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[1.1.2] KSPRC - Renaissance Compilation: artworks remake [V-0.7 Pre Release 3]


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7 hours ago, MrKernel said:

I think he means that he's updating this mod to 1.1+ compatability and he needs KSPRC for 1.1+ to do that


Correct me if i'm wrong

Seems like you are right...

I didn't know that. And I must say: it's pretty frustrating, because I've denied to derivatives of my work in the past to many people, most of them very kind and polite (at least asked me about it).

The info in spacedock for the "mod" is: "Graphics Enhancements Assembly V2.2. By Dmytro Nadiezhdin and Artem Plakhov"

The "funny" fact that the "mod" is just a merge of @Ven's Stock Part Revamp and a "frankenstein" with KSPRC and other visual mods, but with zero references and zero mention to Ven, me or none else as original authors... the plug-in creators (@rbray89 for Environmental Visual Enhancements and @shaw for Texture Replacer) are not mentioned neither, but at least their license files are in the respective folders.

I thought the licenses over here were pretty easy to recognise and follow:

- Ven's work is licensed as CC-BY, so at least to redistribute his work is MANDATORY to mention him like original author and to provide a link to the original. It's so hard to follow?

- KSPRC is licensed as CC-BY-ND (ND for no derivatives, precisely to avoid this type of situations), so if you want to redistribute it YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING and is MANDATORY to recognise me like the original author and to provide a link to the original. It's so hard to follow?

So, please @Dimon, if you are involved with that... please, follow the minimun rules... and let's remain as the gentlemen I'm sure we are...

Edited by Proot
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So, I know someone will probably tell me to read the thread, but theres lots of pages and the front page is still showing 1.0.5 however it seems like people are using this mod in 1.1.2?  Is this compatible?

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Proot, my KSP is showing a new planet, Sorion. The only thing I can think of that mucks with planets is KSRPC, which adds Kopernicus, something I never had before. Yet I can't find reference to it in the Renaissance info here. Was this added by KSRPC and is it intentional?

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2 hours ago, blu3wolf said:

It is added by KSPRC, but I too would like to know if it is intentional.

Well, it has description, textures etc. it must be intentional.

It is probably suppposed to be a comet analog for KSP. I like it.

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11 minutes ago, Thomassino said:

Well, it has description, textures etc. it must be intentional.

It is probably suppposed to be a comet analog for KSP. I like it.

Agree with Thomassino here.  I thought originally that it came from OPM as I'm playing with that installed as well, but I bet it does come from KSPRC and is Proot's analog to Halley's comet or 67P/C-G or something similar.

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2 hours ago, alex.schmid91@gmail.com said:


I have a question: Is it possible to install only the terrain textures of this mod, without the other components? And if so, how?
(Currently I am using texture replacer for planet textures (the ones you see from far away). I'd like to keep those and change the ground terrain.)

Looking at the file structure in the pre-release, I'd say this might work:

Only install the "KSPRC" and "Kopernicus" folders (or install Kopernicus yourself).
Delete everything from your "KSPRC" folder except the "PluginData", "Terrain" and "Textures" folders and "KSPRC.cfg".
In the "Textures" folder, you can delete everything except "ksc_exterior_terrain_grass_02.dds".
(Or you can move all those other files to your "TextureReplacer\Default" folder if you want to have Proot's retextures for parts etc. as well.)

I'm only guessing here, and I take no responsibility if it doesn't work, melts your PC or turns Jeb into a jabbering psychopath. 

--Edit: Actually, "KSPRC.cfg" makes more than just terrain changes. You'll also need the "KSPRC\Cache" folder as well, and it's going to add a comet called Sorlon at least. Seems it will also make changes to Bop, Gilly, Minmus and Pol as well, but I couldn't really tell you what it will change.

Edited by UnanimousCoward
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10 hours ago, blu3wolf said:

It is added by KSPRC, but I too would like to know if it is intentional.


8 hours ago, Thomassino said:

Well, it has description, textures etc. it must be intentional.

It is probably suppposed to be a comet analog for KSP. I like it.


7 hours ago, Ignath said:

Agree with Thomassino here.  I thought originally that it came from OPM as I'm playing with that installed as well, but I bet it does come from KSPRC and is Proot's analog to Halley's comet or 67P/C-G or something similar.

