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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [16.1][28.05.2024][Mars Expedition WIP]


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12 hours ago, Beale said:

The docking ports will attract each other, but will not connect at angles not in 45 degree increments.

So you are pulled in, but then, nothings happening? You are in the wrong angle that's why - so hit the Q & E keys to rotate into a correct rotation.

Clumsy explanation, does that make sense?

Will there be any visuals from which we can figure out how to align correctly with said 45 deg angles? There should be at least one visual ref point, from which you can then figure out what 45 deg would be. 

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17 hours ago, steedcrugeon said:

You are right, It makes things so much easier to get aligned when docking station parts together! If only I could get the Konstruction ports to play as nicely.

The Tantares parts look smart as always.

It's so great.


17 hours ago, Joe 2.0 said:

Hey, so I'em encountering a problem where when I try and install Tantares LV, only the N1 shows up. Any suggestions? 

Very strange!

Could you share the layout of your GameData?
Another thing, try searching 'Soyuz' or 'TLV' in the VAB.

15 hours ago, Mechtech said:

honestly, at some point someone needs to do a heat realism mod so that stuff like space stations need at least SOME radiators to shed waste heat.

unless there's already one out there? I may not use LS mods (with how many mods I have finding one that is both useable and co-operative with all my other mods is... problematic.) but I do like some realism widgets. I'd been using FAR until the stock areo model got updated, as an example- just little things, that add to the 'feel' without massively upping the difficulty.

Might be something you can do with module core heat:  (There's a 75% chance I'm talking fake news here).

		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 500					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.25		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.05		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp = 1000				//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 50					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small
10 hours ago, DGatsby said:

A little Vostok-alike:


oof! I feel guilty for lacking it now, nice craft though :) 

Maybe more news on this soon.

6 hours ago, notJebKerman said:

Awesome. Now that we have Zarya and Zvezda, are Pirs/Poisk and Rassvet modules in the work?


5 hours ago, Calvin_Maclure said:

Will there be any visuals from which we can figure out how to align correctly with said 45 deg angles? There should be at least one visual ref point, from which you can then figure out what 45 deg would be. 

Sure, the ports have a Z- marker you can use for alignment.
I'm trying too to put a half-sensible "docking mode" in the Soyuz IVA.


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Thank you for the Z-markers! I can usually get the alignments right, but there are enough times I've botched it that this will be an incredibly useful guide.

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2 hours ago, Jack Wolfe said:

Thank you for the Z-markers! I can usually get the alignments right, but there are enough times I've botched it that this will be an incredibly useful guide.

I'd really love to hear experience with it :) 



I am probably going to do another full release with just Kvant-2, Kristall - at that point you can build the entire Russian segment of MIR.


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Golden years...

@hraban We should do a co-operative station meet-up :) 

QpqSHcL.png The science module arrives as planned.
3Gs17nb.jpg "We still do not have this 'docking' thing figured out - do we?"
ck1mjdz.png Science module arrives at the right-hand node.
lwBLjbg.png So the Tantares crew relocates to the left-hand node. the centre of mass is now '''''''perfectly''''''' balanced.
vv9EIiS.png What now? The lone scientist of the crew is threatened with sticks into the science module.
Ad5pp3J.png Seanbin begins the second EVA of the mission, removing the accelerometer... Whcih the mission director is embarresed to not know did not work in orbit.
hHVbuJ0.png What's next? Who knows.

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more Kovidr pornpictures:


on the pad




smooth as hell gravity turn


The crew module and ZAVA-II orbital tug detach from the booster


The module deploys its solar array after successful docking maneuvers.


ZAVA-II undocks from the module and moves to the core module's ventral docking port.


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My Proton-alike with its HEAVY payload blasting off.


The docking port had to be left open for a "control from" click because the mess inside the fairing kept trying to orient itself tail forward.


For the lack of native engines these ones were taken from a FASA Saturn-1B. A fun reversal of our reality, where the Antares rockets use Russian engines :)


There we are! Ain't that a big payload. The first part of it is, of course, the Kvant, because a station without a science module is just no fun.


The second is the Raskat module that only lacks a VA return pod to be a proper TKS. S stands for "supply" here, and supplies it has! Also, here's my attempt to mimic the original's "organ" RCS arrangement to at least some extent. There's definitely need for lateral thrusters...



