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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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I wouldn't be more happier if i just could give some donations for KSPRC, Kopernicus and many other wonderfull mods ive been using during all these hundreds even thousands hours in KSP, but current state of life i just cant :blush: Btw Proot sorry to bother you with this question but since i've lacking some information i would like to know how to arrange/config that 1 bump map to get it work properly for planet. If im correct there used to have different maps in configs for steepBumpMap, lowBumpMap, midBumpMap, highBumpMap. So my question is basically how it's getting done in ksp 1.1 or is it just using 1 NRM map for all these sections in configs?

Appreciate if someone can educate me with "simplistic" answer... Thanks! :)

Edited by Murdox
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57 minutes ago, Proot said:

Pretty frustrated right now. I had some problems with terrains, but I was thinking I had some type of error in my configs for the 1.1. But no...

@KillAshley have confirmed me that Squad have "nerfed" the terrain shader that I was using via Kopernicus. That means no more multiple detailed surfaces+volumes. The textures can remain in a similar way, but with just one bump texture for all the planet. Which basically spoils any effort for the realism at the PQS level.

@Proot, Don't worry too much about this problem.  It is annoying, I know, but all the other aspects of this mod makes things so beautiful that it can live without PQS for a little while.

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7 hours ago, Proot said:

I'm gonna hold my horses here. Sometimes I forget that this community has some absolutely amazing people: Thomas P., maintainer of Kopernicus, is proposing the possibility of a fix for all this. So if you want the full return of KSPRC (as KSPRC is) please, consider to support him on Patreon or Paypal! :wink:

You may also want to hold off and see what comes along with the v1.1.1 patch that Ted announced today will drop within a week? I'm sure no one wants to wait another week for Kopernicus but if you're already getting burned out (rightly so, that shader change sounds killer) you could nail your coffin shut for a while if v1.1.1 screws up anything more. Hopefully they even get that shader functionality back in with he extra time they've had to work on things, though that's doubtful - I think any shader improvements would come with v1.2

Edited by Gaiiden
apologies for pessimistic assumptions
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I have added back the extra-bits version of the shader as an option for 1.1.1. It also has a fix to vertex colors which will force you to re-tweak color balance levels on vertex colors, but will also no longer make them much brighter than you expect them to be (RSS had to blend Earth's color map with black to get it dark enough to look right ingame).

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I'm failing here again for not take in count that Squad counts also with people like you, @NathanKell. Not just a great mind, but also a "borned among us", which can understand us perfectly. :wink:
Probably my previous speeches about this topic were completely wrong in way and manners. I must say sorry, for real. I guess we all have bad days.
I really love this game and this community and I just can't quit from anything of this.
I just want to enjoy it and make it better, if it is in my hands.
Thanks for all Nathan, thanks Squad. Eternal gratitude.

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4 minutes ago, NathanKell said:

@Proot well, tell me that after you have to rejigger the colors a bit (though it's worth it, I guarantee). And to be clear, I, uh, actually haven't read the prior bits of the thread, just got vectored over here. So I missed any heated words. :)

Not so "heated", but more like "drama-queen"... lol

But anyways, again and again: thanks a lot!

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1 minute ago, Kokanee said:

I'mma gonna let you all get back to your whinging and bellyaching, but first I just wanna say that PROOT IS THE BEST KSP MODDER OF ALL TIME!!!!

XD He's definitely up there in art design :) - I don't know if any one modder can claim to be the best though :D

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14 hours ago, NathanKell said:

I have added back the extra-bits version of the shader as an option for 1.1.1. It also has a fix to vertex colors which will force you to re-tweak color balance levels on vertex colors, but will also no longer make them much brighter than you expect them to be (RSS had to blend Earth's color map with black to get it dark enough to look right ingame).

Few Question about future shader:

How much it will affect work between CPU & GPU?
How Draw Call Batching it will handle that it will be a improve ? it will be better?
This it will bring more memory footprint, (Static Batching & less Dynamic or more Dynamic less Static) ?
They will try to work better with "buffers" or they will use better Rendering Pipeline ?


