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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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A 1.25m inline gear would be universally useful though, especially with the engine mount. Not a huge priority but I'd love to see it.

Its far less useful then the ones we have now, because it requires you to stick 1.25m fuselages to the bottom of your craft, rather than using one landing gear and sticking it to 1.25m or anything else.

Looking at the stock craft, it would be used on 2/13 craft. That's a very small number for weeks of work.

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Yes! I'm using this mod plus many others including KW rocketry, Nova punch, Hangar extender, Editor extensions, Ferram Aerospace, and more and it works like this for me in 32 bit as well as 64 bit! Unless it specifically says so in the description that a certain mod is incompatible than you should be fine. Just don't install too many unless you really know what you're doing!

Thanks for the quick response! I was trying out a lot of mods together at once. But ever since I installed B9 mod, all my other mods crashed. The screen wont load...I cant figure out what it is without actually knowing how to code. I have my error logs (its all Japanese to me at the moment). If i need to tweak the code, i am willing to learn. I used to mod homeworld 2 in my spare time so this should be a blast!. Right now, the game crashes when i add the warpdrive plugin on my gamedata folder. I am guessing it has something to do on how B9 aerospace uses the fuel or electricity on their code (if that makes any sense)....is there anyone who can shed light in that subject?

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I only get 82 parts. Am I downloading this wrong or something? If so, please tell me what.

You installed it wrong somehow or you have a conflicting mod, I've helped 20+ people with the same problem and that was always the case, extract the archive to the KSP folder, not gamedata, it contains gamedata itself, nesting them breaks stuff, you might have old/incompatible versions of some mods, particularly old duplicates of firespitter is an issue, some mods include firespitter inside their own folder for some reason which causes duplicates and mayhem.

We're pushing a 5.0.1 soon:ish with a fix for the Mk2 crew tank airlocks, some pre-release plugins swapped for release versions, some MFD tweaks and polish etc.

What the APFD looks like now:


(click to enlarge)

Compared with the 5.0:


(click to enlarge)

What do you think about the changes?

I think it's a bit more clear, transparent black put behind the vertical speed and altitude ladders and the white text, means it's visible even against the white painted parts of the runway and the white horizon during the day.

Numbers moved into the arrows and heading bar expanded to fit the new space made, I've re-done all the textures for the ladders giving them a nicer sans-serif font instead of the very muddy serif one, also extended the altitude one from 10km to 100km.

Added gear and sas indicators top right, think I'll also add brakes, I'm not happy with the text overall though, top and bottom parts above and bellow the middle ladders, I don't like the 3 letter labels making it unclear which field is what etc, I'll re-haul the text completely when I have the time, it's very laborious sadly, the vertical speed number in the left ladder's arrow isn't to my liking yet either, sadly these C# strings are pretty complicated, bellow 1m/s it shows "500m" etc m standing for mili, and nano etc, I'd much prefer it just showed 0 and then 0.1 etc, I've asked people in the know to help me out with that and at some point I'll get it the way I want it.

I'd also like an option to enable gpws (ground proximity warning system) I don't think all players want it and it could be annoying if it was on by default, gpws basically tells you in english your altitude at certain intervals (200m 100m etc) and can tell you you're too low if your pitch is too low at too low of an altitude etc.

Example of a pilot landing a 737 NG with a HUD and gwps:

(Starts at 500(m/feet?))

I've tested it extensively and I've done 20+ landings from the rear seat in the mk2 cockpit by now, and 2 from the engineering seat in the HL cockpit.

Edited by K3|Chris
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I have an idea: an Mk5 part set, to fit the Mk5 cockpit. Basically, B9 stuff in 2.5m:

Passenger fuselages.

B9-style fuel tanks.

Cargo bays, including tail ramps (2.5m is big enough for that to work).

They'd fit well as a more conventional-looking alternative to M2-series fuselages. B9 already has Mk1 parts in 1.25m, as well as HL-series fuselages capable of taking a 3.75m cylinder form. I'd be especially interested in passenger fuselages (I know it's the most problematic one due to it needing an IVA), but the other parts are a logical expansion of what B9 already provides.

Also, did you think about re-visiting "wet wings" concept? You're using CrossfeedEnabler, as well as Firespitter fuel switcher. As such, it should be possible to either resolve the crossfeed issues, or, if that doesn't work, making fuel in wings optional via FSFuelSwitch.

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So ever since installing the release version, my custom flag with partial transparency shows up with a black background on all B9 parts. Works fine on stock parts and it worked on the pre-release too.

Pre-release didn't have flags, hmm, wonder what shader stock flags use that allow transparency like that, I just used standard specular because I thought the flags didn't support transparency.

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Pre-release didn't have flags, hmm, wonder what shader stock flags use that allow transparency like that, I just used standard specular because I thought the flags didn't support transparency.

Oh, that's odd, I thought it did. Really the black background makes it super noticeable so maybe I just didn't notice they weren't there. But yes, it does support transparency in stock. I have no idea how to help you on the shaders though, it's out of my expertise :( . I can tell you that if you do use transparency, in cases of actual flags (whether planted flags or hanging in the VAB/SPH) it will automatically superimpose over the basic default flag to make it look like the one in my sig, but on the parts it does not do that.

Edited by Alshain
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Thanks for the quick response! I was trying out a lot of mods together at once. But ever since I installed B9 mod, all my other mods crashed. The screen wont load...I cant figure out what it is without actually knowing how to code. I have my error logs (its all Japanese to me at the moment). If i need to tweak the code, i am willing to learn. I used to mod homeworld 2 in my spare time so this should be a blast!.

