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You know you're a noob in KSP when...


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Have sent up already 274687 rockets, but still endup with shutes mid stage for the rocket to rip itself apart.

...or have the cabin decoupler as second stage so that the rocket shoots up with no control, double that when using SmartParts auto stager, and be shot into solar orbit instead of low orbit.

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You manage to goof up your staging and fire off some very expensive fireworks in the form of your SRB's and the radial decouplers at the same time.

You don't check your staging, and an attempt to merely dump your SRB's leaves the capsule riding an engine at full throttle with no control...

Trying to save money in career mode, you use fewer struts, only to have the plane completely disintegrate mid air because of a critical failure that would have been easily prevented by using one more pair of struts.

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When you finally get the courage to go to Laythe, and try to land on an island with nuclear engines. Jeb even frowned on that one.

Meh, its not so bad, Laythe's thinner atmosphere makes the nukes not so bad relative to chemical rockets as far as ISP is concerned (whereas with the very thin atmosphere of Duna, you can just ignore that the atmosphere is there for ISP consideration). I'm guessing you had TWR problems though?

Did you not know that you can use jets on laythe? thats sort of the whole point of visiting (to me anyway, aside from a beach vacation I guess)?

you finally unlock the interstellar warp drive, collect anti matter, transfer it to your craft that you painfully assembled in orbit, activate it and smash the whole thing into jool at light speed ( while corrupting your save file of course) because you forgot to set a hotkey for "deactivate warp drive" and right clicking is far to slow .......

....when you realize F.A.R. is actually spelled D.E.A.T.H........

.....you think visiting eve will be fun.........

Meh, not knowing mod related things like interstellar doesn't make you a noob.

And visiting eve is fun - in the kerbal way of fun where massive explosions during launch are also fun.

Regarding the many mentions of checking staging: thats being lazy or careless, not noobish :P

And those that try to use parachutes on the mun.. really? i mean... really?

For me, stock KSP, the most noobish thing I think I was doing, was constant full throttle ascents at way over terminal velocity... it took so much just to get to orbit, I was wondering in amazement about how people managed to get to other planets.

Also, when I read about asparagus staging, and decided to try it, my fuel lines were all screwed up, I thought, based on what I read, that it would automatically drain from the outermost tanks first - my fuel lines weren't all going the same way, I had massive problems with imbalanced thrust and staging orders.

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You know you're a noob in KSP when you cant get anywhere without mechjeb.

Heck, I do my own burn calculations, but still use Mechjeb to execute them that way they get done precisely. This is actually because of my own noob mistake of relying solo on mechjeb for a few of my interplanetary burns, and not checking on the planned maneuver AFTER reloading from a crash, or just a general restart. Turns out mechjeb doesn't really like reloads and can really screw up what the burn was supposed to be. :)

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*cue smoke coming from ears*


Why does no one know this?

"Newb" is new,

"Noob" is like a troll, or someone who's a jerk and overall rude.

Honestly, I didn't know there was a difference. Makes sense though, although I usually call trolls and jerks, well, trolls and jerks!

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Honestly, I didn't know there was a difference. Makes sense though, although I usually call trolls and jerks, well, trolls and jerks!

Well, to my knowledge a better/more detailed description for the difference would be:

Newb = Someone who is new but able/willing to learn the basics of the game

Noob = Hopeless case ... too dumb or lazy or unwilling to learn the game ... will often pester the community with question he already asked (and got answered) days before

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Frankly, they can have many meanings, depending on what part of the internet that you're in. Most big sites have their own cultures, take 4chan for an example (ERMEHGURD kill it with fire!). The different boards all have a set way of what they post, they label themselves as /c/itizens, /b/ros, etc.

BACK ON TOPIC: When you don't bother counting dV.

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On a dual monitor setup you have KSP on one monitor, and your web browser in the the other and catch yourself holding the mouse button and dragging to change `camera' position in the browser

Edited by styckx
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have the photos on me now, but...

forget to switch symmetry mode back on when doing one final reposition of lander legs before hitting launch. I landed on the Mun with 2 legs on one side and none on the other. Turns out I didn't need the legs anyway, just wasted weight.

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When you have watched so many internet video's showing Asparagus staging that you try and use it on every rocket, spend hours trying to build one to get a 200t payload into orbit, fail. Then spend 20 minutes making a "traditional" rocket which works perfectly first time and looks 100x better.


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