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Devnote Tuesdays: The "We're Going To Talk About Spaceport" Edition


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<p><img src="https://31.media.tumblr.com/0ff9377afa68dc3ad3fe6844aaf1bd38/tumblr_inline_n4th83FHYl1rr2wit.jpg"/><strong>Alex (aLeXmOrA): </strong><span>Been setting some things SpacePport-related that will be shared later this week. Also, I’m doing some upgrading tests to our <em><strong>KSP</strong></em> Forums, so they can be running on the latest version of vBulletin 5.1.0 as soon as possible.</span></p>

<p><strong>Mike (Mu):</strong><span> We’ve been putting the final finishing touches to the contract system, putting it through some heavy testing and filling in all the blanks. </span></p>

<p><strong>Daniel (danRosas)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Planning out a new animation, this one is going to be fun, and tricky. I upgraded one of the game models, with more polys and texture resolution for the renders. Tomorrow starts CreativaFest here in Mexico City, so we’re going to be hanging out there. There are going to be some cool animation-related conferences. And of course, Max and I are going to be present on Friday (if you’re on Mexico City, you should drop by!) with a conference we like to call <em>“Expanding the Kerbal Space Program Universeâ€Â</em>.</span></p>

<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> I’m at a loss for words this time since I’ve been doing the same thing as last week and the week before that: tweaking gui graphics, refactoring backend code and bugfixing.</span></p>

<p><strong>Miguel (Maxmaps): </strong><span>A lot of work soon to be finalized. You’ll be hearing about it soon enough.</span></p>

<p><strong>Jesus (Chuchito): </strong><span>Checking performance issues, trying to create something fast.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Bob (Calisker):</strong> </span><span>SpacePort has been on my mind and we are excited to share more details later this week about it. </span><em><strong>KSP</strong></em><span> is now available <a href="http://goo.gl/0mItyH"><strong>HERE</strong></a></span><span>, which is pretty cool. </span></p>

<p><span><strong>Ted (Ted):</strong> *</span><span>Been working with Mike, Jim and the QA Team tying up Contracts with all the final tweaks and fixes going into it, ready for Experimentals soon.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Anthony (Rowsdower):</strong> Wrote up a statement regarding Spaceport that the community will be seeing this week. Also discussed some topics that may be put into a potential modding community survey in the coming weeks.<br/></span></p>

<p><strong>Eduardo (Lalo):</strong><span> Been working with Max and Alex in some coming soon things.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Rogelio (Roger):</strong> working on a new model of a kerbal’s space suit for the cinematics, improving geometry, textures and rig for better character animations, also for the cinematics.</span></p>

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<p><strong>Eduardo (Lalo):</strong><span> Been working with Max and Alex in some coming soon things.</span></p>

<p><span><strong>Rogelio (Roger):</strong> working on a new model of a kerbal’s space suit for the cinematics, improving geometry, textures and rig for better character animations, also for the cinematics.</span></p>

Wow, new kerbal space suit models? I thought the jetpacks were too small.

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Maybe stick a fork in it? :P

Yes! Old Spaceport must be no more!

But seriously, I hope the Spaceport is going to get some major upgrades. I think N3X1S was working on Spaceport 2 before he left, but that never got finished...

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Well any news about Spaceport is good news I guess, the current site couldn't be any more broken. I am interested to see what direction you think it should head, and I hope the survey means you need to know what WE want from it.

I also hope it means you guys might be paying a little more attention to the modding community - a weekly article about a cool mod is nice... but we really need some focus as far as the game itself - we need the "API" features that are partially implemented to be fnished, some bugs addressed that have been reported and reminded-about quite a few times, and some documentation of some of the obscure things. It's not really optimal when most things have to be re-coded as a plugin to be used properly.

Anyway, we know you're busy. Look forward to hearing whats up.

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Woot! Please create something that will allow for install via a portal! Please! That would be so nice. Having to constantly walk users through the install process and debug improperly installed setups eats up a considerable amount of time.

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Woot! Please create something that will allow for install via a portal! Please! That would be so nice. Having to constantly walk users through the install process and debug improperly installed setups eats up a considerable amount of time.

I was kind of expecting SpacePort alike duties to be handed off to someone like Nexus Mods, with the mod handling (install/update) functionality being built into the KSP launcher (built in NMM function)

Unless Squad have reached an accommodation with Majiir who was offering something along those lines, which could, via cooperation with Squad, deliver the same thing while being a KSP focused community thing

Lots of details and expectations flying around in the air, looking forward to the details later this week.

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A lot of work soon to be finalized. You’ll be hearing about it soon enough.
finalized. You’ll be hearing about it soon enough.
finalized. soon enough.

Erm...Maaa... :D

It's probbably nothing, but sounds like the dev team are back to being busy!

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"Expanding KSP Universe"? As in "Adding new places"? :D Come on guys, throw us a bone - Eeloo was ages ago...
Expanding Ksp universe. This sounds promising

I wouldn't get my hopes up. In terms of running a brand, a "universe" usually refers to the collection of things named after the brand. Since it was said that expanding the in-game planetary system wouldn't happen until much later, in this case the KSP Universe will likely be expanded with either a new site, or less likely some kind of merch. Or it may be referring to the Learning Edition or however it was called.

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From what I gather, the title of their panel is in reference to how KSP and the community have been expanding. It doesn't refer to anything currently being developed, so hopefully that can put an end to it there.

Hopefully the spaceport won't be filled with selfies and spammed crafts anymore... :sealed:

We've insisted on selfies being the main feature, actually. Spaceport is now Selfieport. You've heard it here first. Get your duckfaces ready.

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A lot of work soon to be finalized. You’ll be hearing about it soon enough.

Are we talking about Soonâ„¢ here or you'll give us a teaser by (for example) the end of May?

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Well they broke the first rule of Kerbal Spaceport and talked about it. Here's hoping it turns out well. Or at least better than it currently is.

It's too early to get excited about a new version. I'm not telling any of you that. I'm repeating it to myself over and over.

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Daniel (danRosas): Planning out a new animation, this one is going to be fun, and tricky. I upgraded one of the game models, with more polys and texture resolution for the renders. Tomorrow starts CreativaFest here in Mexico City, so we’re going to be hanging out there. There are going to be some cool animation-related conferences. And of course, Max and I are going to be present on Friday (if you’re on Mexico City, you should drop by!) with a conference we like to call “Expanding the Kerbal Space Program Universeâ€Â.

I am probably misunderstanding "Expanding the KSP Universe".

You dont mean "Expanding the In-Game Universe", right? :)

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I am very excited for the Contracts system. I do think that ARM added some great content, but I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed that it has taken nearly 6 months for the update from .23 to .24 :(

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