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Where are the noobals at?


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I am not a noob (at least I don't feel that way) but I look around at some of the other threads and I'm blown away by the wealth of information given. I see people like Kasuha giving advice and tips all the time in the Q&A section. The wealth of information on the forums is astounding.

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noob here definitely especially since i can reach duna but i don't usually try to now and just concentrate my efforts on Kerbin orbit and Mun and have thus not made it past duna except with a few probes that reached Kolar escape velocity

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I played briefly at 0.18 but stopped for various reasons. I never got much past Mun and even then I'm not sure I managed to land back then. I tried the game recently with 0.23 after seeing an Interstellar quest video. Modding totally changed the game for me. I still haven't sent Kerbals out past Minmus, partially because I went and installed TAC Life Support and I'm afraid I'll lose them somehow. That might make me n00bish.

Part of your impression, I think, is that the wiki is really good for the game. As a result, you can find a lot of answers there without touching the forums.

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because many of the people are here since 2+ years ago...

i mean... if someone's still hasnt visited every planet playing the game for so long, he is pretty bad at playing video games.

Or they just don't realize it's something within their reach and haven't made the leap to do it yet. One thing I've noticed in my own experience is that it's easy to get locked into familiar patterns or corner yourself off from doing things outside of a certain order. Like the first planet I visited was Duna, and that was really fun. Later on I considered sending a mission to Jool, but I kept thinking "nah I can't go there yet, I haven't gone to Eve yet and that's closer!"

But over time I started to see that nothing was keeping me from going to Jool but myself. And after seeing a friend of mine build an SSTO spaceplane to Laythe, I decided I would do the same. And it was one of the most fun missions I've had. hell, one of the most fun things I've done in any videogame ever.

Then when I made a new career save later on, I did the usual mun/minmus trips and such to work my way up the tech tree. When I wanted to go interplanetary again that same nagging feeling kept saying "oh, well you need to go to Duna before you go anywhere else! that's how you've always done it!" But eventually I told that nagging feeling to shut up and I went to Dres for the first time instead.

Anyhoo, if there's anything I wanted to convey to anyone reading this post, it's that you are better and more equipped at the game than you think. Go where you want, whenever you want to go there. The kerbol system is yours. What will you do with it?

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Currently, I can go just about anywhere and return (except Eve and Tylo; I'm working on that). I've been playing since 0.8 or 0.9, so I had the opportunity to work on my skills bit by bit, but I was still new at one point. The thing that helped most was reading the forums for advice and experimenting with what I could do.

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if someone's still hasnt visited every planet playing the game for so long, he is pretty bad at playing video games.

Everybody is good at some aspects of the game and not so good at others. There's no call for being judgemental about it.

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Definitely a newbie, here. Even with MechJeb's help, have only just learnt how to dock, have only landed on the Mun once (but couldn't get my Kerbonaut back to Kerbin), and only just about got a tiny base started on Minmus. No Kerbals outside of Kerbin's SOI, every attempt to send a probe to Duna missed by a loooong way, and I managed to fumble the one probe I got to Eve by accidentally aerobraking too hard (though I'm still proud of the single orbit's worth of mapping that probe achieved). But the adventures I've had, rescuing crashed Kerbals on Minmus, trying to nurse a somewhat fragile rover up onto a plateau and over rather uneven terrain to get to a Kethane processing unit before it ran out of fuel.. priceless. But I'm learning. I like the current cartoon at XKCD:

whilst unfortunately I couldn't finish my physics degree and have never worked for any space-related company, that learning curve looks awfully familiar (although the tail end of mine would be a bit flatter!)

Edited by Esme
typo correction
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Another Noobal here.

Never been outside of Kerbins SOI (well technically that's not true, but it was an accident and i quickloaded after the fact...) but I'm becoming quite proficient in visiting Kerbins Moons and returning home. With lots of science :)

I still have ways to go concerning construction techniques and (interplanetary) maneuvering.

Just this week i attemptet my first couple of dockings. While building a science outpost around the Mun.

So you are definitely not alone, but there's not a lot i have to show. Yet. :)

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because many of the people are here since 2+ years ago...

i mean... if someone's still hasnt visited every planet playing the game for so long, he is pretty bad at playing video games.

