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[1.12.x] Asteroid Recycling Technologies


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Okay, so you've got a big update coming on the 1st. I just managed (with about 7 hours of wiggling) to get a big, fat class E into a viable orbit. I have Big Plans for him, I'm going to love him and pet him and hold him and squeeze him and make him into the greatest flying super-base EVER.

Oh sure, AND THEN LIQUIFY its insides!

You are a monster

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Is there any way for a MM patch to add a new kind of resource to be stored in the asteroids? I'm trying to get this working with RealFuels.

i've been considering this for a while, as a counterpoint for my CRP resources mod, but i don't use RealFuels, so i don;t know what i should concentrate on and what colors make sense. would you be willing to throw out some guidance so i can make sane textures?

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Oh sure, AND THEN LIQUIFY its insides!

You are a monster

No... but I do build them :P

I just think of it as an aggressive weight-loss regimen. We're just going to help him shed a few thousand unwanted pounds *and turn it into rocket fuel and space ships*.

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0.5.4 is up!


Cleaned up resources

Moved out some dead code

Converted all TGAs to PNGs

Updated USI Tools/ORSX/ModuleManager

Moved to full version of CRP

Moved rock to the CRP as it will be multi-mod

Updated FireSpitter DLL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks for this mod, it's proved quite fun so far. I did have a question though, it looks like the jaw does not stay active when you switch to another ship or back to the space center, is this by design? Silly me brought my periapsis down low and so now i cant just light speed warp until the asteroid is empty. I was hoping I could leave the jaw running and check back on it later, but as it is now, it looks like I'm going to be spamming the warp key for a little while :sticktongue:

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i've been considering this for a while, as a counterpoint for my CRP resources mod, but i don't use RealFuels, so i don;t know what i should concentrate on and what colors make sense. would you be willing to throw out some guidance so i can make sane textures?

I was just looking into this area myself - I haven't got any specific colours I'd suggest, however TriggerAu recently added KSP Alternate Resource Panel icons for many of the fuels in RealFuels, so maybe these could be of help?

I've got a long flight coming up, so I may do horrible programmer art things to textures whilst I'm travelling, as I'm about to hit the whole 'asteroid capture/mining' phase of my current RealFuels + USI game.

If I get something what works, I'll post it up ... so you can all laugh at my leet MS Paint skillz.


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Ok ... I've got something which seems to be working for me locally (51 unique resources in RealFuels to flip between!), complete with the worst programmer art bodges on top of @AetherGoddess 'es CRP resources mod, using the ARP icons TriggerAU added for the realfuels stuff. If I can get AetherGoddess'es permission, then I'll post it up, either here or in her mod thread (see above).

One thing though ... I had trouble both with this and AetherGoddess'es original CRP resources mod having some conflict with TweakScale - I removed tweakscale though, as I wasn't actually using it. Better minds than mine may need to work out what the trouble is, as the error was typically unhelpful in the output.log.


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Wow. After capturing an asteroid and sending a drill and tanker up, I realized that the 15000 units of rock I drilled only gave me 15 units of Karbonite... Even if I use up the entire class C asteroid, it's not enough to fuel my ship 1/8 of the way. Guess I should have read the inputs and outputs of the converters :P

So, getting so little from an asteroid doesn't really make it worth the resources to get to the asteroid in the first place... And definitely not worth it to capture it in orbit.

Is my install broken? Am I missing something or is this the way it really is? Because I can land on Minmus or anywhere else that's low grav, drill there, and yield much more using much less fuel to do it...

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Wow. After capturing an asteroid and sending a drill and tanker up, I realized that the 15000 units of rock I drilled only gave me 15 units of Karbonite... Even if I use up the entire class C asteroid, it's not enough to fuel my ship 1/8 of the way. Guess I should have read the inputs and outputs of the converters :P

So, getting so little from an asteroid doesn't really make it worth the resources to get to the asteroid in the first place... And definitely not worth it to capture it in orbit.

Is my install broken? Am I missing something or is this the way it really is? Because I can land on Minmus or anywhere else that's low grav, drill there, and yield much more using much less fuel to do it...

If you read the details on ART its primary focus for asteroids is converting them into big storage facilities. The conversion of rock into other things, such as karbonite or fuel is a side benefit and is very inefficient by design.

