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[1.3 & 1.2] KSP-AVC Add-on Version Checker Plugin - MiniAVC - KSP-AVC Online (2016-10-13)


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I have some possible noob questions. If we edit the version file with the url address we click on to actually start a download. Would clicking download on the ingame gui essentially initiate the download? I.e. id just have to close browser after download and open download directory? I know...its just 1 extra button click lol.

2nd Q:


Its my understanding that miniavc is disabled when a full release is found, almost. Is either variation faster at what it does? And if i have full avc installed. Would deleting the miniavc.dll files in all mod bundles increase loading preformance? Or vise versa?(all mods have miniavc with no full release installed?) id like to solely use one or the other if possible.

Edited by Jesusthebird
Im dumb
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 10/20/2017 at 10:42 AM, cybutek said:

Sorry for not being around. I've been very busy lately with IRL stuff.

The original reason why a "built for" ksp version is required if min/max is used was due to how the user interface makes use of this value. I have looked over the pull request but would rather the fix be in the "IsCompatibleVersion" property due to dependencies. This on its own will not be the complete fix though as it will only cascade the bug down into the user interface. I'm busy all weekend but should have some time on monday to sort this out.



I'm afraid this mod is going to fall into disfavor if this doesn't get fixed.

It's been 2 months without any action.  If you would like a fix done in a different manner, let me know.  Otherwise, please fix this.  It is not dependable anymore with tis bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  On 10/20/2017 at 10:42 AM, cybutek said:

Sorry for not being around. I've been very busy lately with IRL stuff.

The original reason why a "built for" ksp version is required if min/max is used was due to how the user interface makes use of this value. I have looked over the pull request but would rather the fix be in the "IsCompatibleVersion" property due to dependencies. This on its own will not be the complete fix though as it will only cascade the bug down into the user interface. I'm busy all weekend but should have some time on monday to sort this out.


I am very reluctant to fork this mod, however, a known bug which is remaining unpatched for more than 3 months is extremely concerning.

Are you planning on fixing this, and if so, when?

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  • 1 month later...

Considering the recent inactivity, I'm not sure if I should be bothering to post this, but am posting it anyway, just in case.

Anyway. The CKAN-supplied version of AVC crashes KSP on startup if installed together with any of several other addons. The ones I've seen the issue with so far, all acquired over CKAN:

  • [x] Science!
  • Alternate Resource Panel
  • Blizzy Toolbar
  • Community Trait Icons
  • Connected Living Space
  • CorrectCOL
  • Crew Light
  • Extensive Engineer Report (but its dependency Ship Sections is fine)
  • Lights Out
  • Maneuver Node Evolved
  • Mk1 Cabin Hatch
  • Patch Manager
  • RCS Build Aid
  • Reentry Particle Effect (gets past Squad logo but freezes while loading Editor Extensions Redux and eventually crashes)
  • Who Am I?

With every single one of these, I uninstalled everything other than AVC and tested them one by one.

  • If AVC is installed by itself, game starts fine.
  • If the other addon is installed without AVC, game starts fine.
  • If the two are installed together, "KSP_x64.exe has stopped working" with exception code 0xc0000005 (access violation) and the executable as the faulty module at offset 0x00000000009a41a3. Crash happens either before even reaching the Squad logo or while AVC's notification of checking the addons' version is visible. The fault offset is always the same, regardless of which addon is conflicting with AVC.

These addons were also tested but produced no crash with or without AVC:

  • Control Surface Toggle
  • Editor Extensions Redux
  • Editor Time
  • Engine Light
  • Kerbal Engineer
  • Mini Airbrakes
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator
  • Extended Science Information
  • Ship Manifest
  • Ship Sections (dependency of Extensive Engineer Reports, which does crash with AVC)

With these, game loads into the main menu without problems.

I next took all of the above conflicting addons and installed them together without AVC. Game starts properly, zero errors, freezes or crashes. It's definitely AVC that's causing the crash here, but there aren't any error messages in output_log.txt: it last logs initializing AVC's Starter, then the log abruptly ends. Same with KSP.log: when none of the conflicting addons are installed, AVC is logging the others' version checks but when any of the conflicting addons are up, KSP.log abruptly cuts off with no AVC version check logging.