It's a sandbox game. Theres's plenty to do without leaving Kerbin's SOI. Heck, there's plenty to do on Kerbin.

Meanwhile the state of the official documentation is such that if someone has been trying to reach the other planets and failed, they're less bad at video games and more bad at research.

And in any case, there is no shame in enjoying something without being very good at it.

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Where are the noobs at? :P

Over at the Reddit and the Steam forum :P

JUST KIDDING! Those crazy cats over at reddit do some really whack things. Dunno about Steam.

Fact is the KSP community is wide and varied. The game forum here tends to be a bit more nerdy, serious and experienced. Still get plenty of nooby players, especially when there is a big release or a Steam sale. Noob players don't stay that way for long.

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Depends what you mean by "noob".

In terms of the number of hours I put in, I've put in more on KSP than almost any other game - apart from maybe GTA. In terms of how far I've come since day one, I don't feel like a noob at all.

In terms of how far I have left to go.. definitely a noob! SO badly it's scary!

For the record, I started with 0.23. I have no kerbals out of Kerbin SOI, and I've only just landed my first rover on the Mun. No planes either.

I read the forums a lot to pick up answers. Most things I want to know have already been posted, so I haven't needed to ask that many questions. When I do they get answered quick, so I leave again :D

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Judging by what I've seen in the forums, I'd say I still qualify as a noob :P.

I can go to both Minmus and the Mün without problems and bring some science back, and I've got a probe on its way to Duna. Everywhere else (besides maybe a 1-way trip to Eve or an Ike/Gilly landing) is too far away from me right now.

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I have been playing for almist two years. I'm probably the noobiest old timer on here. Still haven't visited Dres, Eeloo, Moho, Tylo, Bop, Pol, or Vall.

No space stations built; no Interplanetary motherships; no spaceplane with capacities beyond LKO, etc.

I did, however, build a mobile launch platform like the one NASA uses so that's nice.

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I have played since December 2012 and still consider myself quite a noob. I have visited all the planets and moons except for Bob but I always do the same interplanetary transfers. I don't know how to make a reliable gravity assist to help with the transfer for instance. Aerobrakes are sketchy and I can't make a precision landing.. and when I see some of the great planes and rockets on this forum I feel quite noob. However that is a great thing. It means I have a lot more to learn in this game and that I will be playing it for many years to come. That's what I look for in a good game.. constantly discovering new things to learn.

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I've been playing somewhat casually since the middle of last year so I might go so far as to call myself a "seasoned noob" ;)

I'm seasoned in that I'm comfortable doing some of the trickier things such as docking, powered landings, rendezvous, and transfers, all without MechJeb assistance... though I'll admit I used MJ as a learning tool early on.

I'm noobish in that still make silly mistakes such as forgetting to open solar panels on probes before time warping, hitting the ground at 50 m/s while trying to kill horizontal velocity when landing, remembering to add RCS tanks to my ship but forgetting to add thrusters, and I still have a dickens of a time making space planes that don't totally flip out on re-entry.

... and then I'll have my brilliantly stupid moments like the time I sent an orbital probe to Duna to gather science, tried dipping into the atmosphere a bit to get a barometer reading, caught a little too much atmospheric friction, and ended up soft-landing a probe that wasn't designed to be landed :D


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Keep on playing! I got the demo back in .13 and barely returned from the mun then. Trial and error my friend xD. I'd suggest getting mechjeb and learning from how it handles maneuvers and transfers and docking/matching orbits and all the other stuff and then uninstall it after it's all understood. It worked for me. Everything isn't actually all that hard as long as you know how to quick save at good times and have done it once or twice before.


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Where are the noobs at? :P

Everyone seems to be doing better than me in KSP, having space stations and visiting a bunch of other planets already.

I'm still barely learning to dock on my own, and getting to other planets on my own. I haven't done much in KSP yet.

Anyone else like me? lol.

It took me a long time to do most of that without mods. I've put in a few hundred hours and just recently have gotten comfortable with docking, rendezvous and getting to other planets. Getting to other planets and returning is still rough for me, but I at least can do it now and understand the mechanics of it.

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