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[1.8.x - 1.12.x] Soviet Probes & Soviet Rockets - R7/N1/Soyuz/Proton/Zenit/Dnepr/Kosmos/Tsiklon - 7-24-21


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That's great. Looking forward to tomorrow.

There's no way I 'll have this done by tomorrow. This pack above all other relies most heavily on dependencies which are all going to be broken for who knows how long. I'll also need to redo ALL the engine and fuel values for everything that has them and somehow work out the fairing problem. Apparently the new fairings are not actual parts but act more like the jettison module which is nice but impossible to do with fixed-sized fairings. I have absolutely no idea how I am going to go about doing this as, as parts, my fairings are going to cause drag while not reducing the drag of the payload underneath, they are more just for show, as are all mods with fairings that exist at the moment. The new modules may work nice for procedural-type fairings but will ever work for a type like these. I may end up having to just give the rockets slightly more DV to overcome the extra drag caused by the fairings.

So basically what I'm saying is this pack above all other is going to be a complete nightmare to make work with the new update. I should have us probes, skylab and the salyuts updated tomorrow or tuesday though as long as firespitter doesn't break. This mod will take considerably longer as I will need to entirely redo how the rockets work.

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Good point. Get it done, when you get it done. To be honest, I use RSS, and have made my own configs for everything so I'll likely be waiting for a while before it and all those types of dependencies (while RSS doesn't have any my configs require several)all done and ready. For the fairings, now of course we have no idea how things go, but I would think that maybe something like FAR would treat things as such much better (IF it's updated), but I'm sure you don't want to add something like FAR to a list of dependencies. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to whenever that is.

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I've been checking this forum regularly since you released the Scout back in February, looking to see if/when more US rockets might appear. Seeing the Proton here this morning is a great surprise (I know you've alluded to it in the past). Your Block-D/Zond mockup looks especially delicious. I can honestly say I'm more excited about this than I am over 1.0.

Congratulations for all you have accomplished; thanks in advance for sharing with the rest of us. Work at your own pace and have fun with it. If/when you feel ready to release stuff, we'll be here.


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Did the soviet style launch clamps you were working on a while ago ever come to anything?

They are actually pretty well finished but they are useless in any situation besides a recessed launch pad, you can't use them on the stock pad. This is because they attach to the upper half of the soyuz which is half submerged in the launch pad. THe stock pad is not like this making it impossible to use them. I would need to completely remake them to work properly with the stock pad which I don't feel like doing, thus I'm not releasing them.

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They are actually pretty well finished but they are useless in any situation besides a recessed launch pad, you can't use them on the stock pad. This is because they attach to the upper half of the soyuz which is half submerged in the launch pad. THe stock pad is not like this making it impossible to use them. I would need to completely remake them to work properly with the stock pad which I don't feel like doing, thus I'm not releasing them.

I'd gladly use them with the rocket suspended up in the air, you're only on the pad for a moment but the usual or fasa launch clamps really bug me when I'm launching my soyuz. So I would use them as is, atleast

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They are actually pretty well finished but they are useless in any situation besides a recessed launch pad, you can't use them on the stock pad. This is because they attach to the upper half of the soyuz which is half submerged in the launch pad. THe stock pad is not like this making it impossible to use them. I would need to completely remake them to work properly with the stock pad which I don't feel like doing, thus I'm not releasing them.

What about the kosmodrome pack. Could you release them for people who use the kosmodrome pack? Just make it a dependency?

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I think you should add the launch clams anyway! It'd be useful for everyone, even though you can't particularly get it just right!

- - - Updated - - -

I actually just now took the time to go back and look at the pictures of the launch clamps and those are just beautiful. Seeing as we have the new effects with the flame trench in 1.0, we should stay on the pad longer to truly enjoy the new effects, and those clamps would make that so much easier to look at!

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They are actually pretty well finished but they are useless in any situation besides a recessed launch pad, you can't use them on the stock pad. This is because they attach to the upper half of the soyuz which is half submerged in the launch pad. THe stock pad is not like this making it impossible to use them. I would need to completely remake them to work properly with the stock pad which I don't feel like doing, thus I'm not releasing them.

Understandable, but all the same, there is still a niche to be filled. Just my thoughts on the situation.

What about the kosmodrome pack. Could you release them for people who use the kosmodrome pack? Just make it a dependency?

I don't think he wants to have any dependencies...

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Understandable, but all the same, there is still a niche to be filled. Just my thoughts on the situation.

I don't think he wants to have any dependencies...

Oh. I understand. I was just looking for a solution to the problem which would be if you wanted to use them, then you would have to use the Kosmodrome pack. That was we would be able to use the clamps in Raidernick wouldn't have to do anymore work.

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The new update invalidated the changes I made for the rockets and they no longer work again. I'm not fixing it this time, I don't have hours to keep wasting fixing the rockets each update, it's not like KSP 1.0 was supposed to be the end of major breaking changes like this right? If someone wants to waste a ton of time trying to fix the rockets have at it but I'm dropping them from the pack next update if not.

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I don't blame you. The hoopla that has been 1.0+, I truly believe SQUAD has gotten too big an ego, much the size of there head in proportion to their body like the Kerbals they have designed, and all they see is $$$ instead of doing things right. It'll be sad to see your rockets go, pending somebody working on it. I would volunteer, however as I use your rockets based on a RSS stand point relying upon FAR and other fixes so that things can essentially remain the same between updates there isn't much to do that hasn't already been done.

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