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[1.12.x] Custom Asteroids 1.9.0 - January 24


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I could have sworn that I had this installed b4 and it was for 24.2 compatable..., I had to reinstall everything and now it is showing me that this was built for 24.2... am I wrong and this just hasn't been updated yet¿ (got a burning rubber smell coming from my ears lol) I Installed version 1.0.0, Is this not the correct version to use?

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I could have sworn that I had this installed b4 and it was for 24.2 compatable..., I had to reinstall everything and now it is showing me that this was built for 24.2... am I wrong and this just hasn't been updated yet¿ (got a burning rubber smell coming from my ears lol) I Installed version 1.0.0, Is this not the correct version to use?

1.0.0 is the latest version, but it's not specifically built for 0.24.2. It sounds from the previous posts like it works fine on all platforms 32-bit, works fine on Windows and/or Mac 64-bit, and fails catastrophically on Linux 64-bit.

I'll hopefully get some time this weekend to look at the code and coordinate with the Linux 64-bit users. But no promises on that, let alone a release date.

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1.0.0 is the latest version, but it's not specifically built for 0.24.2. It sounds from the previous posts like it works fine on all platforms 32-bit, works fine on Windows and/or Mac 64-bit, and fails catastrophically on Linux 64-bit.

The weird thing is, I am running the Linux x64 24.2, with a bucket-load of mods, and even tweaked spawn settings. In testing, though there was an initial bulge of asteroids at the beginning, it evened out properly by the end, once I got the multipliers tweaked correctly. Custom spawner and everything.

Of course, the caveat is that I have only been doing the tests in fresh games at high warp speeds to check out if everything was spawning properly (I was nearly convinced with the default settings that nothing was spawning, since I was used to the stock spawn pattern).

Somewhat relevantly, before these asteroid spawning events, somehow I managed to delete/lose my NasaMission folder, and was wondering why no asteroids were spawning, and why there were errors about a "PotatoRoid" spamming my Player.log when this mod was installed. One steam cache check later, I had asteroids again (。・ É<)ã‚ž

My relevant configs only for reference:

// Custom Asteroids: inner-Kerbol system belts and Oort comets

// Basic Asteroids.cfg

// by Starstrider42


// For Custom Asteroids 1.0+

// Compatible with:

// Stock KSP 0.23.5 Yes

// Alternis Kerbol No

// Planet Factory Yes

// Boris/Fearless/Wot Pack No

// Cerrakk's Pack No

// Hercules/Titan/Hypatos Pack Yes

// Kaiser Yes

// Kerbal Universe Project Yes

// Kerbin+ Yes

// JTG Industries Pack No

// Sido's Urania Pack No

// Super Eve No

// Real Solar System No

// 6.4× Kerbol Yes

// 10× Kerbol Yes

// 0.1× Solar System Yes



// Stock intercept trajectories



name = kerbinIntercept

title = Potentially Hazardous Ast.

// One incoming rock every 50 Earth days or 200 Kerbin days

//spawnRate = 0.02

spawnRate = 1.0


// NKO orbits based on NEO population from "Debiased Orbital and Absolute

// Magnitude Distribution of the Near-Earth Objects",

// Bottke et al. (2002), Icarus 156, 399



name = innerAsteroids

title = Near-Kerbin Ast.

centralBody = Sun

// With default lifetime settings, 3.2 NKOs will be around on average

spawnRate = 1.0

//spawnRate = .5



type = SemimajorAxis

min = Ratio(Kerbin.sma, 0.5 )

max = Ratio( Jool.sma, 0.77) // 4 AU, rescaled from Jupiter's to Jool's orbit




avg = 0.5




avg = 7.5





// Ignore Kirkwood gaps -- they won't have much of an impact on gameplay

name = mainBelt

title = Main Belt Ast.

centralBody = Sun

// With default lifetime settings, 5.3 asteroids will be around on average

spawnRate = 1.0

//spawnRate = .5



type = SemimajorAxis

min = Resonance(Jool, 4:1)

max = Resonance(Jool, 2:1)




avg = 0.18




avg = 7.5





// Trojan orbits partially based on "Population and Size Distribution of Small Jovian

// Trojan Asteroids", Jewitt et al. (2000), Astronomical Journal 120, 1140

name = joolTrojanLeading

title = Trojan Ast.

