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Pet peeves


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  Franklin said:
I can't see my stages on the orbital map screen. It seems like the easiest update to show the stages on that screen, I don't know why there hasn't been an update or at very least a mod that makes this possible.

The Alternate Resource Panel doesn't do what you asked for, but it sidesteps around it very nicely and I prefer it to seeing the stages. It also enables the ability to stage while in map view.

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  5thHorseman said:
In this vein: No estimation of dV (in any view). Should be in the VAB and when making a maneuver node, at the very least.

Yes I know both of these are available in Kerbal Engineer (and other mods). I personally consider KER to be "stock" and won't play without it. But it would still be nice for it to actually be stock.

Either a dV estimate, or at least a good display of duration of fuel available to each engine. This needs to take into account how many engines share a fuel tank, etc, which is currently misleading in the fuel bar-graphs.

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Rover wheels, definitely. They don't have proper physics in the way that everything else in the game does, and they are essentially on rails - turning hard enough will flip any rover, no matter how low to the ground it is.

Infiniglide is another major one. Crashing your plane and seeing wings and control surfaces just floating slowly through the air.

Landing gear that can't support the weight of your heavy lander.

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  helaeon said:
Free camera not really being free (it bumps up against something like it ran out of gimbal) and Kerbals on EVA not always facing the direction the camera does, like they are obeying some kind of orientation plane.


This bug is the single reason I haven't played this game in months. It's incredibly frustrating to have to struggle with invisible camera boundaries. Just as bad is that the bug priority is Very Low, so I'm not confident it will be fixed any time soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, in game real world clock. (I play full screen)

"I'm just going to play for 1 hour and do this one mission"....*BOOM* ok so let me tweak that....*BOOM*....ok nearly there....*Crash lands*....ok redesign the landing legs.......*Lands*...Ladders, I always forget ladders...*15 minutes of jumping*....It's three am! and I've got work in the morning!

This game has me hooked! :)

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I was driving this (see pic below) with 8k Kethane and the front tire popped. As soon as that happened the rest of the wheels simply fell off. Tires are highly unreliable no matter the scenario. I'm guessing in this case the weight and the very slight turn (less than 15 degrees at a low speed) didn't help.


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peeepole hoo complane a bhout someall shpelling butt dhont kontribuoot cents able eyedeeahhhs

sorry - please ignore that. old man curmudgeon syndrome cropping up again...

on topic now...

Why can't I transmit changes I make (ok, corrections!) to my staging sequence back to the boys at KSP and have that saved to my current vessel design?

That would be nice.

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  SkyRender said:
I can't stand how stock wheels behave like their suspension is made from Slinky springs at the worst possible moments. It makes rovers pretty untenable, and I'm hoping it gets fixed at some point. Other than that, the only thing that really bugs me are mods that have way too much on-screen real estate. All of those information panels are very distracting. Any screenshot with a ton of MechJeb windows open just makes me cringe.

I believe I heard somewhere, Squad are planning to do a major improvement to the wheels "soon". "soon" could be a century or a second. deal with it.

When I want to know if I'm landing on land or the sea when coming back to Kerbin, I always come back when its Night time. so I can't see.

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Crew not staying persistant if you leave the crew tab to fix something, then launch. Don't know how many times I've had to return to spaceplane hangar, empty the other two seats of the cockpit, then send up the plane to get the two guys off of the mun. Or return to VAB because the two Hitchhiker Cans have spawned empty on a station crew transfer. Or the fact that I've had more mission restarts in Career mode than I care to account for because the Science Lab likes to spawn empty, I get halfway to orbit, and I realize I can't reset my experiments because the lab is empty, despite filling it earlier, then realizing I was missing a strut.

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  Wallygator said:
peeepole hoo complane a bhout someall shpelling butt dhont kontribuoot cents able eyedeeahhhs

sorry - please ignore that. old man curmudgeon syndrome cropping up again...

on topic now...

Why can't I transmit changes I make (ok, corrections!) to my staging sequence back to the boys at KSP and have that saved to my current vessel design?

That would be nice.

Well said! Yes, I've been corrected, pointed out to and attacked for my spelling error, even after posting an apology. Oh' well. I do like your idea for being able to save staging changes on the fly, but since this thread isn't in the "Suggestions" category, I'll try and stick to the topic and list one more pet PEEVE (Did I get it right?).,.,., Making one spelling mistake and getting raked over the coals for it!

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  SpacedCowboy said:
Well said! Yes, I've been corrected, pointed out to and attacked for my spelling error, even after posting an apology. Oh' well. I do like your idea for being able to save staging changes on the fly, but since this thread isn't in the "Suggestions" category, I'll try and stick to the topic and list one more pet PEEVE (Did I get it right?).,.,., Making one spelling mistake and getting raked over the coals for it!

