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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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6 minutes ago, Proot said:

Textures are like they are, no by caprice but to fit with everything else.
You can add a lot of thing to the texture, but at the end it will not be in the surface, so imho that have no sense. I don't have as goal to add just eye candy to the game, I have as goal to enhance the stock game as much as possible.
That means that what you see in the KSPRC texture is exactly what you have in the surface.
With the Unity5 enhancements I have the hope of have more memory room to add PQS details to Kerbin with Kopernicus, wich could do similar changes, but at all levels.

But is not possible atm, imho, with the current memory management/limit.

That is true. This is just for us people who spend more time in space and/or around kerbin. :) Stay low enough and they'll see the default Kerbin texture. This is just that little bit extra when looking at kerbin from space.

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26 minutes ago, Proot said:

Textures are like they are, no by caprice but to fit with everything else.
You can add a lot of thing to the texture, but at the end it will not be in the surface, so imho that have no sense. I don't have as goal to add just eye candy to the game, I have as goal to enhance the stock game as much as possible.
That means that what you see in the KSPRC texture is exactly what you have in the surface.
With the Unity5 enhancements I have the hope of have more memory room to add PQS details to Kerbin with Kopernicus, wich could do similar changes, but at all levels.

But is not possible atm, imho, with the current memory management/limit.

Will Unity 5 improve KSP performance as much as other games that use it? (Besiege,...) Also can't wait for the multi-core heaven that is awaitng in 1.1 :D

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1 hour ago, Joco223 said:

Will Unity 5 improve KSP performance as much as other games that use it? (Besiege,...) Also can't wait for the multi-core heaven that is awaitng in 1.1 :D

from what i've heared it wont be leaps ahead. Though the multithreaded code execution will help allot (parts/physics) and ofcourse the lifting of the memory limit. The rest? Guestimates...

Update on the kerbin textures:


Edited by maseo
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1 hour ago, maseo said:

from what i've heared it wont be leaps ahead. Though the multithreaded code execution will help allot (parts/physics) and ofcourse the lifting of the memory limit. The rest? Guestimates...

Update on the kerbin textures:


They are very nice. Keep going :)

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19 hours ago, CAMFA said:

Hello, I have installed ksprc and I am having an issue that I dont know how to fix.

I am running KSPRC on a gtx 770 and i7-4770k, with -force-opengl enabled, and when my rocket is sitting on the launchpad, regardless of its size, I get 10fps. It is unplayable.

I suspect that it would be the particle clouds that are floating around but I obviously dont know. I have also already removed the reflection wrapper from texture replacer, and it did nothing.


Hey I just remembered something I had to do when I converted to windows 10.

Win 10 won't render KSP using DX9 properly on it's own. I know you are running OpenGL but, how much ram do you have available? I have 16GB, and I run my x64 install with 80+ mods in DX9 to avoid any adverse issues in Scatterer (like decreased FPS). DX11 works good as well I've heard, but DX9 still seems to be the best performance option when you have the hardware to run it. I tend to hover around 11-13GB of used ram while playing so be warned, you need the hardware if you want to use DX9.

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5 hours ago, Joco223 said:

And is everything supposed to be pitch black when behind the planet (except skybox)?

Hey @Joco223 If i got your point right and you found that darksides of planets is too dark for your taste or you want to bring some lightning in game. I recommend to check these mods "Ambient Light Adjustment" and dependency mod "Toolbar". With those you may be able to see your vessel again :D

Edit: Also for me Win10, x64 KSP, DX9 = Best Performance

2nd Edit: Sorry fellas still more advertising... I totally forgot to mention Rbray's latest masterpiece "Dynamic Texture Loader" for saving more graphics memory. Especially for DX9 users


Edited by Murdox
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On 1/3/2016 at 6:45 PM, Speadge said:
5 hours ago, maseo said:

Proot mentioned he's working on a performance fix. It's the mixture of the whole mod that kills the framerate. Be patient. :)