centralBody = Sun

// With default lifetime settings, 4.8 Trojans will be around on average

spawnRate = 0.23



type = SemimajorAxis

min = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)

max = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)




avg = 0.07




avg = 13 // For now, just merge the low- and high-inclination groups together




type = MeanLongitude

epoch = GameStart

dist = Gaussian

avg = Offset(Jool.mnl0, 60)

// Real Trojan belts have a standard deviation of 13 degrees in longitude,

// but I'm assuming a lot of that is from inclination. Allow +/- 10 degree

// variation in longitude instead

stddev = 10





name = joolTrojanTrailing

title = Trojan Ast.

centralBody = Sun

spawnRate = 0.23



type = SemimajorAxis

min = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)

max = Resonance(Jool, 1:1)




avg = 0.07




avg = 13




type = MeanLongitude

epoch = GameStart

dist = Gaussian

avg = Offset(Jool.mnl0, -60)

stddev = 10



// Long-period comets only; short-period comets depend on the location

// of the scattered disk



name = oort

title = Long-Period Cmt.

centralBody = Sun

// One comet every 20 Earth days (80 Kerbin days)

spawnRate = 0.05



type = Periapsis

//min = 261600000 // Sungrazers

min = Ratio(Moho.sma, 0.2)

max = Ratio(Jool.sma, 1.0) // Ignore comets outside the orbit of Jool




dist = Uniform

min = 0.98 // Minimum apoapsis: 1.7× Jool's orbit

max = 1.005




dist = Isotropic




// Let comets be discovered only on approach, so that the player has

// time to prepare a flyby mission

type = MeanAnomaly

epoch = Now

min = -2.0 // Extremely elliptical orbit; little time spent near periapsis

max = -0.1




RenameAsteroids = True

UseCustomSpawner = True

MinUntrackedTime = 1

MaxUntrackedTime = 9

VersionNumber = 1.0.0

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Ok, I've made a test version for KSP 0.24.2, and thrown in a lot of debugging code. If you'd like to help hunt down the endless spawn bug, you can download the test version at https://github.com/Starstrider42/Custom-Asteroids/releases/tag/024test.

If you do run into problems, please report it on the issue tracker (https://github.com/Starstrider42/Custom-Asteroids/issues/16), preferably with a copy of the full KSP log (~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log on Linux, Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log on Mac, Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\output_log.txt on Windows).

Of course, if the bug has mysteriously vanished, I'd like to know that too.

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Tried out the debug version with my custom configs, still no problems, other than ksp avc complaining about the mod being out-of-date :D. Would seeing my log be helpful at this point, since nothing seems to be going wrong? Any scenarios I should try out?

Edited by rifter
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Does your mod also have the ability to stop spawning completely and restart whenever I feel like it? I just wrote the skeleton of a mod to control asteroid spawning last night because I have 27 captured rocks and simply do not want to see any more in that save. If your mod can do it, I can use it instead.

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What settings? And I have to wait?

By default, the mod replaces the stock spawning behavior with a slower but steadier rate (see my response to Ratzap, below). Wait for a few days of game time and you should see asteroids showing up. If not, please post a copy of `KSP_Data\output_log.txt` or `KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt` to the issue tracker.

If you want the stock behavior (make lots of untracked asteroids when you don't have any, then no asteroids until you "clear out" the current ones), you can edit it by opening CustomAsteroids\PluginData\Custom Asteroids Settings.cfg in a text editor and setting `UseCustomSpawner = False`.

Does your mod also have the ability to stop spawning completely and restart whenever I feel like it? I just wrote the skeleton of a mod to control asteroid spawning last night because I have 27 captured rocks and simply do not want to see any more in that save. If your mod can do it, I can use it instead.

The stock game does almost what you're describing -- if you have more than 8 or so untracked asteroids, it won't make any more. My mod does the opposite, where the appearance rate of new asteroids is fixed and doesn't depend on how many asteroids you know of at present. And it doesn't have any provision for changing settings on a per-game basis. Sorry!

