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[1.x+] Community Resource Pack


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I believe it uses the precise biome name - Test it and let us know ;)

Side note - does anyone else use DepletedUranium? If not, we may want to consider deprecating this resource in a future version (I'd likely just move the definition down to a 'Legacy' section of the doc, then deprecate it on a major KSP version change.

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IMHO LqdHe3 should be more expensive assuming it's future economic potential and increasing price (now it's 2 funds per unit, economic potential = 534 funds per unit)

Regarding Helium 3, I seems to have made several mistakes

First of the density of Liquid Helium3 is 59 g/L not 178 g / L which is the density of Liquid Helium4

Secondly for the cost of Helium3, I seem to have confused the cost of Liquid Helium3 with cost of helium3 gas at Standard Temperature and Pressure (273.15 K and 1 atmosphere) . Wikipedia list Helium3 at $2000/L however it didn't mention if it was for Liquid Helium 3 or at STP. From other sources I now understand what is mend is STP. This means the LqdHe3 resource must be at least 460x more expansive !! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/smilies/k_embarrassed.gif Now couple this with the rising market cost of the current Helium 3 at the $5000/L (STP) and I finally understand why so many hospital complain about the excessive cost of this very rare resource. A litter of Liquid Hydrogen would cost at least $2.3 Million / Liter (excluding liquefaction cost).

Now that's something you not going to waste. But look at the bright side, we finally we have a good reason to start a mining colony on the moon!

Exactly that, I would advise balancing it to be more or less as costly as Karborundum now (so 400-600 funds per unit). So it's profitable to mine and deliver it from the mun. At the same time it's not prohibitively expensive to use it for potential cold fusion EC generators ;)

edit: FreeThinker made pull request with 525.2 per unit which I support :)

Edited by riocrokite
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I believe it uses the precise biome name - Test it and let us know ;)

Side note - does anyone else use DepletedUranium? If not, we may want to consider deprecating this resource in a future version (I'd likely just move the definition down to a 'Legacy' section of the doc, then deprecate it on a major KSP version change.

Real Fuels uses DepletedUranium in the NTR engines (sorry if I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "anyone else" :)).

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If you want to add a resource to a biome, do you have to write the biome with a space (South Pole) or do you have to leave the space out (SouthPole)

Well, based on the ore resource in Squad library I would say with the " ", like "South Pole" :cool:




ResourceName = Ore

ResourceType = 0

PlanetName = Eve

BiomeName = Explodium Sea



PresenceChance = 0

MinAbundance = 0

MaxAbundance = 0

Variance = 0

Dispersal = 0



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I believe it uses the precise biome name - Test it and let us know ;)
Well, based on the ore resource in Squad library I would say with the " ", like "South Pole" :cool:

After testing on 16 saves (yes, I have so much time to test) with both options, I came to the following results:

- When testing the biomes without any spaces, it added resources to the biomes 2 out of the 8 saves.

- When testing with spaces (as Warezcrawler said), it added resources to the biomes 7 out of the 8 saves.

So conclusion: To add biome specific resources you'll have to use spaces (if the biomename has them) in the biome names.

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After testing on 16 saves (yes, I have so much time to test) with both options, I came to the following results:

- When testing the biomes without any spaces, it added resources to the biomes 2 out of the 8 saves.

- When testing with spaces (as Warezcrawler said), it added resources to the biomes 7 out of the 8 saves.

So conclusion: To add biome specific resources you'll have to use spaces (if the biomename has them) in the biome names.

It's nice to know we created some documentation now :P

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(From the OSE Workshop thread)

I'd like to open the floor to new resources - both harvested and their refined forms - to support off-world manufacturing. This is primarily to establish commonality between the UKS, OSE Workshop, Pathfinder, and EL mods.

Currently the CRP contains:

MetallicOre -> Metals

Substrate -> Polymers

Minerals -> Chemicals

Uraninite -> EnrichedUranium

We also have Water, ExoticMinerals, and RareMetals, Karbonite and Karborundum.

Finished goods include Machinery and SpecializedParts.

I am very likely missing a few :)

I'd like to split the conversation into two parts - the first (more critical) is about what harvestables and refineables we want to add. For the record, I'm fine with an MKS breaking change in the name of commonality if it makes sense.

So rather than anchor the discussion, I'd like to open things up for other folks to toss in their ideas first :)

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In addition to the resources mentioned above I need another finished good, which should be not too complicated to make, that I can use as structural input for the 3D printing process in OSE Workshop. I currently use my own resource named MaterialKits, but the alraedy existing RocketParts will do the job as well.