For the realistic texture lovers - spot the differences:








the following Setting in the KSPRC.cfg causes for me a black Jool. (JUST with DX11; DX9 is fine)

	// @Body[Jool]
	// {
		// @ScaledVersion
		// {
			// ProceduralGasGiant
			// {
				// rampTexture = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolRamp
				// cloudSpeed = 0.5
				// hasStorms = true
				// stormMap = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolStorms
				// stormFrequency = 5
				// stormDistortion = 0.85
				// seed = 731983
				// distortion = 0.015
				// frequency = 11
				// lacunarity = 1.4
				// gain = 1.3
			// }
		// }

	// }


Kerbin is like an oversized island

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15 hours ago, Speadge said:

just thinking: AMD or nvidia?
dx9/11? does it appear on other rendering methods?
Have seen this before on AMD cards, have other problems on my NVIDIA(dx11), but not these

@Speadge I am running a Powercolor PCS+ r9 290 at it's "stock" speeds with the latest Crimson drivers. Interesting if this is just an AMD problem. I am able to replicate the results using the -force opengl, d3d9, d3d11 flags.

@maseo I'll start poking around with the Scatterer files and report back if I can find a workaround. Thanks.


On a side note: I notice that sometimes I get an invalid/missing part on save load notice about USI parts when switching between -force flags. I'm usually able to fix it by uninstalling->reinstalling the suspect mods using CKAN. I chalk that up to the quirkiness of the Win64 workaround, as I don't see anything in the log files to indicate what is going wrong.

Thanks for the replies.

Edited by zenbot
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8 hours ago, Motokid600 said:

By the way if your looking for a small performance increase and a big stability increase remove all asteroids and prevent them from spawning in the future in the Kopernicus config. ( It's at the bottom ) Helped big time for me.

Nevermind. The asteroids came back even with the probability turned to zero. Is there anything I can do to really disable them?

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57 minutes ago, Motokid600 said:

Nevermind. The asteroids came back even with the probability turned to zero. Is there anything I can do to really disable them?

I think the ones coming back are the stock ones, or are there still more?

When u want less, it SHOULD work by just adjusting the settings in the said Kopernicus config for less spawning and shorter lifetime

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3 hours ago, zenbot said:

@Speadge I am running a Powercolor PCS+ r9 290 at it's "stock" speeds with the latest Crimson drivers. Interesting if this is just an AMD problem. I am able to replicate the results using the -force opengl, d3d9, d3d11 flags.

@maseo I'll start poking around with the Scatterer files and report back if I can find a workaround. Thanks.


On a side note: I notice that sometimes I get an invalid/missing part on save load notice about USI parts when switching between -force flags. I'm usually able to fix it by uninstalling->reinstalling the suspect mods using CKAN. I chalk that up to the quirkiness of the Win64 workaround, as I don't see anything in the log files to indicate what is going wrong.

Thanks for the replies.


about your missing parts: usually cleaning ModuleManager cache file is way enough to fix that. Happens often after a failed launch of KSP.
Pro-Tip: build a script deleting that file on each launch ;)

About the graphic issue: i think its better to check scatterer or eve thread about that as proot is "just" using this mods and adding his configs & textures. So the (AMD?-) bug may be known to one of the modders already.
Have you tried adding dedicated settings in your driver for KSP.exe? I do that by default, maybe it could just be a rendering issue u can solve by yourself?

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Greetings! I noticed while playing using KSPRC I am having an odd graphical issue. Basically, with a vessel in Kerbin orbit if I zoom out all the way, I see this:



This looks reasonable to me, however, I did notice there seem to be no clouds which I thought was odd.

However, the real issue is that when I zoom in on the vessel a bit, the land masses change to look like this:



I'm not sure what is causing this. Any help would be appreciated very much!