You're using Active texture management right? I would try using the Aggressive one if you're shooting for a big mod pack. It may look ever so slightly blurry but the game will work. Also I would turn down some of your graphics settings to. I don't know if certain settings get overridden by ATM and FAR but lowering the graphics seemed to boost my FPS when I was flying my giant ship I built. Also if you don't use any parts just delete them so they're not wasting precious Memory! That goes for all mods you have installed.

Right now, the game crashes when i add the warpdrive plugin on my gamedata folder. I am guessing it has something to do on how B9 aerospace uses the fuel or electricity on their code (if that makes any sense)....is there anyone who can shed light in that subject?

No. most likely it's something else because if it was a problem with warpdrive plugin compatibility then it would say on page one that it's an incompatible mod and I'm pretty sure KSP Interstellar is ok with B9 ( I haven't tried it though myself)

Edited by Eddie Rod
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The HPD appears to lack an engine sound in conventional rocket mode. The rocket sound plays just fine in hybrid plasma mode, however. Tested with near-stock KSP: 32-bit + ATM, FAR and B9

Yeah we know, it's a bug with dual-mode engines, or should I say "feature" stock dual mode is only for the RAPIER and we use it for the SABRE and HPD, RAPIER and SABRE are much lower volume in jet mode than rocket mode, that fits, but HDP should be the other way around. Tav has fixed it.

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Yeah we know, it's a bug with dual-mode engines, or should I say "feature" stock dual mode is only for the RAPIER and we use it for the SABRE and HPD, RAPIER and SABRE are much lower volume in jet mode than rocket mode, that fits, but HDP should be the other way around. Tav has fixed it.

Phew... I thought it was just me having that issue! So it will be fixed in 5.1 then?

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Oh, that's odd, I thought it did. Really the black background makes it super noticeable so maybe I just didn't notice they weren't there. But yes, it does support transparency in stock. I have no idea how to help you on the shaders though, it's out of my expertise :( . I can tell you that if you do use transparency, in cases of actual flags (whether planted flags or hanging in the VAB/SPH) it will automatically superimpose over the basic default flag to make it look like the one in my sig, but on the parts it does not do that.

Just pushed a fix. (Always fun re-exporting 6 cockpits and 3 CTs in unity).

Edited by K3|Chris
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Does anyone have an updated DRE configs for the B9 v5? The engines begin overheating too early.

I just went into the B9 cfg files for the biggest offenders, and changed the temp gain to half of what it is normally.

I think the SABRE-S is 450 I set it to 225. They still get hot, but not like now, they start to get hot around mach 3.5-4.5.

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Does anybody know what was the classic subsonic airplane style cockpit in the previous versions? I have seen some pictures of big subsonic cargo planes that I can not find any more for some reason. Something just makes me think that once there was a sort of a fat slow cockpit that probably somehow got replaced with the new one in this version? Was anything removed in this version? Or is that just an impression?

Thank you!

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Version 5.1 is released.



• IVA: MFD Navball overlay cleaned up, color corrected

• IVA: sticky note in S2 moved out of the way of MFD button

• IVA: Navigation further cleaned up

• IVA: MJ page back button fixed

• IVA: HL lnternal cameras adjusted, both prone to clipping geometry, moved to front of nose

• IVA: Tweaks to the Mk2 IVA, given rear kerbal a throttle, two more MFDs to the sides

• IVA: Fix for the stage button alternating being depressed and lit each time you stage,

• IVA: MFD tweaks, APFD polish, navigation standardization, atmospheric info page polish

• Parts: Mk2 CT airlocks and ladders fixed, emissive tweaked

• Parts: Nosecones: add fuel tanks, adjust mass & cost.

• Parts: Intakes: Move stock-only drag adjustement into its own block.

• Parts: S2W Intake: add missing intakeair storage.

• Parts: S2W Intake: FAR/NEAR-only fuel tank.

• Parts: Vx1: Convert to ModuleEnginesFX. Resolves issue #34

• Parts: SABRE: Close-cycle response time. Switch to stock gimbal, increase range.

• Parts: VS1: Engine response time. Switch to stock gimbal.

• Parts: VA1: Switch to stock gimbal.

• Parts: L2 Atlas: Fix FX position, tweak size curve. Engine response time. Switch to stock gimbal

• Parts: HPD: Tweak gimbal response

• Parts: HPD: Fix closed-cycle sound, add engine response speed, switch to stock gimbal.

• Parts: Jets: max design speed in description, adjust end of D30-F7 velocity curve.

• Parts: PodJets: Disable blur discs again, adjust base fan rpm.

• Parts: HDG Landing Gear: more traction and torque adjustement. increased connection values.

• Parts: HDG Landing Gear: Redo slip curves yet again, adjust torque and resource usage.

• Parts: SABRE 250: Alternator power fix


Edited by bac9
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Does anybody know what was the classic subsonic airplane style cockpit in the previous versions? I have seen some pictures of big subsonic cargo planes that I can not find any more for some reason. Something just makes me think that once there was a sort of a fat slow cockpit that probably somehow got replaced with the new one in this version? Was anything removed in this version? Or is that just an impression?

Thank you!

What you're probably seeing is the Mk5 cockpit + HL front adapter. Both parts are still there, but with the new full HL sized cockpit they've been replaced in the stock craft.

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