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Place the Mun at an incline?

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It makes gameplay sense to have one moon at an equatorial orbit. It's easier for beginners to take the next step after reaching orbit, if they don't have to worry about inclination when transfering to another celestial object.

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And also, I constantly get infuriated with my Microwave power network relays constantly encountering the moon at all times.

Wouldn't it make better sense to just put your relays on a inclined orbit instead? I don't know the mod your using but I use inclined orbits for my SCANSAT's cause it gives a better scan then at a horizontal scan.

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If you want the real moon, use the real solar system mod. If you just want an inclined mun, use HyperEdit. If you just want clear skies for your satellites, put them in a high polar orbit.

The tools are in your hands.

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Maybe there could be different starting solar system. When I start a new game I'll be asked the "gameplay difficulty" ... Something like: easy-all orbits are nearly equatorial and circular; medium-some orbits are quite inclined and/or eccentric;...

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It would make sense, because the real moon is about 5.5 degrees inclined.


This isn't NASA the game. This is KERBAL space program. There is no such thing as earth in this game, no reason to try and mimic it

The real world doesn't have a second moon either. Are you going to want that removed, because it's not realistic?

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Maybe Minmus should be the perfect orbit moon, and the Mun should be given more interesting orbital characteristics. That way N00bs would go to Minmus first.


It has interesting characteristics. It's perfectly equatorial

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I just think things should be left as they are, as previously mentioned, the Mun is the first place many newbies try to get to... it should be as easy as possible for them so they can learn the basics of orbital manoeuvres. If they want more of a challenge in the Kerbin SOI, theres Minmus

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If anything needs to be changed (and that's a big if) I'd go a step further as mentioned earlier, and make Minmus the 0° inclination-close-orbit moon, and Mun the far-out with inclination "harder" moon. That makes Minmus the perfect starter for new players and adds a bit more challenge to the Mun. If would also, at the edge of Kerbin's SOI, make Mun a perfect staging point for interplanetary missions.

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If anything needs to be changed (and that's a big if) I'd go a step further as mentioned earlier, and make Minmus the 0° inclination-close-orbit moon, and Mun the far-out with inclination "harder" moon. That makes Minmus the perfect starter for new players and adds a bit more challenge to the Mun. If would also, at the edge of Kerbin's SOI, make Mun a perfect staging point for interplanetary missions.

TBH... I dont think anything in the Kerban SOI needs changing at the moment... It's perfectly fine the way it is. Also, you can already use Minmus as a staging point for interplanetary missions

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If anything needs to be changed (and that's a big if) I'd go a step further as mentioned earlier, and make Minmus the 0° inclination-close-orbit moon, and Mun the far-out with inclination "harder" moon. That makes Minmus the perfect starter for new players and adds a bit more challenge to the Mun. If would also, at the edge of Kerbin's SOI, make Mun a perfect staging point for interplanetary missions.

That might indeed make it easier for the newbies, since everyone always tries to land first on the Mun, while Minmus is a better choise for newbies.

Though on the other hand, both Mun and Minmus have their own advantages now. Mun is equatorial, and Minmus is low gravity

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Well, there wouldn't be much incentive to go to the mun if it was harder to get to than minmus, because it would be harder in all ways, the current set-up gives players 2 options, get good at transfers to get to the easy place to land or practice landing in hard places without much effort getting there.....

And it might break some things and make people angry.

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Since Minmus is in reality the easier to reach one, I'm all for giving Mun some incline and some eccentricity and putting Minmus on nice circular and equatorial orbit instead.

At least we'll get rid of sun eclipses blocking solar panels all the time.

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I would argue that Kerbal Space Program newcomers would typically watch some form of tutorial video first, given that they most likely will not be able to get into orbit when they do not know anything about simple orbital mechanics. That being said, I've seen plenty of those videos recommend going to minmus before the mun, and that is at a higher(?) inclination than 5 degrees, so they should know some basic mechanics about that with explanation from the videos.

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And also, I constantly get infuriated with my Microwave power network relays constantly encountering the moon at all times.

I get around this problem by having high-polar-orbit Munar relays and a bunch of 600km-high inclined Kerbin-orbiting relays.

And about 30GW of power coming from a point 2.6km due West of the launch pad, of course. Nothing says "kick up the bum" quite like a 2.5m thermal rocket nozzle maxing out the G counter just by tickling the throttle.

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