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hi proot! I want to purpose my experience report of KSPRC. I have the same graphic bug like "bandus" and other users (but maybe we need to fix scatter) and i have instability of ksp 1.05, i can't leave my profil game to the main start menu, the KSP 1.05 instant shutdown. It's only KSPRC + KSP 1.05 in 32bit mode, (with no other mods)

After many try to install the game, i can't install the rover dude mods with KSPRC = the start loading don't works.

TY for help

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2 hours ago, Dix2lespace said:

hi proot! I want to purpose my experience report of KSPRC. I have the same graphic bug like "bandus" and other users (but maybe we need to fix scatter) and i have instability of ksp 1.05, i can't leave my profil game to the main start menu, the KSP 1.05 instant shutdown. It's only KSPRC + KSP 1.05 in 32bit mode, (with no other mods)

After many try to install the game, i can't install the rover dude mods with KSPRC = the start loading don't works.

@Dix2lespaceIf I understood right that your 32bit KSP is crashing during loading screen and can't even go main menu (only with KSPRC installed). This sounds like your 32bit game is running out of RAM (memory) wich usually happens around ~3.5gb limit with 32bit KSP. Usually these "visual" and some other mods wich is using lot of heavy textured files can make your game running out of that 3.5gb limit really fast. If possible try to check from "Task Manager" or other monitoring software are you running out of RAM. And if so...? there is some solutions you can try play with. Force OpenGL, force DirectX9 with "Dynamic Texture Loader" mod, KSP x64 workaround or then just try to remove some parts from KSPRC. If you are able to survive trough loading screen and can go to settings from main menu you can try to set textures to "Half Res".

Let me know if it was not 32bit RAM crash problem or/and you need further assistance... :)

Edited by Murdox
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On 1/4/2016 at 7:45 PM, maseo said:

from what i've heared it wont be leaps ahead. Though the multithreaded code execution will help allot (parts/physics) and ofcourse the lifting of the memory limit. The rest? Guestimates...

Update on the kerbin textures:


ooh boy they look gorgeous i'm drooling,any chance you release them for the public?:blush:

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I've set water effects to false in the planetlist.cfg file because in v1.05 it turns water into a black glitchy mess depending on camera angle and distance to water.

Is this water graphic glitch something that can be fixed? I really hope it does because it would make me and everyone very happy.

I'm playing on Unity 64bit which should be pleasant according to the OP :lol: It's not water friendly however.

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11 minutes ago, Vaporized Steel said:

I've set water effects to false in the planetlist.cfg file because in v1.05 it turns water into a black glitchy mess depending on camera angle and distance to water.

Is this water graphic glitch something that can be fixed? I really hope it does because it would make me and everyone very happy.

I'm playing on Unity 64bit which should be pleasant according to the OP :lol: It's not water friendly however.

I have no problems with water effects (scatterer) on 64bit. However I am using the -force-d3d9 parameter in a shortcut to KSP.exe since memory limitation is not an issue.

This gives good performance and the least glitches

EDIT: There is however an issue with gas giants and scatterer at the moment

Edited by SkyKaptn
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Hi to All!!!

I made some changes with the unique purpose of increasing the frame rate and leave intact as much as possible the magnificent work of Proot.
I don't have the knowledge to change dll or shader file, I just edited with Notepad++ some .cfg and replaced some .dll with other versions.

My Pc configuration:
i7 @4GHz, Nvidia GTX 980 (driver 359.06) and 16GB RAM (Windows10 64bit)

My KSP configuration:
"Fresh" installation of Kerbal 1.0.5 with x64-Workaround (My intent is to install many other MODS that I use once fixed the framerate problem).
In Steam i have add -no-singlethreaded -popupwindow in SET LAUCNH OPTIONS... I use DX9 because the graphics performance is much better and I never seen artifacts.
In KSP Graphic Settings is everything to the maximum, i have disable V Sync and Fallback part shader; in General Settings Max Phisics Delta-Time per frame is 0.05 and Simulate in background is disable (with this option enabled and many mods parts frequently game crash or freez).