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I'm using the basic mod I knocked up to do this:

discov.spawnInterval = 900000f;

discov.spawnOddsAgainst = 1000;

discov.maxUntrackedLifetime = 2f;

discov.spawnGroupMaxLimit = 2;

discov.spawnGroupMinLimit = 1;

which does a pretty good job of shutting all new spawns down for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not dead. I'm waiting for the 0.25 release before I put out an update. I have not been able to confirm any new issues specific to 0.24; the people who said they had infinite spawning in 64-bit have not gotten back to me.

As far as new features goes, I've been experimenting the last few days with adding individual asteroid data (which offers a lot of possibilities for asteroid mining, science, etc.), but so far those experiments have been pretty fruitless. KSP *really* doesn't like modders mucking around with vessels that haven't been loaded in physics range yet.

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As far as new features goes, I've been experimenting the last few days with adding individual asteroid data (which offers a lot of possibilities for asteroid mining, science, etc.), but so far those experiments have been pretty fruitless. KSP *really* doesn't like modders mucking around with vessels that haven't been loaded in physics range yet.

If I understand this correctly, you might for the moment need to require users to switch to asteroids they want to mine, so that they are properly loaded as objects? Not sure how you would handle doing this though. It's quite easy to do with the latest version of Kerbal Alarm Clock - you select an asteroid and make a 0s alarm and you get a prompt to jump to it, regardless of whether you "own" it or not. That's not the best solution, but it's possible

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Not dead. I'm waiting for the 0.25 release before I put out an update. I have not been able to confirm any new issues specific to 0.24; the people who said they had infinite spawning in 64-bit have not gotten back to me.

As far as new features goes, I've been experimenting the last few days with adding individual asteroid data (which offers a lot of possibilities for asteroid mining, science, etc.), but so far those experiments have been pretty fruitless. KSP *really* doesn't like modders mucking around with vessels that haven't been loaded in physics range yet.

That's great! It really does make more sense to wait for 0.25 to release.

Also, what would be the benefits of asteroids having individual data? Different 'composition' groups, that yield different amounts of science(e.g. rocky N.K.O's, icy long period comets, etc.)?

And two other questions - I know both of these are far from priorities right now, but I'm curious:

1. Would it be possible to add asteroids above E-size?(This would make sense for the Kuiper Belt)

2. How hard would it be, and are you planning to add comet tails in the foreseeable future? I know that this is actually possible, since another mod(Alternis Kerbol, I think) already has them implemented. Could you perhaps borrow the code from them?

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That's great! It really does make more sense to wait for 0.25 to release.

Also, what would be the benefits of asteroids having individual data? Different 'composition' groups, that yield different amounts of science(e.g. rocky N.K.O's, icy long period comets, etc.)?

And two other questions - I know both of these are far from priorities right now, but I'm curious:

1. Would it be possible to add asteroids above E-size?(This would make sense for the Kuiper Belt)

2. How hard would it be, and are you planning to add comet tails in the foreseeable future? I know that this is actually possible, since another mod(Alternis Kerbol, I think) already has them implemented. Could you perhaps borrow the code from them?

Yeah, the main benefit I see at the moment would be different composition classes, allowing either separate science or integration with e.g. resource mining mods.

For your other two questions,

1. I really wanted this (forget KBOs, most of the near-Kerbin asteroids are smaller than anything we can reliably detect with current technology) but it appears to be hardcoded into KSP at the moment. It *might* still be possible to override the KSP-selected size, but no promises.

2. I would like comet tails, but I have no idea how easy or hard it would be, so that's very definitely an "eventually" goal. Thanks for the AK reference, I'll see if they've done it.

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And version 1.1.0 is now 100% KSP 0.25 compatible. Probably.

Only new feature in this version is that feedback from bad asteroid configs can appear in-game instead of just in the logs (yes, this can be turned off if you find it too annoying). This should make things easier for players writing their own asteroid packs.

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I installed it, but I'm not seeing any new asteroids. Should I wait longer, or what?

Working fine in my .25 save. Takes time for them to spawn in, you should also zoom in on Jool and check there as well, since they can spawn orbiting there as well.

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The Jool stuff is only if you have Better Atmospheres installed; stock configs make everything sun-centered.

By default, Custom Asteroids produces asteroids at a constant rate per game time, not per player time. You can turn it off in the settings file (CustomAsteroids/PluginData/Custom Asteroids Settings.cfg), but you should start seeing asteroids once an (Earth) day or two go by.

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