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  On 3/6/2018 at 8:00 PM, Fraktal said:

The CKAN-supplied version of AVC crashes KSP on startup if installed together with any of several other addons.


You should still provide logs of a crash to see if there's anything else in there to give a clue what's happening.

I don't use CKAN and I'm just getting back into KSP after a several-month hiatus, but I decided to check at least a subset of my mods and see if I could recreate your crashes.

I use a manual install of the latest version of each of the mods.  I use the abandonware JSGME to freely put in and pull out specific mods.  Here's what I ran to startup and creating a new career game without any apparent issue several times.

KSP 1.4.1

000_Toolbar 1.7.17
ClickThroughBlocker 0.1.6
ModuleManager 3.0.6
3 of my own MM scripts
LightsOut 0.2.2 (RealGecko)
KerbalEngineer (jrbudda)

The ones that aren't KSP 1.4.1 compiled are GCMonitor (1.4.0), KSP-AVC (1.2.0), MemGraph (1.2.1), CustomBarnKit (1.4.0), and LightsOut (1.3.1).

You've done a lot of testing and the issue isn't likely trivial.  The versions of the mods I'm using don't appear to be the source of the sort of bug you're experiencing.  It could be the KSP-AVC CKAN is pulling in for you has an error, or there's a cruftiness to your KSP install that shows up when KSP-AVC is included.  I think to clear it up, you should do a clean reinstall just to remove any possible issues like I've described.

Pull in a fresh install of KSP 1.4.1 and recustomize and mod it from scratch.  Make sure the CKAN client install is the latest for KSP 1.4.1.  Ensure that CKAN is pulling in the latest version of the mods.  If you're still getting this issue, I'd really suggest trying a manual install, as mine is working.

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  On 3/22/2018 at 4:20 PM, Jacke said:

You should still provide logs of a crash to see if there's anything else in there to give a clue what's happening.

I don't use CKAN and I'm just getting back into KSP after a several-month hiatus, but I decided to check at least a subset of my mods and see if I could recreate your crashes.

I use a manual install of the latest version of each of the mods.  I use the abandonware JSGME to freely put in and pull out specific mods.  Here's what I ran to startup and creating a new career game without any apparent issue several times.

KSP 1.4.1

000_Toolbar 1.7.17
ClickThroughBlocker 0.1.6
ModuleManager 3.0.6
3 of my own MM scripts
LightsOut 0.2.2 (RealGecko)
KerbalEngineer (jrbudda)

The ones that aren't KSP 1.4.1 compiled are GCMonitor (1.4.0), KSP-AVC (1.2.0), MemGraph (1.2.1), CustomBarnKit (1.4.0), and LightsOut (1.3.1).

You've done a lot of testing and the issue isn't likely trivial.  The versions of the mods I'm using don't appear to be the source of the sort of bug you're experiencing.  It could be the KSP-AVC CKAN is pulling in for you has an error, or there's a cruftiness to your KSP install that shows up when KSP-AVC is included.  I think to clear it up, you should do a clean reinstall just to remove any possible issues like I've described.

Pull in a fresh install of KSP 1.4.1 and recustomize and mod it from scratch.  Make sure the CKAN client install is the latest for KSP 1.4.1.  Ensure that CKAN is pulling in the latest version of the mods.  If you're still getting this issue, I'd really suggest trying a manual install, as mine is working.


Ummm, the version of KSP-AVC in CKAN is not really compatible with 1.4.1

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  On 3/6/2018 at 8:00 PM, Fraktal said:

Considering the recent inactivity, I'm not sure if I should be bothering to post this, but am posting it anyway, just in case.



One answer: Don't use CKAN Manually install things that CKAN fails to install. It really is easy to install a mod. For this, simply chuck the KSP-AVC folder in the downloaded zip into GameData. seems to * work with KSP 1.4.1 with minimal issues.

*That means don't come whining if it doesn't by the way.

