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What would you want in the next update (0.90)?


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I don't understand all these suggestions for things like deadly reentry, FAR, life support etc, there are fully functional mods for those things... Why not want something that is actually going to add onto the game instead of just removing a need for a few mods?

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I want to hear, what Squad has to say on the next .26 update on tuesday. We surely will get a roadmap then. THEN is the time for me to suggest.

I am currently exploring all those tiny bits in .25, that have been changed besides the big features and there are truly lots of tweaks and fixes been done.

I don't understand all these suggestions for things like deadly reentry, FAR, life support etc, there are fully functional mods for those things... Why not want something that is actually going to add onto the game instead of just removing a need for a few mods?

I totally agree on that. Also i don´t like to put pressure on Squad for optimization. That is a process that can be done, when getting close to the finish line. And all that i have seen so far, concerning games in pre-alpha status... there are only a few highlights among the flood of early access games that manage to be fun and playable all through the development process. And KSP is one of them. Thank you Squad!

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I don't really have anything I want to be specifically in the next update, but more like a list of things I want to see put in in future updates generaly:

- A better Aerodynamics model. I don't expect FAR, but at least something more realistic.

- Additional planet(s), or at least a second gas giant system outside of Jools orbit.

- Some sort of desintegration of your spaceship when trying to land on a gas giant. This glitchy madness kinda looks weird: http://puu.sh/c7UwH/59d036c07e.jpg

- Water physics. I don't want spontainious disassembly on touching the watersurface.

- Re-entry heating as part of the difficulty options

- An actual difference between the stock communication antennas. Not like remote tech, necessarily, but just generaly make the first antenna not usable outside of Minmus, and for the medium one make it useless past Duna/Eve, or something. Right now I really don't have any reason to use anything but the first antenna, other than esthetics.

- More/other science stuff. For instance, long term studies that would make space stations and bases on other bodies, as well as the science module more relevant.

- Biomes on all planets/moons, but that has been confirmed to be expected in 0.26 already anyway.

- ( and I know this one is probably not going to happen before scope-completion) Visual enhancements, like clouds, athmospheric light effects, volcanic/cryovulcanic activities, duststorms, just generaly making the Kerbol system seeem more "alive" in a way. Not just a bunch of different colored floating giant rocks, if you know what I mean.

- Electricity powered propeller parts. That would make flying around on Eve (and even getting off of Eve) a lot more enjoyable (and easy).

And, yes I know there's mods for almost everything on this list. That's why I said, I just want to see it become stock at some point, not necessarily in the next update.

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Anyway, starting with probes removes those crazy cartoonish faces at the lower right, so I don't think Squad would go that route.

I don't know why would that be, if having green faces is the issue. Our RL robotic probes still have pilots ... they simply aren't seated in the rocket. SQUAD could simply show a Jeb/Bill/whoever calmly sit in a console in the Mission Control using a joystick/ keyboard to control the mission, if they feel inclined to show faces ( complete with the more nervous pilots spitting coffee when you do some stupid thing with a probe controlled ship :D )

Edited by r_rolo1
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-Better joystick support

-Improved MK3-system (Or something better to build shuttles)

-Missing IVAs

-Cockpit for the big fuselages (Taurus-mod integrated)

-More Real life inspired parts

-More flags for other space agencies.

-This time doing something with Esa instead of Nasa.. Or Roskosmos

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Actually, scratch my previous suggestions... I want ONE thing in 0.26...

Electric propellers ( small / medium and large, for all type of rovers/planes )

Reason: we have none of this in stock, none of the parts have a fuel-free propellers or whatever for planes. So not asking for a duplicate of existing pieces (unless you count mods, which I am not)

The only thing that comes close are Ions but that doesn't work nearly as well, and my land rovers are (usually) faster. And (I think, but I am no engineer) that they could work in any atmosphere as the blades push the "air" and the pressure under the wings keeps it afloat... so Eve would be prime candidate, so is Laythe, Kerbin, Duna, and maybe some others I am forgetting.

