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Space 1999 Eagle **Version 1.2 - .16, hatch & Kerbonaut Ready!**


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Well from the old one the reason for the needing MechJeb was because it was so unstable. If I remember correctly, it had no gimbals, and the original author simply made the SAS crazy strong. It was possible to fly it manually, but it was twitchy as hell. Actually with Throttle Controlled Avionics, action groups, and some gimble added to the engines it would probably be a dream to fly now.

Edited by DigitalProeliator
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  On 10/18/2016 at 11:12 PM, DigitalProeliator said:

Well from the old one the reason for the needing MechJeb was because it was so unstable. If I remember correctly, it had no gimbals, and the original author simply made the SAS crazy strong. It was possible to fly it manually, but it was twitchy as hell. Actually with Throttle Controlled Avionics, action groups, and some gimble added to the engines it would probably be a dream to fly now.


Wow, not only are you bringing it back, but it's sounding like we may actually get a superior ship out of it. Are there plans for different center modules sometime in the future or is that just asking for too much? 

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Was just wanting to check in on this, and ask a question. Are you using the original Eagle or are you updating the Wayland Eagle? I'm curious because I was wondering if the break dancing landing gear when first spawning was ever fixed. This is probably the only thing keeping me from making my own update.

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  On 4/21/2013 at 10:14 PM, COL.Neville said:

yeah redspars does fly better but its also a dead end. so second best wins because of ongoing efforts to make it better.


like i said back in the day. 

looks like the worm has turned and now red spars is going to make a comeback. I just wished i would have saved all the wayland drop ships nostromo etc.. there was some good stuff in there. 

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  On 10/28/2016 at 10:52 PM, COL.R.Neville said:

 I just wished i would have saved all the wayland drop ships nostromo etc.. there was some good stuff in there. 


Well, all you had to do was ask lol. When he uploaded everything to his own site, I made a copy of everything in case it disappeared.


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  On 11/2/2016 at 12:18 PM, Deimos Rast said:


so I'm making new configs for this, simple enough, but I'm not sure how to convert the textures/meshes from the .DAE format to something modern KSP will recognize. The command module is already in .mbm format, and it loaded into the game fine with my new config, but the others sadly did not. Suggestions?


.dae are collada model files. You'd need to bring them into Unity, build out the colliders etc and then export them into .mu files. Were they in .dae in the release? 0.o

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  On 11/2/2016 at 12:28 PM, CobaltWolf said:

.dae are collada model files. You'd need to bring them into Unity, build out the colliders etc and then export them into .mu files. Were they in .dae in the release? 0.o


yeah, googling stuff now. Was just trying blender.

Yup, .DAE, with meshes in .MSH and models in .MDL and some crazy tangents.v4 . It's kind of a mess.

I only just installed blender, so my knowledge of these things is next to nothing. Off to download Unity next...

Not sure I like the sound of "building out colliders". I'll also add that none of the engine or RCS configs come with transforms already mentioned, so that might be an issue. Sort of hoping it's the usual "thrustTransform" so I don't have to do, you know, work.:wink:

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  On 11/2/2016 at 12:37 PM, Deimos Rast said:

yeah, googling stuff now. Was just trying blender.

Yup, .DAE, with meshes in .MSH and models in .MDL and some crazy tangents.v4 . It's kind of a mess.

I only just installed blender, so my knowledge of these things is next to nothing. Off to download Unity next...

Not sure I like the sound of "building out colliders". I'll also add that none of the engine or RCS configs come with transforms already mentioned, so that might be an issue. Sort of hoping it's the usual "thrustTransform" so I don't have to do, you know, work.:wink:


Jeez. That's buns. I use .dae for my exports (I historically have not had good experiences with .fbx) but I have never heard of .msh and .mdl.

The colliders won't be too hard if you have the parts in Blender. Need to make a rough model approximating the shape of the parts and export them into Unity, drag them to the parts in the hierarchy... thrustTransforms etc would have to be placed in Unity too. At that point you'd probably be better off updating the models and textures while you're at it. :P

I still can't believe that the release download wouldn't use .mu files.

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  On 11/2/2016 at 12:18 PM, Deimos Rast said:


so I'm making new configs for this, simple enough, but I'm not sure how to convert the textures/meshes from the .DAE format to something modern KSP will recognize. The command module is already in .mbm format, and it loaded into the game fine with my new config, but the others sadly did not. Suggestions?


I can simply send you everything i have all redone through unity and you can play to your hearts content. As I've said it all works and I'd say flies considerably better than before and really aside form the model updates some changes to the engine models and small tweaks, getting it flight worthy has been my main focus.  And pm sent with complete Eagle

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huh... theres a couple other versions that I have, that seem to have different parts, and "extra" stuff with them... Such as a "launchpad", a "booster", and "cargo pods"... ???
Both of these seem to have been dated from mid-2015.... I'm guessing these are the Wayland versions, that someone recently re-did, and I picked them up...???

EDIT: Hmmm... I found I have ANOTHER version as well... Looks like from user Logan, from Jan. 2014..

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 11/2/2016 at 1:16 PM, CobaltWolf said:

I still can't believe that the release download wouldn't use .mu files.


This mods from pre mu times, yes it's that old, there was even at one time a little parts lab tool that came with KSP that you could use to set up engine transforms etc, as back then the transforms were defined like nodes, just numbers in a cfg, those tangent etc are hangovers from likely pre 0.18

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  On 11/2/2016 at 2:01 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

This mods from pre mu times, yes it's that old, there was even at one time a little parts lab tool that came with KSP that you could use to set up engine transforms etc, as back then the transforms were defined like nodes, just numbers in a cfg, those tangent etc are hangovers from likely pre 0.18


Hmmm... Just wondering why then you chose this "iteration", rather than some of the other, newer "takes" on the mod?

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  On 11/2/2016 at 2:07 PM, Stone Blue said:

Hmmm... Just wondering why then you chose this "iteration", rather than some of the other, newer "takes" on the mod?


It chose me, it's been kicking around in my folders forever, that's the only reason, didn't  know about the other versions, either way I'm happy with the results.

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mbm2png is what ive been using. 

the newer ones are probably the wayland.

redspar's was the better of the two though. 

heres what ive done so far with the wayland stuff


lets see r2,freelancer pods and rover, 3 sets of landing gear, and the portahatches you can use to rescue kerbals stuck inside stuff without a hatch. 

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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@SpannerMonkey(smce) was kind enough to send me what he had and it's wonderfully in .mu format, and I'm loading it up now to see what works as is. There is a slight issue with the configs all bearing the trademarks of Wayland Corp.

Loaded it up...and it's indeed the Wayland version. As you can see in the screenshot, the Pod on the left is the RedSpar version; the right is the Wayland.

Currently everything in the Wayland version loads in game, but it requires some work. The nodes are all broken, some of the engines have no plumes or FX, and there is all the 1.0-1.2 stuff missing. Not too bad really, but the tool I normally use to fix nodes, NodeHelper, wasn't updated last I checked, so that puts a cramp on things.

Does anyone have a link to the Wayland Eagle thread by chance? Something something "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.":rolleyes:




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