Edited by TDplay
Made it a LOT harder to misinterpret
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  On 3/26/2018 at 4:44 PM, TDplay said:

One answer: Don't use CKAN. It really is easy to install a mod. For this, simply chuck the KSP-AVC folder in the downloaded zip into GameData. seems to * work with KSP 1.4.1 with minimal issues.

*That means don't come whining if it doesn't by the way.


Or, just wait a few days until I get my adoption of this out.

And regarding CKAN:  It's easy to install a mod.  It's easy to update a mod.  But when you have more than a hundred mods  in a game (I have 240+), I'm not going to sit there for hours checking and updating each one.  I simply click a button in CKAN, and they all update as needed.


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  On 3/26/2018 at 4:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Or, just wait a few days until I get my adoption of this out.

And regarding CKAN:  It's easy to install a mod.  It's easy to update a mod.  But when you have more than a hundred mods  in a game (I have 240+), I'm not going to sit there for hours checking and updating each one.  I simply click a button in CKAN, and they all update as needed.


I see. I don't tend to play with loads of mods and AVC is usually enough for me.

However, there are some mods for which CKAN either is unavailable or doesn't install well, I'm suggesting to try a manual install when CKAN fails to install it properly, not to never use CKAN and just sit there downloading a few hundred mods. I would NEVER ask someone to just not use a utility, just to not use it when it doesn't work.

I hate being misunderstood

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  On 3/26/2018 at 4:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Or, just wait a few days until I get my adoption of this out.


@linuxgurugamer, doing noble work to keep vital KSP mods going.  Thank you so much.



And regarding CKAN:  It's easy to install a mod.  It's easy to update a mod.  But when you have more than a hundred mods  in a game (I have 240+), I'm not going to sit there for hours checking and updating each one.  I simply click a button in CKAN, and they all update as needed.


I think CKAN is very interesting, but my manual install method with JSGME has worked so far.  Someday I'll look at CKAN.  I think the issues with CKAN come down to trying to do something like Debian without most of the standards in the Debian Policy Manual determined by years (now decades) of experience.  Squad could maybe try to exert enough of a central authority to try to hew to enough policies to greatly improve CKAN, but that should have been done a long while ago and now would be difficult to establish.  Steam Workshop is sort of better, but for a complex game of the scale of KSP, XCOM 2, it needs the 3rd-party Alternate Mod Launcher to fix a number of issues.

Edited by Jacke
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  On 3/26/2018 at 7:40 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

CKAN was based on CPAN, the perl library system.

Each to his own,  my time is too valuable to see spend updating mods manually


I do see what you mean by "useful" now - I've downloaded it for a test run (because the whole USI constellation wanted updating :confused:), and gosh it's easy to grab a pile of mods. I've just redownloaded ~99% of my KSP mod list with a couple searches and clicks, will soon test the feature I see in the file menu, something along the lines of "import downloaded mod", for the 3 mods I use that weren't on CKAN.

Edited by TDplay
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  On 3/30/2018 at 2:28 PM, TDplay said:

I do see what you mean by "useful" now - I've downloaded it for a test run (because the whole USI constellation wanted updating :confused:), and gosh it's easy to grab a pile of mods. Just I've just redownloaded ~99% of my KSP mod list with a couple searches and clicks, will soon test the feature I see in the file menu, something along the lines of "import downloaded mod", for the 3 mods I use that weren't on CKAN.


The "import" is used to import a previously downloaded mod that is listed in ckan, not to import mods which are outside ckan

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  On 3/31/2018 at 11:30 AM, Roovy said:

Is it possible to change ones username? I always try to log in with a wrong account name, because on all other platforms (spacedock, etc.) I moved on to a different one.


Assuming that you're talking about the ksp-avc.cybutek.net website? Send me a PM on here with your new username and I'll change it for you... I've verified that you currently have PartTweaks hosted there and you're the legitimate owner, so it's all good :cool: 

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  On 4/2/2018 at 8:40 PM, HaydenTheKing said:

Updating my game to 1.3.1 and not changing till 1.5.  Had this mod before not really sure what it’s useful for, especially since I’m not updating.


Im curious will this mod tell me if my current mods are working?


No, it can oonly tell you if updates are available

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