Seriously... this is the ONLY thing I need (which is possible/doable without braking the bank and the time bank, and with the means at hand)

Edited by Francois424
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I feel career mode is pretty much complete, the only thing in my mind that could improve it is some kind of a mining system where you can take rocks back to the KSC from another planet and get huge amounts of science from it. What I think the devs need to work on is atmosphere. More sound effects, static citys, more parts, prettier skys and skybox, ETC

And of course, Ivas for the MK1 inline command pod, and either get rid of or improve upon the MK3

Edited by thegingergamer
forgeting to post some things
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Ooh. Another thing. Have the other KSP be an actual, competing company. So if you go near there there are rocket launches going on sometimes, you have to rescue their kerbals sometimes, if they start to pull ahead you can get fewer contracts, you have to race them for first landings, you can buy parts off of them if they develop them first, they set up their own probes and satellites etc...

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Ooh. Another thing. Have the other KSP be an actual, competing company. So if you go near there there are rocket launches going on sometimes, you have to rescue their kerbals sometimes, if they start to pull ahead you can get fewer contracts, you have to race them for first landings, you can buy parts off of them if they develop them first, they set up their own probes and satellites etc...

Or you can dock to their station and steal fuel, if you have KAS you can steal small solar pannels and other stuff.

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For me....

Planetary Collectibles that can be stored in a Science Museum at KSC that are mostly randomized and can be studied for passive science gains

- Science gains based on kerbin assigned to the task, higher stupidity, less science.

- Missions based on science gains from collectibles

Folding rover wheels or tracks

- Inline wheels that fold and extend out with variable heights permitted

- Radial and topical mount tracks (more rugged, slower, better climb ability)

- Higher speed rover wheels for that extra fun with integrated RCS nozzles

Deployable Base Stations

- Can store vehicles

- House their own science and research (can be sent back to KSC via craft or high powered antenna (after unlocking the antenna))

- Requires Kerbals to maintain (have to fly them on out there to populate)

- Sends requests to KSC for materials for upkeep

- Sends back science gains based on resident total Courage vs Stupidity ratio

- Missions based on location

- Requires resources to maintain or falls into disrepair and cannot be communicated to until repaired

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Here is my wish list.

- Multi-Monitor support. (map view on one screen and normal view on my main screen would be great. especially for trying IVA only missions)

- UI scaling option (2 GTX780ti in sli and a 4k monitor is great, but at 3840x2160 the UI can be too small and hard to read)

- These http://i.imgur.com/Yfgm8Ag.jpg

- The new MK3 parts with cargo bays and a shuttle-like tail peace for engine attachments.

- Improved IVA view for all cockpits (perhaps even implementing Raster Prop Master as stock)

- More launch sites scattered around kerbin (similar to the Kerbinside mod. would be great for multiplayer to give each player a different launch site. also would be awesome for creating a World-War K style series for YouTube.)

- Improved aerodynamics (maybe implement NEAR. FAR may be to hard for new players. also, as much as I love building planes I have never used nether NEAR nor FAR mod. I really should try them)

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- Multi-Monitor support. (map view on one screen and normal view on my main screen would be great. especially for trying IVA only missions)

I'd already be completely amazed if they'd at least make it so that you can't click out of the fullscreen game by having your mouse slip to the second monitor by accident. Happens to me way too much, and annoys the f out of me when recording my let's plays.

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I'd already be completely amazed if they'd at least make it so that you can't click out of the fullscreen game by having your mouse slip to the second monitor by accident. Happens to me way too much, and annoys the f out of me when recording my let's plays.

This is why I play windowed. Also, it's easier to multitask (cue up youtube videos, netflix, search wikipedia, etc.) in window mode. Multi-monitor would be nice though.

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Radial decouplers:

Aside from the known issue with them (not ejecting properly), I'd like to see them not need struts. It is very non-intuitive for new players to add struts to things that are supposed to come apart. I hate having to add them to SRBs… it's just wrong.

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