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Confess your KSP sins

Red Iron Crown

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When I was playing the demo, I spent ages constructing a ship capable of landing 4 Kerbals on the Mun with a single lander with parachutes on each capsule so they could all land back on Kerbin. Managed to put it down and started exploring using the EVA propellant. First one made it about 6 km away on half his EVA propellant. On the way back, he skimmed a little too close to the surface and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The next two? Same story. At that point, Jeb scrubbed the mission, transferred all the fuel to the central tank and took off. And promptly got stuck in orbit around Kerbin without enough fuel to get home.

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  Jesrad said:
I routinely forget to put antennas on my ships.

I've done this one multiple times, even after learning to double check that I've added all the essentials. The worst is when it's an unmanned mission. I once had the good fortune of having a bit of fuel left to return a probe to Kerbin and crash land it using the remaining fuel.

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I've racked up a few sins in my short time playing KSP.

1. I sent a lander to the Mun and used way too much fuel landing so I couldn't take off again. Instead of sending a rescue mission, I sent a different Kerbal to the Mun hoping the mission would work. I ended up with 3 stranded Kerbals on the Mun. My 4th attempt worked and returned home safely, only then did I send a rescue craft to rescue the stranded souls.

2. I used the infinite fuel cheat(to get the other 2 stranded Mun landers back home), but you all should feel the guilt. I only learned of the cheat from this thread.

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I learned today in the "You know you're a KSP Noob when" forum that I don't need radial decouplers on my struts...

I cheated in a little science once because I'd picked exactly the wrong combination of technologies, resulting in ships that couldn't leave Kerbin orbit and aircraft that couldn't land but with most of Kerbin researched.

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I build space stations only to just obliterate them with space debris and rockets and see if I can make at least one kerbal survive. :D

EDIT: I also tend to play dramatic space-like music whilst doing this... and it feels so great. I should record one...

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  AfterburnerDave said:
1: I didn't pay for my KSP, it's from a download site, version 0.22.5

You could be buying HarvestR a pack of beers just this once, but nooooo you'd rather mooch off him. To your room young man, shooo.

Friends buy friends beers.

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You know that thing where you hit super speed and realize that you forgot to deploy your solar panels just as you run out of charge? I did that so many times I stopped relaunching the mission and started editing the persistence file to give myself enough charge to extend the panels. Now I put one of those little single panels just in case.

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  AfterburnerDave said:
1: I didn't pay for my KSP, it's from a download site, version 0.22.5

*Gets on SWAT gear* *Pulls out my M16* *Breaks down your door down like a badass* *Shoots you in the foot once* *Walks out of the door casually*

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I hate flying long missions.I don't like all the orbital plane alingment and the massive abuse of time warp it requires. I always prepare the mission but I never make the tranfer, it usually stays in Kerbin orbit. I prefer landing on the Mun or Minmus, I have only abandoned Kerbin's SoI like 10 times in almost 2 years of playing.

I don't like spaceplanes.Even when I really like building and flying planes, if is for going into space I need a rocket. I also can't build an SSTO that can't get more than 1 kerbal with just enough fuel to come back.

I prefer cluster engines to Mainsails, even when I know they are better.Those LVT cluster engines just look too good.

My teacher was MechJeb.When I first started playing I watched how it launched my rockets until I understood how orbital mechanics worked.

I hate killing kerbals.I just can't, poor little green men.

I spent 3 days playing 12 hours a day to learn to dock.When I finally made it I celebrated like the guys from the Curiosity control room when it landed. Probably thats why I love docking.

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I used cheats when I realy needed some fuel. Man, there where ~m/s delta-V between orbit, whuch brings me back to Kerbin and orbit, which leaves me in space. Becauce of TACLS, I would prefer to return ASAP. But, man, 10 m/s... It's too small to be sin, right? ;.;

I hate big launches. I mean, why do you want launch enormous things, when you can dock them in space?

I realy like that 2,5m Clamp-o-tron dockig port. That 1,25m port makes stuff wobble, but 2,5... Goes just fine.

I stole some ideas for my Career Mode from Scott manley. But in the other hand, I started new save with Career Mode and all that mods even before he started Interstellar Quest. And I'm not posting my videos on Youtube, so it is probably not so bad.

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  Frafor said:
My teacher was MechJeb.When I first started playing I watched how it launched my rockets until I understood how orbital mechanics worked.

Not a sin at all. I had a similar teacher in Kerbal Engineer, but for building rockets not flying them. And recently I installed MechJeb to see what all the hubbub was about and I must admit it's interesting to watch how it does things.

Where it does them better than I do, I'm learning from it.

Where it doesn't, I laugh at the machine and pretend those other times don't exist. Silly machine.

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I once watched on YouTube as someone's ship equipped with life support was flying out of the solar system... and then the crew started dying because of insufficient power... and I smiled, because I made these solar panels.

P.S. it wasn't a sabotage or malfunction or even simple power cutoff. The killer feature was something even I didn't considered much (just put it in because why not) because it wasn't much to do where that appears back then. It was inverse square law.

Edited by Alchemist
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