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Quick attempt with my Heafenator \'Bomber\' plane.


Flight time:

19mins 10secs

Highest Alt:


Highest speed over land:


Highest G\'s:


Total distance Travelled:


In the first 20 seconds I dropped the bombs that the plane was meant to carry - and, stupidly, I tried to land on an island...



C7 Experimental

NovaSilisiko parts (For the bombs, which really didn\'t do anything)

The experimental landing gear that C7 released are about as bad as using the cart mod. Actually since its basically a car with jets attached while landing you can go up to 200-300mps without snapping a wheel it might be worse.

Though if you actually flew that\'s a whole other matter.

Scratch that, you were using pontoons so landing gear is out of the question to begin with.

And if my memory serves me correctly they have a tendency to drift if turning on land/craft too heavy.

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I finally got the time to try this as well: 305,360m 292,291m, all stock. And a safe parachute landing in the eastern ocean, close to the next land mass.

edit: I\'m really sorry, looking at my screenshot again I think I took the wrong value, total distance instead of ground distance...

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Not a lot, but only one stage... and never went over 1km altitude (due to a misread).

I know it says 2 stage, but stage 1 is a stilt to get my craft in the air in the first place.

Craft and pic linked. C7 required. Should be able to improve on this when I can use my real computer.

EDIT: Won\'t let me link craft file. Here\'s screeny.


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Not a lot, but only one stage... and never went over 1km altitude (due to a misread).

I know it says 2 stage, but stage 1 is a stilt to get my craft in the air in the first place.

Craft and pic linked. C7 required. Should be able to improve on this when I can use my real computer.

EDIT: Won\'t let me link craft file. Here\'s screeny.


would love to see you try again whit 10 km altitude :)

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I really like this constest (and KSP), it made me make an account and this first post :)

Maybe there should be two divisions: one for space planes, and another for ballistics. Each one is really a completely different challenge with the same rules.

This is a good idea, maybe one category for only stock parts ships (because it\'s harder), and one including mods (because it\'s fun to have even more possibilities, without the cheating parts like tires of course).

edit: I didn\'t see that the crew has to survive, please ignore the previously stated contribution, have to try again, this time with parashute or some fuel for breaking left in tanks :)

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Finally I made it according to the rules, letting the crew survive :)

97,027 m, using only stock parts:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

It was a very small craft, only 11 parts:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

First Stage: 3 small liquid engines, each with 1 large tank.

Second Stage: 1 small engine with 1 small tank

There was a large tank earlier, the same ship without parachute, i got about 125 km on that one, but with a parachute the large tank was too heavy, killing the crew on impact.

5,195m (5km). A capsule on a SRB. 8)

This is the best challange, i got 7017 m after about two dozen tries, only 1 solid rocket booster:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

It looks like i wasn\'t the first one to have overlooked tha part about not killing the crew, judging the screen of ckellingc posted a week ago.

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I modified the craft I used earlier to use drop tanks and got this:

1,001,787 m; Proof:


And I didn\'t fly it too efficiently this time. :P

Same as before, C7 basic, experimental & beta gear w/ MechJeb.

Could you post a pic of this amazing craft :)

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I call it the Hermes Endurer X. Underneath the main body are drop tanks, while three SRBs (already gone) are used to prop it up on the pad and help it take off evenly.


Oh, btw, I flew it badly. It has many more kilometers above what I got. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just found the SRB challenge - that\'s a cool one! I did a couple of runs, and my entry for this is 7064m, using chute, pod and SRB.

Maybe it\'s possible to derive a theoretical maximum here?

And I think my entry in the stock challenge has to be corrected down, I accidentially posted the total instead of the ground distance. Sorry...

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i just tried this with my HB-bomber. i had some malfunctions but i managed to get 286,418 meters


im gonna try again after i upgraded my ship

Edit2: scratch this, after i modified my HB-Bomber i got 331,111 meters



mods used: c7, c7 experemetal, c7 beta gear, TiberDyne Aerospace R&D Division, mechjeb and Omega Areospace, damned aerospace

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I just found the SRB challenge - that\'s a cool one! I did a couple of runs, and my entry for this is 7064m, using chute, pod and SRB.

You officially reached 0,7% farther than me, kudos to you! :)

I, too, think this is pretty close to the theoretical maximum.

I like the other (stock parts) challange, still working on a noteworthy design though.

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