No mods install, new sandbox play, go to SPH, load A300 stock (Big plane) and launching.
Without moving the mouse on the runway have 69-70 fps, in the map planet (M) 170 fps.

With KSPRC[V-0.5] same situation 16-17 fps on the runway and 29-30 in the map planet.
With changes 29-30 fps on the runway and 129-130 fps in the map planet.

1) Edit files GameData\KSPRC\KSPRC.cfg (only comment, no change value)

//	@Body[Sun]
//	{
//		Particles
//		{
//			Particle
//			{
//				target = Sun
//				texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/Glow
//				minEmission = 10
//				maxEmission = 500
//				lifespanMin = 30
//				lifespanMax = 60
//				sizeMin = 9
//				sizeMax = 4999
//				speedScale = 0.0005
//				rate = 0.015
//				randVelocity = 0.3, 0.6, 0.1
//				Colors
//				{
//					color1 = 1.000, 0.950, 0.747, 0.750
//					color2 = 1.000, 0.994, 0.707, 0.750
//					color3 = 1.000, 0.960, 0.724, 0.750
//					color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 0.803, 0.750
//					color5 = 1.000, 0.970, 0.800, 0.750
//				}
//			}
//		}	
//	}
					blend = 1.0
					color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
					order = 9999975
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/moho00.dds
					order = 9999976
					blend = 0.999
               	saturation = 1.2
               	contrast = 2.35
				powerNear = 0.55
				powerFar = 0.36
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 3
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 70000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 20
				lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 20
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks_NRM
				midNearTiling = 3000
				midMultiFactor = 35
				midBumpNearTiling = 3000
				midBumpFarTiling = 35
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cracks_NRM
				highNearTiling = 2200
				highMultiFactor = 25
				highBumpNearTiling = 2200
				highBumpFarTiling = 25
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_gilly_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/evemoon100.dds
					order = 9999977
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1000
				steepPower = 0.75
				steepTexStart = 1000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 80
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 10
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 10
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 10
				highBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
				saturation = 1.25
				contrast = 3
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 4
				steepTexStart = 15000
				steepTexEnd = 90000
				steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
				steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 180
				lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
				lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1600
				lowMultiFactor = 160
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1600
				lowBumpFarTiling = 160
				midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
				midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes_NRM
				midNearTiling = 500
				midMultiFactor = 150
				midBumpNearTiling = 150
				midBumpFarTiling = 150
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
				highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				highNearTiling = 500
				highMultiFactor = 170
				highBumpNearTiling = 500
				highBumpFarTiling = 170
			ambientColor = 0.05,0.05,0.051,1
			lightColor = 0.65, 0.58, 0.5, 1.0
               	saturation = 0.975
               	contrast = 1.7
				powerNear = 0.725
				powerFar = 0.725
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 2000
				steepPower = 4
				steepTexStart = 10000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
               	steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
               	steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 140
               	lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
               	lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 4000
				lowMultiFactor = 375
				lowBumpNearTiling = 4000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 400
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/grass
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/grass_NRM
				midNearTiling = 4000
				midMultiFactor = 300
				midBumpNearTiling = 4000
				midBumpFarTiling = 325
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise
				highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise_NRM
				highNearTiling = 4000
				highMultiFactor = 100
				highBumpNearTiling = 4000
				highBumpFarTiling = 100
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse.dds
					order = 9999978
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.15
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 3500
				steepTexStart = 3000
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 900
				steepMultiFactor = 9
				steepBumpNearTiling = 900
				steepBumpFarTiling = 9
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1200
				lowMultiFactor = 12
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1200
				lowBumpFarTiling = 12
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1100
				midMultiFactor = 11
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 11
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1000
				highMultiFactor = 10
				highBumpNearTiling = 1000
				highBumpFarTiling = 10
				globalDensity = 0
			removePQSMods = AltitudeAlpha
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.15
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 0.5
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 10
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1300
				midMultiFactor = 13
				midBumpNearTiling = 1300
				midBumpFarTiling = 13
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1300
				highMultiFactor = 13
				highBumpNearTiling = 1300
				highBumpFarTiling = 13
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_minmus_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					blend = 1.0
					color = 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
					order = 999999998
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/NewMunSurfaceMap00.dds
					order = 999999999
					blend = 0.999
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/desertplanetmoon00.dds
					order = 9999980
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1200
				midMultiFactor = 12
				midBumpNearTiling = 1200
				midBumpFarTiling = 12
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.085
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/Duna5_00.dds
					order = 9999981
               	saturation = 0.875
               	contrast = 1.36
				powerNear = 0.7
				powerFar = 0.6
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 2750
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 2500
				steepTexEnd = 30000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 130
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 3000
				lowMultiFactor = 30
				lowBumpNearTiling = 3000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 30
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu_NRM
				midNearTiling = 3200
				midMultiFactor = 40
				midBumpNearTiling = 3200
				midBumpFarTiling = 40
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/margo
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/margo_NRM
				highNearTiling = 2000
				highMultiFactor = 22
				highBumpNearTiling = 2000
