page into several, with the change log and license on their own pages. In the future we'll also be creating a more detailed page for each pack, showing the parts contained with details and pictures, but don't expect those until we get to release 1.0 and the specs. are firmed up.

Here is a taste of the new download page featuring the non-life support packs.


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Time for an update of what's coming next!

I've already got 0.9 in the can, and it's out with a few people for testing. This is something we plan to do for all future releases so we can get a better product out to you and ensure the obvious bugs are sorted before general release. Of course the pay off of that is slower release as all this takes time, but I think now we have the TAC pack out the way, it's going to be worth it.

So 0.9 doesn't contain any new parts! But it does feature a redesign of the folder structure. Everything is now in a single folder called UniversalStorage which makes it fully compatible with Part Catalog, which now correctly auto tags our parts and uses the included icon. This also means that you won't have to remove folders when making minor updates (well let you know when to delete anything before installing). MiniAVC will continue to tell you when an update is available for each individual pack, so no lost functionality there.

This does cause a potential issue for those using DMagic Orbital Science, but we're working together to make sure nothing breaks.

Another big update for this release is a new look webpage for downloads. We're splitting the page into several, with the change log and license on their own pages. In the future we'll also be creating a more detailed page for each pack, showing the parts contained with details and pictures, but don't expect those until we get to release 1.0 and the specs. are firmed up.

Here is a taste of the new download page featuring the non-life support packs.


You'll going to have all equal science parts from Dmagic, but yours? Ow My God!.

That's good news!!


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Does tweakscale work with this mod? Love the bays and things but would love to be able to bump up the size of the bays and such.

great mod though look forward to what else you have in store for it.

There is a Tweakscale config earlier in this thread, however looking at the code I think I can make US natively support Tweakscale without breaking anything. I'll do some testing and if it looks good I'll include it in 0.9

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