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6 hours ago, Blacks said:

Draw Call Batching

KSP is not really a case that typically benefits that much from this, so I don't think they even use it apart from the automatically done dynamic batching (I could be wrong though). It's more geared towards FPS and 3D-RPGs/adventures (and generally everything that presents a graphically rich environment with thousands of objects). Either way, nothing a plugin-based mod can do about it (at least if it doesn't try to hack / inject code into the framework itself). It's on a completely different layer.

Not sure what you mean by "buffers", but I'm pretty sure KSP uses deferred shading already so there simply are no better pipeline choices.

Anyway, rendering is already plenty fast even with Scatterer, and whatever CPU overhead there is is miniscule compared to the physics load.

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@MaxRebo "buffer" = http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GraphicsCommandBuffers.html

19 minutes ago, MaxRebo said:

Anyway, rendering is already plenty fast even with Scatterer, and whatever CPU overhead there is is miniscule compared to the physics load.

Rendering to fast sorry i just sen 1 day ago a 980 GTX struggle to run, BUT when we speak about rendering power it will be never enough if thing's are out of control. Any factor what it can influence game is important from a simple texture what if is use wrong can make memory footprint to be huge, or to many job / process are need to be handle only by 1 piece of hardware it can cause a domino effect in all functionality of game

A game engine it not care if is a FPS / RPG game when we speak only from perspective how it work, if a developer set to use x function that function it will work same in any situation aka Draw Call it will appear in situation, aaa if you want to say final result it can be influence by environment, parts, detail, light, shadow, animation yes i agree

http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TextureImporter.html => According "Texture Sizes" if that table is correct any texture bigger 4k basically it is incorrect use or add to game at this point

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1 minute ago, jpinard said:

Outside of the stuff NathanKell mentioned will be added back, does anyone know what else is going to be in the 1.1 patch?

Bug fixes and the ability to individually scale flight UI elements, similar to the MakeItSmall mod. Read about it in the latest devnotes.

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18 minutes ago, Blacks said:

i just sen 1 day ago a 980 GTX struggle to run

I find that hard to believe. Since my card is currently toast, I'm running KSP on my Iris Pro integrated GPU with shared memory and I get a constant 30+ fps at 1080p and max settings. Granted, without Scatterer and EVE, but still.

19 minutes ago, Blacks said:

That looks very much like a high-level construct meant for organizing rendering code. I don't think it's exposing the similarly named low-level functionality in the graphics driver. That would basically require Mantle, Vulkan, DX12 etc.

Either way, none of this concerns KSPRC. Entirely different layer of abstraction.

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12 hours ago, Blacks said:

@MaxRebo "buffer" = http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GraphicsCommandBuffers.html

Rendering to fast sorry i just sen 1 day ago a 980 GTX struggle to run

To add to what MaxRebo said, I have a GTX 970, and I'm currently running with all graphics options maxed out, EVE and SVE with ultra-res textures (while I wait for the new KSPRC), scatterer, a bunch of replacement textures, and over 100 other mods.

I consistently get over 50 fps at the space center, over 30 fps during launches (rising to 70+ fps as altitude increases), and generally 90-120 fps in space.

I think your problem lies elsewhere.

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7 hours ago, UnanimousCoward said:

To add to what MaxRebo said, I have a GTX 970, and I'm currently running with all graphics options maxed out, EVE and SVE with ultra-res textures (while I wait for the new KSPRC), scatterer, a bunch of replacement textures, and over 100 other mods.

I consistently get over 50 fps at the space center, over 30 fps during launches (rising to 70+ fps as altitude increases), and generally 90-120 fps in space.

I think your problem lies elsewhere.

Generally how many parts are you launching and what's your CPU? Generally CPU is more important than GPU with KSP. I'd love to know what I can expect when I boot up 1.1 myself :wink:

I'm running an i5-6500. Curious if you have a similar CPU to mine :)

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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