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How did you first Mün landing go?


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Seems like my first successful landing took forever. In fact, I couldn't help but wonder how scared the kerbal must have felt when in low mun orbit you could look down and see the sun glinting off of debris on the surface from all the previous attempts. Felt great when I finally pulled it off though.

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My first moon landing was in 0.18, maybe 0.18.1. I'd say it couldn't have gone better, but that would be exaggeration. It went far better than I expected, and I safely touched down, and probably had enough fuel to get home. I got out, EVAed around a bit, then got back in. I prepped for launch, made sure SAS was on, etc. And then I hit the spacebar. Talk about shock, when I realized that I had just detached the capsule from the engines that were supposed to carry it home.

Surprisingly enough, my next two attempts were impacts severe enough to leave no survivors, it wasn't until the fourth attempt that I actually landed and returned.

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I don't have any pictures, but my first Mun landing was back in .14 when we still had to use winglets to land. It was nervewracking and I spent hours upon hours perfecting the design on the ship, although it was far from perfect (the rocket would **** during launch but i managed to hold it together). I actually landed and came back perfectly, but I was nervous all the way through the flight.

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Went allright - the lander went out ouf fuel during ascend (I did it LOR style), but it was good enough to achieve a orbit, albeit no circular.

So the Command Module had to change it's orbit quite a bit to dock with the lander. But besides that - everything went well.

One of the finest days in my life ^^

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First one with a probe ended up with most of the solar panels ripping off from sliding on Mun. With the update that altered Mun's surface, the probe was floating so far above the ground that it crashed into a crater slope.

This is the second successful landing using the LADEE which was not designed for that mission, but landed successfully.


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It was a long time ago so I have no pics but I remember that my largest problem was killing horizontal velocity. I stopped at about 10m above surface trying to stabilize my craft to no avail, hovering around like crazy. Then I finally hit a mountain and rolled for many minutes before coming to a standstill.

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I had, I dunno, 9 or 10 landings in a row where I touched down oh-so-gently, then sslloowwwllllyyyy tipped over. Finally discovered the magic of the "T" button and haven't looked back since. (Well, technically, my very first Mun "landing" was at some hugely improbable speed (like a good fraction of lightspeed) after a rather untimely kraken attack. But I've gotten over it.)

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Mine was actually kind've an accident. I had put a craft in orbit around the Mun in the old demo and it had a fair bit of fuel left, so I decide "Hey why not try to land?". I had been expecting to run out of fuel and crash; however, the craft ended up land and promptly falling on its side. An explosion of excitement swiftly ensued.

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My thoughts during my first mun landing:

"Oh wow! these landing gears can survive crashes up to 50m/s! Way more than these piddly landing gears! Pfft, who needs such wimpy landing gears anyways? not me.

Oh hey! and these structural decoupler thingys can survive crashes of up to 999m/s! if i pair them with the landing gears, i can land without any hassle at all!"

this led to many ships being smashed into the mun at slightly under 50m/s. Eventually the twisted husk of one of them skidded to a halt and survived. It was amazing. :)

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My first Mun landing was done with the trial version using RCS stages. It went without a hitch.

My first Mun landing using the stock components was done with liquid engines and also went fine.

It was either my 4th or 5th munar landing that went south.

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Mine was nominal. I was doing the same thing as the very skilled kurtjmac, so I was pretty much safe with it. I did end up having to send a rescue mission purely because I spent a few minutes doing that thing where you pilot the ship like a plane above the surface. I landed without enough fuel to depart, and the empty ship is still in pristine condition on the mun since the rescue.

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Surprisingly well, but I had a friend on voice chat to help walk me through it. However, I ran out of gas just as I got into Munar orbit on the way home, so I got to mount my first rescue mission afterwards. Rendezvous'd and docked like a pro! :)

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Well, the landing itself was technically flawless. Great decent, picked a good location, nice flat terrain, soft and gentle touchdown with no sideways movement. Of course there was ONE small problem...... I didn't have enough fuel to get back into orbit, let alone back to Kerbin :blush: Poor Jeb had to sit on his hands for about a month while I unlocked the required parts I figured I needed to get him back. I did indeed get him back, although I felt I could have landed the return vehicle a LOT closer. The return vehicle landed about 1km away. I didn't think it would be too bad, but I very quickly realised it would take forever walking that distance, so I just used the EVA jets to fly to it, which went surprisingly well since I never had used them that way before.

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Depends on how you define "landing". My first Mun missions were done in the demo, which had a somewhat limited set of parts. Nonetheless, I was able to construct a reasonably sized ship capable of reaching the Mun and (hopefully) returning.

This was back before I really understood orbital mechanics, so rather than wait for a transfer window I just pushed my apoapsis up to 11,400 km and waited for the Mun to catch up to me. When I did, I adjusted the encounter to intersect the surface (that's right, no orbital insertion burn for me!) and waited until I got close to the surface. Oh, and did I mention that all this was before I discovered quicksaves?

The first five-ten missions all ended in massive failure, varying from Mun-shattering kabooms to breaking my landing legs and crushing the engines. Eventually, though, I managed to get down safely. And boy, was it worth it. :)

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My first successful Mun landing came after a few disasters of varying intensity (not surprisingly). And this was after coming to KSP from Orbiter and having landed the Delta Flyer on the Moon (albeit without really understanding how I had done it). In the time of 0.13, I was in the habit of attaching an RCS tanks and thrusters to the command pod as a sort of "emergency return system." But, for reasons that are now lost to eternity, the lander on my first successful mission was powered entirely by RCS.


I don't even remember whether they made it back...

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