In addition to that single new resource I would like use SpecializedParts as the second resource for the functional input of the printing process. To make SpecializedParts work they need to have a very high cost per ton, to remove the exploit we talked about in the OSE Workshop thread. The second concern is, that I would like to keep the production cycle very simple in my stand-alone installation, which means I want to provide a converter recipe that has a single input to make SpecializedParts. This harvestable input resource should not be available on Kerbin (ExoticMinerals maybe?). The input for the structural resource in a stand alone installation can be stock Ore.

With that implementation MKS only needs to override two converter recipes in a single OSE Part to switch to a multi resource production chain for 3D printing, while I can keep things very simple for stand alone players, which was a request I heard a lot in the days since the discussion started.

Here is that vision summarized again


(Stock-)Ore -> MaterialKits

ExoticMinerals-> SpecializedParts


Metals + Polymers + Chemicals -> MaterialKits

ExoticMinerals -> RareMetals

RareMetals + X ->SpecializedParts

MaterialKits + SpecializedParts -> 3D printed rocket components

I hope this makes sense and is possible to implement without interrupting the vision of the other mod authors

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(From the OSE Workshop thread)

I'd like to open the floor to new resources - both harvested and their refined forms - to support off-world manufacturing. This is primarily to establish commonality between the UKS, OSE Workshop, Pathfinder, and EL mods.

I like to add BorateMinerals, which allows me to convert them to Boron which is currently used for proton Boron Fusion in KSP Interstellar Extended. BorateMIninals are concentrated in asteroids . This should give a reason capture one of these and turn them into power

- - - Updated - - -

What about an abstract resource called Regolith, the stuff should be put on any atmospheric less moon/planet. It would be useful for converting it to waste Helium3 or other rare and valuable resources. It could be used allow all moons to produce rare metals / helium3 mining.

I know Helium3 is cheapest produced from tritium, but this is mainly because humans are a very militaristic species that produced a lot of tritium as a waste product from nuclear weapon industry. Kerbals are much more peaceful and think Nuclear weapons are unethical ;) So instead of spending Billions to build weapons of mass destruction, they are more likely to spend the money on a space program, to travel to the mun and start mining colonies. If only humans were as wise as Kerbals, we would have had permanent bases on mars by now :(

Note, the Regolith should be different from stock Ore as it could only be found on atmospheric less moons. This allows it to absorb protons and neutrons, which turn into useful resources.

Edited by FreeThinker
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I like the idea of extracting BorateMinerals from asteroids and refine them into Boron.

I'm not really a fan of Regolith IMO.

Maybe also include SilicateMinerals which then can be refined into Silicon. Silicon can then be used along with RareMetals to produce SpecializedParts (Obi's idea)

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I like to add BorateMinerals, which allows me to convert them to Boron which is currently used for proton Boron Fusion in KSP Interstellar Extended. BorateMIninals are concentrated in meteriods. This should give a reason capture one of these and turn them into power

- - - Updated - - -

What about an abstract resource called Regolith, the stuff should be put on any atmospheric less moon/planet. It would be usefull for converting it to waste Helium3 or other rare and valuable resources. It could be used allow all muns to produce rare methals / helium3 mining.

I know Helium3 is cheapest produced from tritium, but this is mainly because humans are a very mrlitaristic species that produced a lot of tritium as a waste product from nuclear weapom industry. Kerbals are much more peacefull and think Nuclear weapons are unethical ;) So instead of spending Billions to build weapons of mass destructions, they are more likely to spend the money on a space program, to travel to the mun and start mining colonies. If only humans were as wise as Kerbals, we would have had permanent bases on mars by now :(

Note, the Regolith should be differt from stock Ore as it could only be found on atmospheric less muns. This allows it to absorb protons and neutrons, which turn into usefull resources.

As for regolith thingy, I'm against putting it as a general resource in CRP.

Mostly because it is too general. For minimum I would differentiate between regolith with volatiles (which is scarce even on the moon - let's call it rich regolith), regular regolith (so mostly silicates without volatiles however with metals oxidies) and silicates (let's name it poor regolith; without volatiles and almost without metal oxidies)

At least this is what I'm planning for my mod. So we have:

rich regolith = he3 extraction possible; very scarce; most in the polar regions (cold traps), absent in atmospheric bodies (no solar wind there), after extracting volatiles it becomes regular regolith

regular regolith = due to high content of metal oxides it's great for EPL / other construction stuff; refines into metals (or else) and silicon

poor regolith = mostly silicon oxides, not good for manufacturing (mostly silicon), however good for covering base facilities with thick anti-radiation layer.