				highBumpFarTiling = 22
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.5
				highStart = 0.925
				highEnd = 1.05
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main - Optimised
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/dwarfplanet100.dds
					order = 9999982
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1800
				lowMultiFactor = 18
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 18
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1800
				midMultiFactor = 18
				midBumpNearTiling = 1800
				midBumpFarTiling = 18
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/glassoil_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1800
				highMultiFactor = 18
				highBumpNearTiling = 1800
				highBumpFarTiling = 18
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.15
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				planetOpacity = 1
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_pol_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1minormoon200.dds
					order = 9999984
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.5
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.7
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 2
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1500
				lowMultiFactor = 15
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1500
				lowBumpFarTiling = 15
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1500
				midMultiFactor = 15
				midBumpNearTiling = 1500
				midBumpFarTiling = 15
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.12
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.25
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				planetOpacity = 1
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               		map = KSPRC/Kopernicus/new_bop_hm.png
					offset = 0
                	enabled = true
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1minormoon100.dds
					order = 9999984
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 80
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/lunarsoil_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 800
				lowMultiFactor = 8
				lowBumpNearTiling = 800
				lowBumpFarTiling = 8
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/mon_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1300
				midMultiFactor = 13
				midBumpNearTiling = 1300
				midBumpFarTiling = 13
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1300
				highMultiFactor = 13
				highBumpNearTiling = 1300
				highBumpFarTiling = 13
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.15
				highEnd = 0.3
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/rockyMoon00.dds
					order = 9999985
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.75
				powerFar = 0.65
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 2000
				lowMultiFactor = 20
				lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 20
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/regolum_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1000
				midMultiFactor = 10
				midBumpNearTiling = 1000
				midBumpFarTiling = 10
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				highNearTiling = 600
				highMultiFactor = 6
				highBumpNearTiling = 600
				highBumpFarTiling = 6
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.1
				highStart = 0.2
				highEnd = 0.25
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/gp1icemoon00.dds
					order = 9999986
			materialType = AtmosphericMain
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.3
				powerNear = 0.6
				powerFar = 0.5
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1.5
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1100
				steepTiling = 110
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/plainstone
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/plainstone_NRM
				midNearTiling = 1500
				midMultiFactor = 16
				midBumpNearTiling = 1500
				midBumpFarTiling = 16
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/iceberg
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/iceberg_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 16
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 16
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.6
				highStart = 0.9
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 1.55
				powerNear = 0.725
				powerFar = 0.725
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 1000
				steepTiling = 100
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sands_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 10
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 10
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/dunes_NRM
				midNearTiling = 400
				midMultiFactor = 200
				midBumpNearTiling = 400
				midBumpFarTiling = 200
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/marsu_NRM
				highNearTiling = 1500
				highMultiFactor = 15
				highBumpNearTiling = 1500
				highBumpFarTiling = 15
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.3
				highStart = 0.85
				highEnd = 1
				target = Sun
				texture = KSPRC/Kopernicus/particle.png
				minEmission = 800
				maxEmission = 1000
				lifespanMin = 0.1
				lifespanMax = 0.1
				sizeMin = 0.075
				sizeMax = 0.15
				speedScale = 0.0
				rate = 0.0
				randVelocity = 33.3, 66.6, 99.9
					color1 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.900
					color2 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.800
					color3 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.700
					color4 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.600
					color5 = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.500
					map = TextureReplacer/Default/snowydwarfplanet00.dds
					order = 99999969
			materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
               	saturation = 1
               	contrast = 3.5
				powerNear = 0.4
				powerFar = 0.3
				groundTexStart = 0
				groundTexEnd = 1500
				steepPower = 1
				steepTexStart = 1500
				steepTexEnd = 100000
                steepTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca
                steepBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				steepNearTiling = 800
				steepTiling = 40
                lowTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena
                lowBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/arena_NRM
				lowNearTiling = 1000
				lowMultiFactor = 100
				lowBumpNearTiling = 1000
				lowBumpFarTiling = 100
                midTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold
                midBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/cold_NRM
				midNearTiling = 900
				midMultiFactor = 8
				midBumpNearTiling = 900
				midBumpFarTiling = 8
				highTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/pnoise
               	highBumpMap = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/roca_NRM
				highNearTiling = 300
				highMultiFactor = 30
				highBumpNearTiling = 300
				highBumpFarTiling = 30
				lowStart = 0
				lowEnd = 0.25
				highStart = 0.8
				highEnd = 1
				globalDensity = 0
				shader = Terrain/PQS/PQS Main
				passCount = 4
				renderQueue = 2000
				rampTexture = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolRamp
				cloudSpeed = 0.5
				hasStorms = true
				stormMap = KSPRC/KopernicusExpansion/JoolStorms
				stormFrequency = 5
				stormDistortion = 0.85
				seed = 731983
				distortion = 0.015
				frequency = 11
				lacunarity = 1.4
				gain = 1.3


