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[1.9-1.10] Hangar


[b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]  

328 members have voted

  1. 1. [b]Do you use the [u]Desaturated Texture Pack?[/u][/b]

    • Yes, the grey textures are more stock-like
    • No, the green-orange textures are fine

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3 hours ago, Lisias said:

this one caught my eye:

These are actually pretty common, but I never saw any correlation of the NaNs from PatchedConicSolver with observable issues.

3 hours ago, Lisias said:

Keep me in the loop

Sure thing!

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He there; I appreciate your mod, without which I cannot control my part count.  TCA is also awesome, so thank you.

I noticed that the adding of the hangar components to the stock cargo bay is recent, so I thought I'd mention this in case you have not run into it.  I have a fuel drone with various tanks wrapped in a long Mk3 cargo bay.

I opened up this drone to change the contents of a tank, and noticed that any attempt to directly right-click the contents of the cargo bay with the doors open, only brings up the menu of the bay itself, as if I was trying to click items with the doors still closed.  Angling the camera inside the bay allows me to reach the contents, but I thought I'd mention it.



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14 minutes ago, MgnfcntBstrd said:

He there; I appreciate your mod, without which I cannot control my part count.  TCA is also awesome, so thank you.

I noticed that the adding of the hangar components to the stock cargo bay is recent, so I thought I'd mention this in case you have not run into it.  I have a fuel drone with various tanks wrapped in a long Mk3 cargo bay.

I opened up this drone to change the contents of a tank, and noticed that any attempt to directly right-click the contents of the cargo bay with the doors open, only brings up the menu of the bay itself, as if I was trying to click items with the doors still closed.  Angling the camera inside the bay allows me to reach the contents, but I thought I'd mention it.


This is a strange bug that appears and disappears from time to time without any apparent reason. There is a trigger collide added to the center of the bay, as well as an invisible mesh that delineates the internal space. But both shouldn't be raycast targets. Anyways, thanks for the report. I'll check this out when I'm back from the vacation after 9th...

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I remember before this mod (Or maybe another very similar mod) you could have several craft inside 1 hanger and have them spawn at seperate times, is this no longer possible? and if so i can't find on the UI where you would do it, any help appreciated :)

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1 hour ago, Joshuawood said:

I remember before this mod (Or maybe another very similar mod) you could have several craft inside 1 hanger and have them spawn at seperate times, is this no longer possible? and if so i can't find on the UI where you would do it, any help appreciated :)

It's certainly this mod, and I've done it recently. Which hangar are you trying to use? I know that some of them only allow you to put a single vessel in them (like the Mk3 Cargo Bay, if I remember right) - are you using one of those maybe?

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22 minutes ago, etmoonshade said:

It's certainly this mod, and I've done it recently. Which hangar are you trying to use? I know that some of them only allow you to put a single vessel in them (like the Mk3 Cargo Bay, if I remember right) - are you using one of those maybe?

i was trying to use the Aerodynamic and the Box hangers, i presume those are 2 that can only have 1? 

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45 minutes ago, Joshuawood said:

i was trying to use the Aerodynamic and the Box hangers, i presume those are 2 that can only have 1? 

I know the fairing hangar is single-item (and single-use) only. I'm fairly certain the same applies to the box hangar.

If you right-click the part, it'll tell you if it has any restrictions on use (e.g. single-use only, only one vessel, etc.)

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8 minutes ago, etmoonshade said:

I know the fairing hangar is single-item (and single-use) only. I'm fairly certain the same applies to the box hangar.

If you right-click the part, it'll tell you if it has any restrictions on use (e.g. single-use only, only one vessel, etc.)

ahhhh i seeeeeee n1f0WoB.png thank you!

Edited by Joshuawood
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  • 3 weeks later...

I gave up on 1.10 as it was bug after bug and I reverted to 1.9.1 . Clean install. Deleted everything. Tried twice. Not that many mods, too. I installed it trough ckan.

The hangar mod prevents the game from loading. First it hangs during one of teh config files (BigHangar.cfg). After reading a few pages back i installed AT Utils manually, and it was indeed missign a file compared to the ckan install. Now the game hangs its load on hangar.dll.


the last few lines in the log file were:

[LOG 10:25:56.424] vallicechunk_d.mat
[LOG 10:25:56.424] vallstone_d.mat
[LOG 10:25:56.424] vall_cryovolcano.fbx
[LOG 10:25:56.424] vall_icechunk.fbx
[LOG 10:25:56.424] vall_stone.fbx
[LOG 10:25:56.424] cryovolcano_d.tga
[LOG 10:25:56.424] cryovolcano_e.png
[LOG 10:25:56.424] cryovolcano_n.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] cryovolcano_s.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallicechunk_d.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallicechunk_e.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallicechunk_n.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallicechunk_s.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallstone_d.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallstone_e.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallstone_n.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallstone_s.jpg
[LOG 10:25:56.425] vallcryovolcano.prefab
[LOG 10:25:56.426] vallicechunk.prefab
[LOG 10:25:56.426] vallstone.prefab
[LOG 10:25:56.428] Expansion makinghistory detected in path F:\SteamGames\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SquadExpansion\MakingHistory
[LOG 10:25:56.428] Expansion serenity detected in path F:\SteamGames\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SquadExpansion\Serenity
[EXC 10:25:56.450] ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
	System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	AssemblyLoader.GetTypesOfClassesImplementingInterface[T] () (at <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0)
	Expansions.Missions.MissionsUtils.InitialiseAdjusterTypes () (at <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0)
	Expansions.ExpansionsLoader+<LoadExpansions>d__21.MoveNext () (at <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[LOG 10:25:56.450] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs:
Hangar GameData\Hangar\Plugins\Hangar.dll


Later edit: it finaly managed to load the dll after i reverted back to hangar 3.6.0 . Even though the latest version sais its 1.9 compatible, it's not.

Edited by Nicky21
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I have one problem. When I use the "edit contents" menu and click on the "select vessel" button, it clicks but doesn't do anything. However, the "select subassembly" and "select part" buttons work. The only mods I have installed that I think could affects this are the craft file organizer mod and Extraplanetary Launchpads. Can I have some help? I'm in KSP 1.9.1 with Hangar and Configurable Containers on their latest versions.

Edited by MoonstreamInSpace
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  • 3 weeks later...


On 9/8/2020 at 10:02 PM, Fr8monkey said:

Playing in 1.8.1.  Have had the mod installed with no problem before; but had to do clean install. Now hangs on Hanger/parts/bighanger/hanger2


Any Ideas?  Looked around and no help.  Is there another mod that messes with this?

The exact same thign happened to me on 1.9. I had to use older version of the hangar mod and its dependencies (atutils).


Edited by Nicky21
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

KSP 1.9.1, installed only Hangar, SmartParts, and their dependencies (AT Utils, MM, CRP, KSP AVC) via CKAN. If I put down a Box Fairing in the VAB and right-click it, "Edit Contents" doesn't appear, and there's no Hangar button on the toolbar.

http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/games/ksp/hangar/ has the logs.

"Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'Hangar'" and "Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'SimpleHangarStorage'" seem curious. (The AT Utils install at the very least looks just like the one I have in a non-clean install where it _does_ work).

Anything else you need, please?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having an issue where if I have a ground VTOL hangar attatched to my ship, then whenever I try to click on ANY PART, it acts as if I clicked on the hangar instead. HELP!


Thankfully, it only seems to be a problem with the ground VTOL hangar.

Edited by MoonstreamInSpace
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I'm trying to build some massive, like stupidly massive, carriers. Tweakscale is my friend. However it looks as if internal volume does not scale with part volume- is this a planned feature? I'm guessing it isn't trivial since it appears that internal volume has to have a separate model, even to convert stock parts. Having no unity modeling experience myself I have no idea what I'm asking really. 

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17 hours ago, jmill050 said:

I'm trying to build some massive, like stupidly massive, carriers. Tweakscale is my friend. However it looks as if internal volume does not scale with part volume- is this a planned feature? I'm guessing it isn't trivial since it appears that internal volume has to have a separate model, even to convert stock parts. Having no unity modeling experience myself I have no idea what I'm asking really. 

Use Hangar's inbuilt scaling functions on hangar parts, not Tweakscale.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/28/2020 at 1:02 PM, 0111narwhalz said:

Use Hangar's inbuilt scaling functions on hangar parts, not Tweakscale.

Right, I know the included hangar parts have the ability to be resized. However some of the stock cargo bays also had the capability added via module manager and what looks like a custom model for internal volume. I played around with nesting an upsized hangar part inside of a tweakscaled stock cargo bay but I'm a perfectionist and the inefficient use of volume and mass just bugged me. I guess I answered most of my own questions, just stating a feature that would get my vote for a future release :)


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A suggestion for a qol improvement to the mod, could you implement some way to arrange/rearrange stored spacecraft in flight? Perhaps a separate window similar to transferring spacecraft between hangars but for a single hangar? Or, some kind of drop down menu so we can quickly select a spacecraft from a large list? My current use of this mod is proving tedious pressing the arrow button repeatedly to select the correct probe to launch.

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  • 1 month later...

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