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Spending Kerbucks


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Although I'm easily able to grind contracts for funds (spaceplane to orbit, test some parachutes on the way up, science from space, rescue a Kerbal, land on runway; no expenses but a small amount of fuel, √profit√), I'm still finding that my bank balance hovers around √300,000.

Every time I collect a million, I blow it on prototype testing. That gets expensive fast when they're √80,000 spaceplanes and you lose three or four to takeoff instability or aerodynamic failure before getting it right. And then there's the joy of seeing your new √100,000 megabooster design disintegrate on takeoff...for the third time.

What are you spending your cash on?

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1.) Company Learjet 45

2.) Company Learjet 35

3.) Company Gulfstream G6

4.) 4 more Lear 45's

5.) spaaaaaace.com domain

6.) Buy a small country

7.) Moar Boosters

Financial advisors? What's that?

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My Funds are generally spent for the first two missions to max out the tech tree, and then for whatever I feel like doing for the rest of my flights since I have a maxed tech tree and made a solid 1.5mil Funds at that point. Getting an easy contract with a huge payout isn't really that challenging; just wait for an LV-N, Skipper, or Mainsail contract to come up.

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But thats boring

Install Remote Tech 2 and SCANsat. :wink:

RT2 will make you "invest" money so you are able to control probes "behind" Kerbin or further away than Minmus, as well as to transmitting back science.

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New game with ALT+F12 disabling quicksave and quickload and rerolling back to launchpad/design screen and i am with around 600 000 Kerbux/Funds and every dime i use is needed to be spent effectively :P

Lost 120 000 Kerbux ship last night due to pilot error :D but life is life.

Now i try to get a orbital station at Kerbin and then do the same for Mun, with supply ships to both and a tug. , also one satellite to both with Kethane detectors.

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Guys, they're called funds. Just call them that instead of going full-on ham with the K syndrome.

you are all wrong, they are in fact called Roots. Even the symbol is a root square, and it makes sense that green plant species like kerbals would trade in roots... :P

As for the spending, I usually blow it on large manned missions with lots of instruments and science gathering.

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Still waiting for Remote Tech 2 update for 0.24 or are the prices of the parts balanced and everything working? But to the topic, I spend my funds on pretty much anything. From sending rovers somewhere for fun, building space stations or planetary stations on moons and planets, sattelites, probes etc. So much to spend funds on and big expensive rocket designs can cost up to a few hundred thousands of Kerbolia Kraken Koin Kredits.

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While I see a lot of people complaining that the contracts give out too much in cash rewards, then I don't think you need to screw up that many half-million medium-end rockets...

That said, I spend my money on:

1) Small prope-launches for contract runs - usually always decked out with parachutes because those experimental parts are expensive...

- including atmospheric aircraft

2) Mün and Minmus science gathering missions

3) rescue missions - god I love doing those

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Install Remote Tech 2 and SCANsat. :wink:

RT2 will make you "invest" money so you are able to control probes "behind" Kerbin or further away than Minmus, as well as to transmitting back science.

And hullcam and kethane.

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