Since concentrations of he3 and tio2 are somewhat correlated, I would just correlate occurence of rich regolith with high concentrations of regular (metal rich) regolith.

RL example: equivalent of regular regolith concentration map of the Moon:


Edited by riocrokite
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As for regolith thingy, I'm against putting it as a general resource in CRP.

Mostly because it is too general. For minimum I would differentiate between regolith with volatiles (which is scarce even on the moon - let's call it rich regolith), regular regolith (so mostly silicates without volatiles however with metals oxidies) and silicates (let's name it poor regolith; without volatiles and almost without metal oxidies)

At least this is what I'm planning for my mod. So we have:

rich regolith = he3 extraction possible; very scarce; most in the polar regions (cold traps), absent in atmospheric bodies (no solar wind there), after extracting volatiles it becomes regular regolith

regular regolith = due to high content of metal oxides it's great for EPL / other construction stuff; refines into metals (or else) and silicon

poor regolith = mostly silicon oxides, not good for manufacturing (mostly silicon), however good for covering base facilities with thick anti-radiation layer.

Since concentrations of he3 and tio2 are somewhat correlated, I would just correlate occurence of rich regolith with high concentrations of regular (metal rich) regolith.

RL example: equivalent of regular regolith concentration map of the Moon:


Sounds good to me.

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Post about resources from the EPL thread

(RoverDude too)

Using something similar to the process described in Landis's paper, I would like there to be a small number of mine-able resources (regolith, dirt (organic rich regolith), maybe a couple more) with various concentrations of useful resources (LightMetals, HeavyMetals, RadioActives, Oxides, Carbon, Silicon...) that are are then used in various combinations to produce things like Alloys, HighTempAlloys, Ceramics, Plastics, Electronics (signal/logic), Electricals (power), Hydraulics etc that are used in different ratios for parts.

However, I do not want it to be tedious. Rather, I want it so you start out being dependent on KSC (sending out high-level materials for building until you can start producing them yourself on-site) but you can work your way to being fully independent '(eg, you wouldn't want to have to ship stuff out to Laythe, or worse, some of the more distant planets in the various planet mods). Also, you have the option of mining and recovering resources in various stages of production to gain some extra funds, or taking lower-level resources from KSC and processing them into higher-level resources or even actual parts for a profit. The idea is to give more ways to play.

I really need to go through EL's parts and give them better tech tree placement (mostly earlier!) and various upgrades for higher nodes. Eg, larger, less efficient parts early on, with upgrades reducing size and increasing efficiency.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First off, thanks for all the work you do on these mods, been using OKS/MKS for ages, makes the life support game much more interesting :D

Reason I'm posting though is I seem to be getting a conflict between OPM and the Community Resource Pack. Basically sometimes when I switch scenes, most often via Quick Loading or swapping between ships, I end up with a screen like this:


And several scenes seem to have UI issues, such as the entire KSC being visible tilted on it's side outside the Space Plane Hanger. This persists across all reloads or different save games, and only a full restart will fix it. I'll post my logs at the end of this post, but the primarly NullReferenceException that pops up is

[EXC 12:17:36.226] NullReferenceException

UnityEngine.Transform.get_rotation ()

IVASun.LateUpdate ()

And that simply repeats over and over. I've tested it pretty extensively and I can only get this error to pop up when I'm running Community Resource Pack, Kopernicus and OPM. I've confirmed it's not Kopernicus as I've tested it alone with CRP. With just those three in the GameData folder I can get it to pop up. The NFE doesn't mean much to me, hopefully it does to you, thanks!


Output Log

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i can almost guarantee you this is not caused by CRP, as all it is , is simply a bunch of resource definitions. If you can reproduce the same error running ONLY CRP , then we may have an issue. I myself have CRP and OPM on the same install and have not experianced this.

So your likely cause is conflict with another mod and OPM (or something else) id honestly recommend a fresh installl of mods, installing them 1 or 2 at a time and testing and starting the game to see where the conflict lies.

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What method was used to calculate the resource densities? I can't figure out what the LqdCO2 density is based on...

I would honestly just dig through the thread, its only 65 pages and many of them have everyones discussions on how they defined all the resource densities

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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