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That one mission you'll never forget.


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Hello, guys.

I guess all of you have one mission, vehicle, or anything else you loved and will never forget. So please share them in this thread!

To get things going, i'll show mine:


This is the RV (rescue vehicle). Also known as Ferrari, for it's epic top speed of 8 m/s. Originally built to rescue Jeb from a Crash lan.... ehm, landing off course. But when i noticed its good behavior, combined with soviet indestructibility, i decided to use it as my main rover. It's been everywhere. Even at Eeloo.

But these times are gone now. RV mk.2 is now out for testing with moar batteries, moar science, moar speed, moar everything.

I'll never forget you, Ferrari.

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I went to drop off four Kerbals in a mobile base on the Mun. After that I needed to go back to Kerbin with Jeb, Bill, and Bob.

Unfortunately I landed horribly and had almost no fuel left. I managed to escape the mun and start firing retrograde. I did the burn unsure if I would get them back to Kerbin or if they would be stranded in space.

I got the periapsis down to about 55km and a brief Mun recapture brought it down to 34km. Two or three passes later they were back on Kerbin and I watched some Youtube tutorials to refine my landing technique.

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My first rover, delivered to the Mun, waiting for Jeb and Bill to arrive to drive it around. It was the first really complex mission I managed to complete without serious consequences or deaths. I've never built another rover since, haven't found the right motivation yet.


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One of my most memorable missions was a test flight gone wrong. I just wanted to see how some new (mod-added) solid boosters would perform, so I put together a 2-man capsule (lander can mk2), a rockomax x32 fuel tank, and an engine below. Three parts vessel, literally. I attached a couple of radial decouplers with boosters and launched it. I did this multiple times with different boosters, always flying them until circularized in orbit, then hitting return to vehicle assembly.

Except that one time, where I hit return to space center instead. Which saved the vehicle as it was in orbit.

Perhaps now is the time to mention that this was my regular career mode save, and I was also playing with a life support mod installed. Life support that required electric charge. And that vessel had storage for about... 10 ingame minutes of it, after engine cutoff. No batteries. No solar panels. No RTGs. Only the engine, which could be fired to generate power with its alternator. There was still some fuel left, but it would not last long either. I could not send a resupply vessel because there was no docking port (and no claw to circumvent that issue, as it was in 0.23). And I couldn't simply go back to Kerbin either because there was no decoupler under the capsule, no parachutes, and no landing legs. And in it of course, happily smiling in their blind trust in my abilities to keep them safe, were Jeb and Bill.


So eventually I decided that there was only one option left to me: deorbit and perform a powered landing. On Kerbin. On a time limit. With whatever fuel I had left after reaching orbit. And I had to put the complete spacecraft down balancing on its engine bell, so the location where I came down mattered as well.

I actually stood up and shouted, fists raised, when I successfully pulled it off :)

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I will never forget my first Laythe landing. I have written that story over and over on the forums, so I'm sure some of you have already read it.

It was back in 0.20 probably, I doubt it was 0.21, but it's possible. But it was definitely before 0.22. Whatever version it was doesn't matter, really.

I had built a Duna lander that was actually capable of landing even on Eeloo, it had so much more dV than required for Duna. Of course, I tried going to different places with it, Laythe among them. The mission went beautifully, until I reached Laythe. I was planning to land on the surface and plant a flag, but I underestimated Laythe's water coverage and overestimated its atmosphere. This ended up in me splashing down very far from any dry land. Well, I still had to plant that flag. One poor kerbal ended up swimming for about 5 hours (5h*4x physics warp=20h in-game time) towards the nearest land to plant the flag. During these 5 hours I fell asleep. I had previously put weights on "W" and Shift keys to keep him going. When I woke up, he was 90 degrees off course. Well, that was about 45 degrees from the original direction, but he had been swimming that way for a long time so the island was to his right. I think this was caused by Laythe's rotation somehow. Anyways, after that it was another hour of swimming, until one moment I reached land. I ran a bit up the hill and planted the flag. Unfortunately the screenshots are long gone.

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My Moho Rescue will likely never be forgotten. My lander landed, essentially fuelless, out of range of my Kethane base. I tried to run pipes but it was so far the game started bugging out.

Luckily, one of my early robotic landers was nearby with a little bit of fuel in it, so I brought it over, used pipes to put a scant amount of fuel into the people lifter, and then used that fuel to get close enough to my base to connect pipes.

Actually, I did better than that. By (mostly) accident, I landed smack dab between the drilling station and the fuel storage tanks, on top of the pipe running between them.

Then I realized I had a one-man lander can on the ship and two guys to bring up from the surface...

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This mission was far from successful but will always be a memory to learn from.

I was learning about KSP Interstellar and finally figured out how to get the warp drive fully functional (well, I thought anyway).

I activated the drive thinking that I needed to charge it up or whatever (details are fuzzy as this was months ago) and it shot straight into Kerbin. Now, this would be a quick oops and a restart but I just so happened to have the two cheats enabled (concerning structural integrity/crash damage negation) and my ship bounced off of Kerbin and started tearing through space towards Mun. I panicked and tried to shut down the engine via Right-Click and managed to shut it down 8.2km from the surface of the Mun traveling around 30Km/s. Needless to say, that didn't go well..

Fun times. lol

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I had a long multi-phase mission to the Mun to put kerbals where my base had been built. First I deposited a fuel shuttle into LMO. Then, I sent an Apollo-style mission where the commander stayed behind in a retrograde orbit, but the crew (instead of returning to the CM) rendezvoused with the shuttle and returned to base to begin mining operations.

I loved that mission because it felt like such a leap forward for my space program. It was the first time in months that I put crew down for a long-term stay, but mechanically it felt so similar to Apollo-style missions I'd run many times before.