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If you read the details on ART its primary focus for asteroids is converting them into big storage facilities. The conversion of rock into other things, such as karbonite or fuel is a side benefit and is very inefficient by design.

I understand that, but then my question is, if it's that inefficient, then why even include the converters? Using up all the rock to get 300 units of karbonite or whatever else just seems a little pointless. And yes, getting resources from asteroids was really the main reason I started using ART, not for storage. I've had plenty of large tankers in orbit around the system, and that's no problem. But I thought it would be nice to get resources while in space without having to land anywhere. I supposed I could edit the cfg files to get more out of them, I think...

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I understand that, but then my question is, if it's that inefficient, then why even include the converters? Using up all the rock to get 300 units of karbonite or whatever else just seems a little pointless. And yes, getting resources from asteroids was really the main reason I started using ART, not for storage. I've had plenty of large tankers in orbit around the system, and that's no problem. But I thought it would be nice to get resources while in space without having to land anywhere. I supposed I could edit the cfg files to get more out of them, I think...

Something is better than nothing IMO. Beyond that I would say Rover had his reasons. But IIRC he made this mod easy to extend so you should be able to tweak the parts however you like.

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Regolith and it's demo parts are what you use for resource extraction. The primary focus of ART is storage, which begs the question what the heck you do with all of that rock. And getting some trace stuff is better than venting it.

It's also why ART includes a mass driver engine that uses said rock as a fuel ;)

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I've got this grand plan to build a ship using this mod to hollow out an E-class Asteroid and using it as the primary body for the craft. All I've got to do is finish hollowing out the E-class I managed to get a Jaw on, then tow it back to kerbin.

By the way, does the Jaw hollow out the asteroid on rails if I don't focus on it?? I'd like to do other things while I just let it go on doing it's job....

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Looks like I cannot attach my vessel to the asteroid after I've melted some rock. I had two ships: one with the advanced grabbing unit (main ship, which captured asterod on kerbin orbit) and second with the jaw (and with mass driver to use some rock as a power to change orbit a bit). I've noticed that my energy goes really low with engine activated so I decided to reposition my first ship from the dark side to the light side (to get some extra energy from its solar panels). And I cannot attach the claw to the asteroid! It just bumps off when I'm getting close (and when it happens my second ship bends on the joint between the jaw and battery up to 180 degree). The same thing happened when I tried to reposition the second ship (jaw doesn't want to attach again).

And another little thing is about particle effect arount the jaw when it's melting rock. With time acceleration it's okay, but with the normal speed particles fly away just like I'm flying through the atmosphere.

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Looks like I cannot attach my vessel to the asteroid after I've melted some rock. I had two ships: one with the advanced grabbing unit (main ship, which captured asterod on kerbin orbit) and second with the jaw (and with mass driver to use some rock as a power to change orbit a bit). I've noticed that my energy goes really low with engine activated so I decided to reposition my first ship from the dark side to the light side (to get some extra energy from its solar panels). And I cannot attach the claw to the asteroid! It just bumps off when I'm getting close (and when it happens my second ship bends on the joint between the jaw and battery up to 180 degree). The same thing happened when I tried to reposition the second ship (jaw doesn't want to attach again).

And another little thing is about particle effect arount the jaw when it's melting rock. With time acceleration it's okay, but with the normal speed particles fly away just like I'm flying through the atmosphere.

Same happened to me. Could not attach more than once, even when using the stock grappler claw. Quicksave, quickload, game restart etc didn't help with reattaching to it. Uninstalled ART and I can release and reattach again now.

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Same happened to me. Could not attach more than once, even when using the stock grappler claw. Quicksave, quickload, game restart etc didn't help with reattaching to it. Uninstalled ART and I can release and reattach again now.

Probably correlation not causation. ART uses stock grappler code. And it can be a bit finnicky. And Art's presence would in no way affect stock behavior.

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Same happened to me. Could not attach more than once, even when using the stock grappler claw. Quicksave, quickload, game restart etc didn't help with reattaching to it. Uninstalled ART and I can release and reattach again now.

I tried playing with ART on stock and it worked fine for me. The more interesting thing is I tried to play sandbox with all other mods I usually use and ART worked fine too! I really don't know what can cause this problem..

Edited by orven
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