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[Showcase] Showoff Your Rep-Worthy Crafts

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I posted a slate of SSTOs a few weeks back. Some folks were kind enough to toss me some rep based on those. Today I posted three even better versions, and I think these are worthy, for being relatively easy to achieve orbit with on manual control, and deliver significant amounts of fuel in the case of the two delivery vehicles.

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Made in an older version of FAR, SSTO variant available and EXTREME maneuverability while still highly stable. The arrowtip / spearhead craft are unique in appearance and unbelievably agile. Still easily an SSTO if additional intakes are removed.

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Also, in FAR and LL: The Gorgonops is quite possibly the largest SSTO I've ever seen by mass to reach orbit, at ~590 tonnes. Remember that saying about a brick being able to fly if it has enough engines?

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In the latest version of FAR with aero-failures enabled. One of the highest-passenger-capacity SSTOs ever. 241 Kerbals in 156 tonnes. Unparalleled handling, supermaneuverable without even using torque at subsonic speeds and neutrally stable at almost any orientation at those speeds, the center of lift actually moves BACKWARD at supersonic speeds to make it more stable. This thing can get to Laythe with enough fuel left over to land and get back to orbit. There is also a variant with 2 LV-Ns and a wider set of rear canards that can not only get to Laythe and land, but come back, all in FAR with aero failures on. Again, 241 Kerbals fit inside.

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Well, compared to the amazing machines I'm seeing it doesn't stack up, but I'd like to submit my Triton VII.

1024x578.resizedimageI'm fairly new and haven't nearly mastered the game, but I take a lot of pride in the latest in my (unfortunately) soon to be retired Triton series. This rocket, inspired by space-race era craft, has proven to be versatile and capable and has been the vessel of choice for many of my Minmus and Mun missions. If in no one else's, it's rep worthy in my eyes. :)

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Rep-worthy in a slightly different way than usual.

Not super-big, not super-fast, not super-flashy, but super-easy-to-fly.


I built this as a trainer for FAR. It's very stable, very manoeuvrable, and takes off with no control inputs at all. If you're having trouble with landings or just dealing with realistic aero in general, give this one a shot before you move on to your own designs.


And, once you've got the hang of that, have a go with the fast version: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1411623&viewfull=1#post1411623

Perfect for Fine Print aerial survey contracts.

Edited by Wanderfound
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Built this sci-fi cruiser with a ton of mods, most importantly LLL and Near Future. Fits 20 kerbals and has 10000 dV without drop tanks or payload. In these screenshots it's loaded up for exploring Planet Factory planets and their moons. Both the plane and the lander can SSTO on Kerbin and carry two kerbals. Sadly with all those mods and PF it was pretty unstable and crashed too often to be worth it.




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After watching Discovery Channel's Alien Planet, I had to make my own floating explorer. Each package is sent with the explorer unit and the resupply unit. The explorer unit can haul the resupply unit with it, but I keep it landed and reconnect when the explorer is low.



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  firegeek83 said:
After watching Discovery Channel's Alien Planet, I had to make my own floating explorer. Each package is sent with the explorer unit and the resupply unit. The explorer unit can haul the resupply unit with it, but I keep it landed and reconnect when the explorer is low.



I like your design! That's...cleen'n'cool :)

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  Nik_601 said:
I like your design! That's...cleen'n'cool :)

Thanks. The design allows for the use of each ion engine bank at half throttle with no energy use and RCS movement.The bigger version I'm working (Hammerhead) will be able to carry 4 Kerbals, KAS winches and a rover for full deployment.

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  firegeek83 said:
Thanks. The design allows for the use of each ion engine bank at half throttle with no energy use and RCS movement.The bigger version I'm working (Hammerhead) will be able to carry 4 Kerbals, KAS winches and a rover for full deployment.

Good luck with your crafts! Hope we will see them soon

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This is the one plane I've never thought I got enough rep for...

The SMF 4 and The SMF 4+



It's a really nice and maneuverable plane, a little tippy if the missiles are fired too soon but overall I think I did a good job and it looks good in my opinion...

Download Link:

SMF 4:


SMF 4+:


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Some of my more favoured craft being that they are the ones i grab for some fun when i am bored of building things, still think not enough people have things like these to mess around with.

Jet ATV mk2 (Hydroplane)

Hypersonic VTOL

Hypersonic plane

Cant forget the beast, i do not think many people actually ever tried the insanity that is this plane.

And this thing, great fun trying to actually kill a kerbal in it, took me dropping it off a mountain to kill jeb.

Link to my thread if you want to download any of them.


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This is my latest creation, still a work in progress. It's inspired by the Cessna Citation. I say a work in progress because I've ironed out all the problems except Jet engine rotation, which I have a few ideas how to correct. It flies fine if you don't mind holding the stick back or using SAS. So a little more tweaking. There are two variants, one with a extra large cargo bay (pictured) and one with a small cargo bay and a crew cabin.

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This thing, Somehow it was not deemed rep worthy by anyone.

kinda makes me lose hope for ever gaining rep after today considering that is the best thing i have uploaded on the exchange lol.


Comes with a complete launch system and carrier stage that will reliably get you to at the least minmus even if you are horrible at getting to orbit.


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