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I built a massive interplanetary ship and went to Moho with it (something like 800 parts) for the sole purpose of sticking a flag in the bottom of both "Moholes" and on the highest peak I could find. The mission went major awry (one of the 3 probes crashed into the surface and didn't survive, the return ship was devoured by the kraken, both rovers had some sort of mechanical errors on the surface, one of the landers ran out of fuel, one of my "Dogs" (a non-crew rover) wasn't balanced correctly for the surface and ended up exploding after about 5km of exploration trying to climb out of a crater... jeb got stuck in the bottom of one of the Moholes...) after arriving at Moho and I spent so much of the mission trying to figure out ways to still gather science and plant the flags of victory and make sure I could still return to kerbin.

No kerbals died (fortunately) and they all were able to start returning to Kerbin after a month of utter chaos and broken equipment on the surface of Moho -- but it was my first major interplanetary mission on such a scale, and almost nothing went right.

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Ares 2.

Two Kerbals on Duna,two dockings. Oh, and here's a postcard.


It was my first ever docking and rendezvous. Also, my first manned landing on Duna! Who wants some tacos? OH YEAH!

And i get to do it again, due to RSS being a parasite and attaching itself to my copy of KSP.

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HGR "Soy-Juice" test pod taken to Duna as my main command pod.

Here's the postcard:


From left to right, there is a 1 man lander docked to the "onion" service module, which is attached to the "Soy-Juice" pod, which is then attached to a Hitchhiker can with Plenty of Life Support Supplies, that's got a quad docking module to attach the drive section.

This whole thing was assembled in LKO as 3 Launches (lander, main unit, drive section).

The entire mission was planned in advance for Life Support requirements and with plenty of D/v.

What I didn't show is that I also sent a robotic Kethane Miner to Ike, but that part of the mission failed, so I didn't bother with pics. ;)

All in all was a really rewarding mission to send kerbals to Ike and Duna, and stay for the "proper" launch windows.

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Project Caduceus; started while working on a major Moho mission which ended up being a disappointment (map lies...) and snowballed into "why not?".


It was a simple asteroid redirect mission to capture a class A asteroid. In reality I was thinking of weighting it with mechjeb to have an idea of asteroid sizes for future calculations and missions; and then just leaving it be and returning to Kerbin with the probe. But after the main Moho mission ended in bile dissapointment after a 16 hour rover drive to the southern pole I decided to send a manned rocket to it and land the damn thing in Kerbin in one piece.

To achieve this the rocket was fitted with 8 minirockets with 2 XL parachutes each. The main probe would use the arm to latch and then each pod independently would inject into the asteroid. And then the asteroid would be deorbitted. But then I decided that Strangelov-ing it would be more fun. So a third ship went up and got the rider seats and the previous ship was left as a space station and the two Kerbals rode the asteroid to Kerbin Space Center.



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The one I'll never forget is my apollo 13 esque mistake. I made a double-stage lander/return craft with the intent of slapping it on the mun, and then returning to Kerbin- but had a chunk of debris from a previous launch catch it while it was just circularized around Kerbin and blow the middle out. The 'command' pod had, therefore, no engine, and there was an -ugly- debris field around it.

Meaning I was utterly and completely screwed, right? Well, luckily for me, I made my lander way, way overpowered. A combination of the stage meant for mun transfer and the lander engines managed a parachute-free splash landing in kerbin's frozen southern waters just near the pole. Saved all three little green dudes!

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Greetings from a Kerbal newbie!

So many accomplishments in here, I can only look forward to those exploits (landing on another planet, oh my @_@ Even getting a puny probe to crash on Duna was hard enough!).

I am gonna tell the mission I'll never forget so far - without pretty pictures sadly, but I was too much in the moment.

It was my first Mun landing mission, a few weeks ago. First act is, I guess, a classic : first kerbaled Mun touchdown and Jeb stranded with next to no fuel left because of the break burn. I was quite devastated but decided to send a rescue mission (basically a probe on top of a lander with more fuel and less accessories). It somehow landed 3 km away from the badass Kerbal, on the side of a crater. I will never forget the tension I felt as I was stomping the Munar surface with poor Jeb, falling many times around.

And then...

I discover the rescue module, lying on its side.

It should have come to no surprise from the fact that I was still sticking legs around the small bases of what were basically space sausages back then. Not the easiest things to land.

So here I was, with an horizontal module on a slope... And I decide to just "drive" it up there and try to get some air from a meager 7m/sec launch at the top and then go full-throttle. Well let's just say I am happy I was born on Kerbin in the quicksave-quickload era, as steering can be pretty darn confusing when you are rotated the wrong way. But I did it! - with fewer parts than when the module had landed though. I was extatic when Jeb was finally on a trajectory back to Kerbin.

Stupid situation - awesome sense of achievement. Priceless!

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When I captured my first B class asteroid I wanted to land it at KSC, so I made a complex lander to let me set it down with precision. After I'd gotten it up into position I realized... I'd forgotten to put RCS on it and so could not viably line up and approach the asteroid to grab it. So I used my original capture vehicle to *throw it* to my landing vehicle.

The vehicle on the right passed it almost perfectly to the vehicle on the left. Quite possibly one of the largest games of catch ever played.


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I've got a missions of that status. My first Mun landing in 0.13, Duna in 0.17...

And Odysseus. My first successful Jool Mothership:


I landed on Vall, Bop, and Pol, flew by Tylo, and made orbit around Laythe (I'd already landed on Laythe on a previous mission). That was one of my favourite missions, and after my grand tour is done, I'll be focusing on further Jool exploration missions.

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