2) Edit files GameData\DistantObject\PlanetColors.cfg 

//Color definitions for planets

//Custom planet mods can add their own color definitions! Just add another .cfg file inside your mod folder (of any name,
//anywhere inside the GameData path), and mirror the format of this document.

//The color value is just RGB values, from 0 to 255. This is the color when 100% saturated (default is 65%, see Settings.cfg).

//	name = Moho
//	color = 124,102,88
//	name = Eve
//	color = 104,76,141
//	name = Gilly
//	color = 134,119,103
//	name = Kerbin
//	color = 73,99,121
//	name = Mun
//	color = 80,82,81
//	name = Minmus
//	color = 187,253,228
//	name = Duna
//	color = 165,72,41
//	name = Ike
//	color = 64,64,64
//	name = Dres
//	color = 128,128,128
//	name = Jool
//	color = 117,173,78
//	name = Laythe
//	color = 88,92,106
//	name = Vall
//	color = 140,158,160
//	name = Tylo
//	color = 188,180,168
//	name = Bop
//	color = 100,86,76
//	name = Pol
//	color = 238,206,152
//	name = Eeloo
//	color = 200,205,201

3) Download PlanetShine

Replace PlanetShine.dll in GameData\PlanetShine\Plugins

Add CelestialBodies.cfg in GameData\PlanetShine\Config

I hope this can be of help and maybe someone will have better ideas to optimize this beautiful project.


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Firstly - this is a great collection and I really enjoyed it on my Win64 bit.

I had a problem in Jool, well - "Jool" to be more exact, I couldn't get within about 5 million km of the planet, the game would just chunk, but map view was okay.  When I was out further , about 25 million, I was able to be in normal view and no chunk.  Otherwise this was a great addition to the game and thank you to the team and the community for this.

I have a question, can I simply use the sun "flare" parts without the rest?

again, thank you for your time and dedication to KSP.

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