The multi-system docking node that will later go to the Kristall module. Well, later will be later, now there's Munar missions for this station to receive!


Final approach to the core module...


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18 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

I'm cancelling further Proton development. Direct all hate mail to @CobaltWolf.



We have a MIR now! At least the Soviet modules (American modules in-the-works).



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1 hour ago, Beale said:

American modules

Wow, that's some strange feeling I've got reading this.
It's Ok, just used to think about Mir as an one and only national multi-module space station.

:confused: (Warning. Some things' names may differ depending on a country you are currently in)

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8 minutes ago, Legcutter said:

Wow, that's some strange feeling I've got reading this.
It's Ok, just used to think about Mir as an one and only national multi-module space station.

:confused: (Warning. Some things' names may differ depending on a country you are currently in)

Poor naming on my part, kind of. I'm sure you know already, but the last three modules were partly American funded, but calling them 'American modules' is probably incorrect. :) 





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7 minutes ago, Beale said:

Poor naming on my part, kind of. I'm sure you know alreeady, but the last three modules were partly American funded, but calling them 'American modules' is probably incorrect. :) 


No-no, told you it's Ok, just a different way of seeing things by people abroad. Feels refreshing)
The docking module is truly american, though, and for other two - they can be called "american modules" for simplicity, I suppose.

Speaking of wich... is there a way to have an early version of Spectre module with two anti-missles? :wink:

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@Beale i have noticed that the R7-a-like are supposed to be unable to be started a second time after ignition (like the real life counterpart). It is great, I love it. However  you can circunvent that by throtleling down the engine to idle whenever you want! Doesnt that kinda defeats the purpose?

Some engines in ksp flame out below "x" percent of thrust, and that results an engine being turned off. Maybe you should implement that somehow. Otherwise its easy to just keep idling on and off the engines.

And now for something completelly different: any plans to incorporate some of the "old tantares" craft into new tantares? I miss the vostok-a-like parts!

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the thing I miss the most from old!Tantares is definitely how the probe-based ports don't soft-dock anymore. the probe keeping the things from hard-docking until retracted really simplified getting things aligned properly, since one could simply roll the ship to the correct alignment prior to retracting the probe and docking properly.

well that and the deployable docking light. that thing is insanely useful.

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Beast from the east.



4 minutes ago, Daniel Prates said:

@Beale i have noticed that the R7-a-like are supposed to be unable to be started a second time after ignition (like the real life counterpart). It is great, I love it. However  you can circunvent that by throtleling down the engine to idle whenever you want! Doesnt that kinda defeats the purpose?

Some engines in ksp flame out below "x" percent of thrust, and that results an engine being turned off. Maybe you should implement that somehow. Otherwise its easy to just keep idling on and off the engines.

And now for something completelly different: any plans to incorporate some of the "old tantares" craft into new tantares? I miss the vostok-a-like parts!

Nice idea! I'll look into that.

More Vostok news soon. Plans are basically (Due to change on a whim of course):

  • VA
  • Progress
  • Finish MIR (Mir-2, science parts)
  • Skifalike parts?
1 hour ago, Legcutter said:

Speaking of wich... is there a way to have an early version of Spectre module with two anti-missles? :wink:

The old Spektr, probably not, but maybe something else? It would be good to apply the onboard laser to mining!



1 minute ago, Mechtech said:

the thing I miss the most from old!Tantares is definitely how the probe-based ports don't soft-dock anymore. the probe keeping the things from hard-docking until retracted really simplified getting things aligned properly, since one could simply roll the ship to the correct alignment prior to retracting the probe and docking properly.

well that and the deployable docking light. that thing is insanely useful.

Those ports had a game-breaking bug, so were removed.

Light will make a comeback, no worries.

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15 hours ago, Beale said:

The old Spektr, probably not, but maybe something else? It would be good to apply the onboard laser to mining!

Did a bit of googling, and look what a nice stuff I've found.
A Salyut-based Kascad missle system with ten anti-satellite missles. A missle is basicly a pack of engines plus warhead. The station itself can be docked with for refueling and visiting by the crew of two for up to 7 days.



Or it can be repurposed (as always) as a multiple nano-satellite or probe launcher for scientific study of some planets orbit, atmosphere and ground.

There is enough stuff to release a pack of military vehicles someday - with Almaz, Soyuz-VI, Kaskad and something.

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