Probably, I just kind of wanted some heads up that I'm adding planets. I'm totally fine with changing existing planets, but I just want to make that conscious choice to add them or not myself. Now that I know KSRPC adds this, I can make the conscious choice.

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2 hours ago, jordanjay29 said:



Probably, I just kind of wanted some heads up that I'm adding planets. I'm totally fine with changing existing planets, but I just want to make that conscious choice to add them or not myself. Now that I know KSRPC adds this, I can make the conscious choice.

Also understand that the download was provided as a "Beta" release, intended to help @Proot help sniff out any bugs or issues with it before he fully releases it.

Once the compilation is fully released, I am fairly sure @Proot will include the information about the new body in the OP.

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Mod works great besides some crashing which I'm trying to narrow down to. Using 64bit so not a ram issue and no crash log to figure it out. Here is a picture from in-game using this mod. Thanks for your hard work proof!



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Hello, does pre-release work with OPM /OPM-VO or Ven stock revamp? Really great work @Proot, you are truly an artist. After downloading this mod and I just kept pushing "warp to the next morning" just to see sunsets. Somehow you managed to avoid this "dark-clouds-during-sunrise-and-sunset" effect - they look awesome and really realistic. And EVE is a killer!

Edited by quarrion
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On 5/16/2016 at 1:51 PM, DJ Reonic said:

Nothing is broken, per se, but I'll see VSPR textures on top of KSPRC textures/models. In particular, the handrails from KSPRC are protruding through the VSPR textures on the MK 1-2 pod. Since VSPR puts the hatch in a different place from stock, it looks...interesting.

Delete the /Squad/ folder inside /GameData/Texturereplacer. Done. 

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On 19.05.2016 at 7:33 AM, Proot said:

Seems like you are right...

I didn't know that. And I must say: it's pretty frustrating, because I've denied to derivatives of my work in the past to many people, most of them very kind and polite (at least asked me about it).

The info in spacedock for the "mod" is: "Graphics Enhancements Assembly V2.2. By Dmytro Nadiezhdin and Artem Plakhov"

The "funny" fact that the "mod" is just a merge of @Ven's Stock Part Revamp and a "frankenstein" with KSPRC and other visual mods, but with zero references and zero mention to Ven, me or none else as original authors... the plug-in creators (@rbray89 for Environmental Visual Enhancements and @shaw for Texture Replacer) are not mentioned neither, but at least their license files are in the respective folders.

I thought the licenses over here were pretty easy to recognise and follow:

- Ven's work is licensed as CC-BY, so at least to redistribute his work is MANDATORY to mention him like original author and to provide a link to the original. It's so hard to follow?

- KSPRC is licensed as CC-BY-ND (ND for no derivatives, precisely to avoid this type of situations), so if you want to redistribute it YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING and is MANDATORY to recognise me like the original author and to provide a link to the original. It's so hard to follow?

So, please @Dimon, if you are involved with that... please, follow the minimun rules... and let's remain as the gentlemen I'm sure we are...

I'm sorry, the last time we forgot to specify the sources used by mods . Now everything is ready , once again sorry. So , can we help you? We will be very grateful !
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KSPRC + 1.1.2 EVE = issue

maybe rain bug or something else. pain for eyes ...this "blink"

Edit: and this is "rain effect". I delete everything contains "rain" in KSPRC and now i can look at screen again :) ! Sorry Proot, I love KSPRC, but in name of truth...IMHO ...this "rain effect" is very ugly... maybe it can be changed? In Not blinking style.....



Edit: Nice looking video for rain ( the transparent raindrops from top to bottom of screen... )  And its not blink :)  Maybe creator of EVE can do this visual effect...



Edited by *MajorTom*
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Well, to get my KSP to run quickly (~80-100% physics time) on my potato laptop (it was near top-of-the-line five years ago ;.;), I installed KSPRC then had to remove Scatterer and everything EVE related. I also got rid of all the new part textures and some of the suits to save RAM, as I am using a TextureReplacer suit pack I downloaded somewhere and now cannot find to check for updates. (sadface)

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