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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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I am trying to get Remote Tech to work with USI Sounding Rockets.

I have added the following config to a file called RT_SoundingRockets.cfg in my GameData folder:


%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {


%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {

%TechRequired = start

%OmniRange = 100000


%PacketInterval = 0.3

%PacketSize = 2

%PacketResourceCost = 15.0





%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {


%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {

%TechRequired = start

%OmniRange = 50000


%PacketInterval = 0.3

%PacketSize = 2

%PacketResourceCost = 15.0





%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {


%MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {

%TechRequired = start

%OmniRange = 50000


%PacketInterval = 0.3

%PacketSize = 2

%PacketResourceCost = 15.0




I see both the SPU and Integrated Omni Technology Perks in the Avionics Package, but when i launch the vessel, it says "No line to send command on" or some wording like that. The calculator symbol is Green and the unit has Electric Charge.

What's wrong?


OH! and im using the latest DEV Build: (340).

Another Edit:

Damn, this is odd. It works fine if i put an unmanned Mk1 command capsule on it as well as the avionics package. Odd odd odd...

Edited by niceundtidy
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Is it WAD that if I send a probe with nothing else to the launch pad, I have no connection? The menu says I should have 3 km range but I don't - and I have power. In order to do anything I need to attach a reflectron. This is devbuild 336 so it might have been changed already.

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I see people talking that there is no challenge or goal anymore without remote tech. I have played with remotetech a lot in previous versions. Started a new hard career in version 0.90 1,5 month ago. And I found the launch of a communication network of around four identical satellites getting quite boring. Then after you unlocked better dishes, you launch 4 new ones. Even in a hard career they are not really expensive. Right now I could not wait for the updated remotetech for version 1.0, and I started of a new hard career. I get the feeling the only difference is that you do not have a simple communication network in orbit around Kerbin. So you miss out the repetative launches for your commsats. Other also have this feeling? Or where do you get your challenges from with this mod?
Even once that's done (although 4 commsats is two too many), communications lag. I also play with TACLS, so the answer to that isn't just "send a kerbal on a year-long round trip". Much of my modset is aimed at making unkerballed and kerballed missions as distinct as possible.
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Is it WAD that if I send a probe with nothing else to the launch pad, I have no connection? The menu says I should have 3 km range but I don't - and I have power. In order to do anything I need to attach a reflectron. This is devbuild 336 so it might have been changed already.

IIRC the 3km range for probes is unlocked in the tech tree, so if you are not playing sandbox that could be the problem. If you either are on sandbox or have the whole tech tree unlocked idk, maybe you are using a 3rd party probe core?

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Non-functionnal here as for latest dev builds, had to revert to 325. Whole UI was broken.

Transmitting science doesn't work here, science stays in the lab despite the message showing transmission being done and electricity being consumed. Could it be a bug in RT ? I should try converting one antenna to a non-RT one and try...

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Non-functionnal here as for latest dev builds, had to revert to 325. Whole UI was broken.

Transmitting science doesn't work here, science stays in the lab despite the message showing transmission being done and electricity being consumed. Could it be a bug in RT ? I should try converting one antenna to a non-RT one and try...

I need logs :)

- - - Updated - - -

Not rushing, just curious: how's mechjeb integration going?

never heard about an integration of mechjeb ... tell me more, or do you mean: http://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/issues/195 ?

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I see people talking that there is no challenge or goal anymore without remote tech. I have played with remotetech a lot in previous versions. Started a new hard career in version 0.90 1,5 month ago. And I found the launch of a communication network of around four identical satellites getting quite boring. Then after you unlocked better dishes, you launch 4 new ones. Even in a hard career they are not really expensive. Right now I could not wait for the updated remotetech for version 1.0, and I started of a new hard career. I get the feeling the only difference is that you do not have a simple communication network in orbit around Kerbin. So you miss out the repetative launches for your commsats. Other also have this feeling? Or where do you get your challenges from with this mod?

I didn't say anything about challenge, I said that RemoteTech gives me more goals to achieve. I may be the only person that plays games like this: I prefer to set my own goals, I like to feel like I am in the game's universe. Just like playing Sid Meier's Civilization games, it's awesome to build an empire as yours would be if you could have one. In KSP is the same thing, imagine how the other kerbals would react to seeing Jebediah, Bill and Bob first landing on the Mun, Minmus, etc. I don't know, it's fun for me...

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Few questions here. First of all, I didn't see a donate button. How can I give you guys some gratitude for this awesome mod?

Is science transmission working in the latest build (340)?

Is the overlap text gone?

I already started a game and have a few satellites in orbit. Is there a way (like a debug menu) to turn off the connection requirement so I can activate the antennas on my existing satellites?

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I already started a game and have a few satellites in orbit. Is there a way (like a debug menu) to turn off the connection requirement so I can activate the antennas on my existing satellites?

With RemoteTech XF yes, but it is now behind RT official. With RT official no, you will have to edit them in the save.

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I already started a game and have a few satellites in orbit. Is there a way (like a debug menu) to turn off the connection requirement so I can activate the antennas on my existing satellites?

I guess the easiest way is hyperediting a kerbal next to the thing and manually activating it.

alternatively you can delete the cfg file that changes probe bodies, that way you will be able to control it without problems

(don't forget to put back the cfg afterwards :D)

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[...]alternatively you can delete the cfg file that changes probe bodies, that way you will be able to control it without problems

(don't forget to put back the cfg afterwards :D)

Ah yes! That would be the easiest way to do it without RT XF. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

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Looking forward to the upcoming release! A suggestion though: Would you guys consider adding a data transmission capability to the M700 Survey Scanner? At least to me, it definitely looks like it would be able to fill that 60 Gm+ niche that, as far as I know, isn't occupied by any stock part right now. :)

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Non-functionnal here as for latest dev builds, had to revert to 325. Whole UI was broken.

Transmitting science doesn't work here, science stays in the lab despite the message showing transmission being done and electricity being consumed. Could it be a bug in RT ? I should try converting one antenna to a non-RT one and try...

I need logs :)

Screenshot before/after + KSP.log

What else can I provide ?


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I already started a game and have a few satellites in orbit. Is there a way (like a debug menu) to turn off the connection requirement so I can activate the antennas on my existing satellites?

The easiest way should be:

1. temporarily remove RemoteTech.dll from GameData\RemoteTech\Plugins

2. start KSP and fix antenna

3. quit KSP and put the RemoteTech.dll back into GameData\RemoteTech\Plugins

This will keep all Remote Tech parts in place, but temporarily remove restrictions while you fix the antenna.

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Screenshot before/after + KSP.log

What else can I provide ?


thats ok. But i've seen that you have not used the latest devbuild.340.

Can you please revalidate with our current release.

And yes, we've released!!! :cool:

KSP 1.0 compatibility update


Added configs for Sounding Rockets

A bunch of cleanup

Modulemanager update to v2.6.3

We'll now support ControlLock-Addon created by Diazo

Added the LLLMicrochip to the LLL_Probes.cfg

Maneuver burns are now 100% precise by decreasing the throttle at the end of the burn


The +/- Buttons on the pitch/head and roll fields are now trigger buttons. You can now hold the mouse button to increase/decrease the value

You can now use the mousewheel over the pitch/head and roll input fields to increase/decrease the value


Modders can now add their own commands directly to the flightcomputer queue (experimental) For more infos please see this thread

We added a new method `HasLocalControl(GUID): bool` to check the vessel is local controlled or not


We fixed the double definition of LLLCommPole2 on the LLL_Antennas.cfg

We fixed inaccurate maneuver burns with monoprop engines

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