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[1.2] USI Survivability Pack (Formerly DERP) [v0.6.0]


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On an unrelated note: How do you envision the monoprop fuel cell working?  I'm going through and making a config to add water outputs to my fuel cells (one of their main advantages is that they can feed life support then), but I wasn't sure if that made any sense with this fuel cell.

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The KSP Add=on Version checker states that Firespitter 7.1.5 came with the Survivability Pack and that the current version is 7.2.  A couple of days ago, I attempted to update the Firespitter, but it has an impact on the landing legs.  Should I just keep ignoring it for now?

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As you know I`m a sucker for the Exploration pack, saw GamersCircle play with your D.E.R.P. mod and I just couldn`t resist! :D

Small search&rescue junior tug with KIS containers for repairs and 2 onboard derp escape pods:



With KIS working, a small cargo version to deliver 4 more lifeboats to be attached under the station (heatshield undocks to be redocked on the rear):



...to put it in perspective with the engineer to screw it all into place:




As always, your mods are awsome! :kiss:

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I didn't see any mention of poor little DERPie in the 1.1 releases, so I went ahead and made a new issue on the git page for DERP for the last point (I'd hate for my comment to get lost in the 1.1 chaos:wink:). I noticed the TACLS Life Boat incompatibility was mentioned May '15, so I didn't add that. As a work around, I just added the resources to the pod straight out, and turned off fuelcrossfeed. Doesn't quite work as elegantly, but it's something I guess.



On 3/26/2016 at 0:56 AM, Deimos Rast said:

@RoverDude Greetings - huge fan of your work, I use pretty much all your mods, but far and away, I love the little DERP pod the most. In fact, I just finished "customizing" the entire DERP product line (not that it wasn't already great before, I just like fiddling). Anyway, a few things:

  • What determines which resources "ModuleStoredResource" will accept(I'm assuming that's a custom module of your's, from the Lifeboat.dll as I've seen it no where else)? It will accept Xenon Gas for example, but not Food/Water/Oxygen, which is surprising. If you're open to suggestions, maybe let that be something customizable or worst case, you could peg it to CRP. I could understand if the flow/transfer settings came into play (I also tried Ablator for example), but, well, you get the idea.
  • How does the "LifeBoat" module work exactly? We a have "dampenFactor" and "dampenSpeed"...is that just a general velocity/ dampener (as the second name would suggest)?
  • A suggestion: Connected Living Spaces compatibility to better enable crew transfers (although if your pod works anything like a "deployableHabRestrictor" there could be an issue without an initial crew capacity value)
  • And lastly, I noticed you gave the DERP Pod a "ModuleAblator" (ablativeResource = Ablator), but never actually gave it the Resouce Ablator. I thought maybe you added it in a MM patch, but couldn't find any. You do have a DRE patch, and looking in there I see you giving "ModuleHeatShield" and Resource AblativeShielding to a certain "USI_PodCapsule" (specifically FOR[SrvPack]). The only pod in the SrvPack, the DERP Pod, is part name "DERP_POD."

On the last point, I just want to say I am pretty new to reading configs and patches and such, so I could well be misreading the entire thing. Either way, thanks a ton for all the content you provide and the work you've done.:)





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Hi @RoverDude, first thank you for your amazing work!

I think I found a bug in the latest (0.5.0 for KSP 1.1) release.

It's about the parachute of the DERP Inflatable Escape Pod: when I launch a vessel, it's default state is ARMED. Even if I manage to disarm it before liftoff, its behavior is strange, it get released/damaged upon reentry even if it's set on the upmost stage and NOT activated.

Sorry for not feeding more infos; if I'll have some spare time later this week, I'll dig into this with a reproductible test case and some screenshots.

I'm currently using KSP, latest USI mods (no CKAN!), latest MechJeb release.

To be clear, I'm not asking for a quickfix. I only hope this helps you for a more stable release upon KSP 1.1.

Hope it helps somehow, and thanks again!

- Wulf

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1 minute ago, RoverDude said:

Thanks - did you log a github issue?  That's the best way for me to not lose track of these :)

I don't have a github account (yet) but sure, I can do that. I'll post it on the issue tracker. :wink:

- Wulf

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is intentional or not but the DERP solar panels only seem draw power from one side.  It's not a huge deal as I know they are simple, early game solar panels, but they have cells on both sides so I wasn't sure.  There is a chance some weird probe part is blocking them (just not visibly)  I haven't done extensive checking yet with other probe designs (i use CTT and love that I get them early in the tree so I've started using them for probes and as backup power systems).  


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