I guess there is a fine line between "polite suggestion" and "pet peeve" (notice the quotes so I can sneak past the speeeeelllllling police) so I take your point. Well done sir! Respect to you.

another "peeve"... transferring kerbals between docked vessels. Sorry, but this is basic. It is a real PITA during flight. Just my opinion. So many other cool things to draw my attention during a mission... getting a crew member into the proper command space should not be such a labour. I'm also keenly aware this has probably been raised too many times before so thanks for listening... and feel free to ignore my comment if it strikes a nerve.

That said, I LOVE this game. I gratefully accept all the issues that come with a pre-release and am happy to find work-arounds, alternative play strategies, and various methods of extensions to my patience... KSP is the finest game concept and delivery that I have seen in decades. Nuf said. (oops... forgot the "" around nuf)

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  SpacedCowboy said:
Well said! Yes, I've been corrected, pointed out to and attacked for my spelling error, even after posting an apology. Oh' well. I do like your idea for being able to save staging changes on the fly, but since this thread isn't in the "Suggestions" category, I'll try and stick to the topic and list one more pet PEEVE (Did I get it right?).,.,., Making one spelling mistake and getting raked over the coals for it!

You could always fix it. Just a thought :)

If you don't know, you can edit your first post, go into "advanced" mode, and edit the title there.

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  5thHorseman said:
You could always fix it. Just a thought :)

If you don't know, you can edit your first post, go into "advanced" mode, and edit the title there.

Yeah, I know, by the time I realized that I felt it was too late, but now I know better. BTW I've watched some of your vids and I'm inspired, educated and impressed! Keep up the good work.

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  Wallygator said:
I guess there is a fine line between "polite suggestion" and "pet peeve" (notice the quotes so I can sneak past the speeeeelllllling police) so I take your point. Well done sir! Respect to you.

another "peeve"... transferring kerbals between docked vessels. Sorry, but this is basic. It is a real PITA during flight. Just my opinion. So many other cool things to draw my attention during a mission... getting a crew member into the proper command space should not be such a labour. I'm also keenly aware this has probably been raised too many times before so thanks for listening... and feel free to ignore my comment if it strikes a nerve.

That said, I LOVE this game. I gratefully accept all the issues that come with a pre-release and am happy to find work-arounds, alternative play strategies, and various methods of extensions to my patience... KSP is the finest game concept and delivery that I have seen in decades. Nuf said. (oops... forgot the "" around nuf)

As in the words of John Lennon, "Control yourself, You'll spurt!" Just kiddin', you are so right in your understanding of this game! BTW, no nerve struck! I only wish more players in this community had your attitude.

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Guest LTrotsky

1. SubAssemblies. Nothing is more frustrating than making a sub-assembly for use later, only to discover that the sub has only *one* attachment point - inevitably in a useless place. This is because the sim seems to allocate only one attachment point for a sub, and this is always the last point in the direction of the initial build item (a pod). The fix for this is to make sub-assemblies with robotic units, and during the build move the rest of the assembly around and attach it to the robotic core item, and then save each sub-assembly based on it's specific attachment point. This all seems a bit too much work just to have a sub-assembly that can be attached as though it were a collection of parts put together normally. Ideally it should be possible for most spacecraft to be put together entirely from interchangeable sub-assemblies. The interface doesn't make this particularly easy.

2. Lack of information regarding the prograde or retrograde orbit angle, and ejection angle, which makes interplanetary ejection burns more of a guess than they should be. We realize that Squad leaves this info out deliberately, but a bit more information maybe as part of an information display toggle (some players use it, some won't, or perhaps making such info available as a tech tree progression).

Edited by LTrotsky
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Transferring fuel. One (click-ALT-click) Tank (click-ALT-click) At (click-ALT-click) A (click-ALT-click) Time (click-ALT-click) For (click-ALT-click) Every (click-ALT-click) Tank (click-ALT-click).

I know there are mods for this... but cmon! Stock already!

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When a kerbal is bugging.

What happen is that the said verbal just fall on the ground and stay motionless(like if no one controlled it), he doesn't have any expression and his body doesn't move(even if he's hit by a rocket).

When it happen, I usually kill him(by using hyperdit) and edit the persistence file to bring him back to life.

Also, when the game tell you "after leaving the SOI of this moon/planet you'll have a periapsis of [insert periapsis altitude here]" and the periapsis widely when I leave the SOI.

It happen a lot to me when I return from the mün in a direct return trajectory:the game say I'll have a periapsis of 20km but it's actually 8km(or anything else) once I leave the SOI of the man.

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  goldenpeach said:
When a kerbal is bugging.

What happen is that the said verbal just fall on the ground and stay motionless(like if no one controlled it), he doesn't have any expression and his body doesn't move(even if he's hit by a rocket).

When it happen, I usually kill him(by using hyperdit) and edit the persistence file to bring him back to life.

Also, when the game tell you "after leaving the SOI of this moon/planet you'll have a periapsis of [insert periapsis altitude here]" and the periapsis widely when I leave the SOI.

It happen a lot to me when I return from the mün in a direct return trajectory:the game say I'll have a periapsis of 20km but it's actually 8km(or anything else) once I leave the SOI of the man.

That EVA bug is fixed in the latest version of the game, consider updating.

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