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Mods which should be stock?


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I agree with all of those except for kOS, it's better to leave it as a mod.

So, wait. What is KAC? Sorry, I just never have heard of that mod. :(

Google KSP KAC :wink:

Edited by theend3r
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Mods that should really be stock:

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Environmental Visual Enhancements

Astronomer's Visual Pack for EVE

Enhanced Navball

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Final Frontier

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Sam Hall Mk2 IVA

TouhouTorpedo Mk3 IVA


Distant Object Enhancement

CactEye Telescope

Ferram Aerospace Research

Procedural Fairings (I actually prefer pre-made fairings though)


Stockalike mods that would be nice to have as stock:


RLA Stockalike


Porkjet's Habitat mod

Home Grown Rocket Parts

Kerbal Aircraft Expansion


Aerojet Kerbodyne

SDHI Service Module System

Space Shuttle Engines (and the KM Gimbal plugin)

Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System

Taurus HCV

Kerbal Attachment System



Firespitter plugin

Yeah, I like mods a lot. That's why I split up the list into the necessities (i.e., if something similar isn't implemented KSP that wouldn't be good) and the mods that are fun to play with and would be nice to have as stock. :)

Edited by Woopert
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Mods that should really be stock:

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Environmental Visual Enhancements

Astronomer's Visual Pack for EVE

Enhanced Navball

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Final Frontier

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Sam Hall Mk2 IVA

TouhouTorpedo Mk3 IVA


Distant Object Enhancement

CactEye Telescope

Ferram Aerospace Research

Procedural Fairings (I kind of prefer pre-made fairings though)


Stockalike mods that would be nice to have as stock:


RLA Stockalike


Porkjet's Habitat mod

Home Grown Rocket Parts

Kerbal Aircraft Expansion


Aerojet Kerbodyne

SDHI Service Module System

Space Shuttle Engines (and the KM Gimbal plugin)

Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System

Taurus HCV

Kerbal Attachment System



Firespitter plugin

Yeah, I like mods a lot. That's why I split up the list into the necessities (i.e., if something similar isn't implemented KSP that wouldn't be good) and the mods that are fun to play with and would be nice to have as stock. :)

Edited by Woopert
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Sorry, what I meant by kOS being discontinued is that Nivekk, the creator, disappeared one day.

And yes, Ferram Aerospace Research (or ANY better aerodynamics) should be in the game. And KAS should be stock: There's no use for EVAs right now.

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Something that fixes aerodynamics (FAR got it's own quirks, so I guess some implementation from Kerbal Devs would be most welcome) + Procedural Fairings

Deadly Reentry

Alarm clock

Environmental Visual enhancements

in that order. ;)

Edited by Sky_walker
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K(erbal) A(larm) C(lock) My first choice. K(erbal) E(ngineer) R(edux) is my number two. (What is KOS?) Though I understand Harvester wants to keep a Kerbal, fly by the seat of your pants feel to the game.

Actually I vote for KAC before any of these.

I don't actually use Enhanced Navball, just the Navball Docking Alignment Indicator. There isn't a pressing need for all those other vectors when one can eyeball them easily enough.

I agree but tried it 'just to see'- three words : maneuver node ghosting. IMHO it makes enhanced navball great.

Edited by Aethon
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We definitely need Farrem Aerospace and some form of Deadly Re-entry. Don't hate me, but I see Kerbal Alarm Clock to be a little cheaty. (I'm sorry!) I like having to do everything. It really makes accomplishing things feel a lot better.

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Okay my 2 cents. MechJeb should be stock. It provides an autopilot which is a must, it also supplies vital information on most vehicle aspects. Now I already hear you ppl screaming KER does the latter. But KER cant fly MechJeb can, 2 mods in 1, a win. KOS is fine if you can code but a lot of ppl cant so KOS is no good imho.

NovaPunch cuz hey its a TON of great parts.

Procedural Fairings cuz its great to clothe our rockets. And if we get things like reentry heat/better atmospherics fairings are good and since procedural auto generates fairings, custom sizes are a win.

Romfarers lazer docking cam because its more real looking than DAI and it can show you if your clear pathing which DAI cannot.

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Okay my 2 cents. MechJeb should be stock. It provides an autopilot which is a must, it also supplies vital information on most vehicle aspects. Now I already hear you ppl screaming KER does the latter. But KER cant fly MechJeb can, 2 mods in 1, a win. KOS is fine if you can code but a lot of ppl cant so KOS is no good imho.

NovaPunch cuz hey its a TON of great parts.

Procedural Fairings cuz its great to clothe our rockets. And if we get things like reentry heat/better atmospherics fairings are good and since procedural auto generates fairings, custom sizes are a win.

Romfarers lazer docking cam because its more real looking than DAI and it can show you if your clear pathing which DAI cannot.

Not one of those except procedural fairings should or will be stock. Ever.

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DPAI, KAC, KER, and Enhanced Navball for GUI function are just essential.

The various graphics enhancements like EVE or AVP would be nice

Parts would include B9 and KW Rocketry.

Not Ferram Aerospace Research, just no.

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MechJeb for information displays and autopilots, FAR and DRE to fix the atmospheres, and Docking Port Alignment Indicator for better docking. Maybe something else as well, but I haven't tried them.

Definitely no Procedural Fairings or other stretchable parts. Kerbal rockets are built from Lego bricks. A major part of the fun in building rockets is that the precise part you'd like to have usually doesn't exist, so you'll have to improvise.

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