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[1.7.3] Community Delta-V Map 2.7


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I would suggest an actual change in the format of the delta v map. You could cut off the bottom part with kerbin and put it on the right side with a longer line leading to the rest of the original map. 

5 hours ago, plague006 said:

I scaled the image to match the height of KSPedia entries because I'm not a fan of scrolling images. Alternatively you could scale it to the width and scroll. The dimensions of a KSPedia page are 2048(W) x 1536(H) (scaled down in-game of course).

And that scaling down could make reading it without scrolling hard for some people. On the thread about how to add to the KSPedia, someone had done it that way but then could not read it, I suspect he monitor was lower res. It looks like on my monitor (2560 by 1600) the image does not scale so that is something to think about with that method. 

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That's exactly my plan. I'll make a version of the map specifically for KSPedia, matching its dimensions. I'll make sure to keep all text big enough for any potential low resolution screen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many things were fixed or tweaked since that KSP 1.0.4 version. See the changelog at the OP for details.

The map posted above is just a rearranged fork of the current version to fit in the KSPedia window; it's not replacing the OP one. Although no one will stop you from using whichever version you prefer. :)
Now I just need to create the KSPedia entry itself, but there's no ETA for that, as I still don't even have Unity here. If anyone wants to create an entry and throw that image there, feel free to do it.

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Hi @Kowgan.  Love your map - it is definitely one of my go-to resources for mission planning.  I've been noticing since 1.1 came out, that my ships are really getting to LKO on about 3200 delta-V.  I almost never use 3400 anymore unless I designed some really draggy monstrocity.  Am I the only one finding that Kerbin atmosphere is taking less delta-V than before?


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Hey @CrashTestDanny, glad you find it useful. But oh boy, this is (and have been) a long discussion. Long story short, there's people who've managed to reach LKO with 2900m/s, and other who can't do it with less than 3600m/s. I had to choose a number, so the map already tells you that atmospheric ascent values are typical, and that more/less efficient ascents are possible.

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1 hour ago, GavinZac said:

I'd just like to point out that 10km is absolutely in no way a safe low orbit around Bop. If I'd opened the hatch at 15km I could have taken an orbital surface sample!

Highest peak is at 22km on Bop

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As I'm really starting to play OPM, I've noticed that Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon has a wrong display. The DV assume you capture, then go to low orbit then transfer to a moon, that makes no sense, especially for gaz giants where you nearly never want to got to low orbit (no landing, nothing to see, high dV cost). Check Jool, it's not the same. Current Jool is better than OPM planets : it has the only useful data : you want to go straight for the moon just after capturing.

As for travelling into the gaz giant sub system, Any of those delta-V maps are useless.

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This is a known issue, and unfortunately will take a bit longer to fix. I don't use OPM and these numbers were calculated by Misucat, back when all the bodies shown a low-orbit-to-mun path as well.

8 hours ago, Warzouz said:

As for travelling into the gaz giant sub system, Any of those delta-V maps are useless.

Wrong. This issue doesn't turn the map useless, and it is offensive to call it so. Numbers might be high and non-optimized, but they're still a functional dV map, if the bodies' characteristics haven't been drastically changed since OPM 1.8.1.

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1 hour ago, Kowgan said:

This is a known issue, and unfortunately will take a bit longer to fix. I don't use OPM and these numbers were calculated by Misucat, back when all the bodies shown a low-orbit-to-mun path as well.

Wrong. This issue doesn't turn the map useless, and it is offensive to call it so. Numbers might be high and non-optimized, but they're still a functional dV map, if the bodies' characteristics haven't been drastically changed since OPM 1.8.1.

Sorry you misinterpret what I said ; I didn't want to be offensive :( . Theses DV maps are very useful to go from Kerbin to another planet of moon (or the opposite). But it's not useful to go from Laythe to Tylo. To do that, you need a map like that.

Adding par of that data on your maps would make them probably unreadable.


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1 hour ago, Warzouz said:

But it's not useful to go from Laythe to Tylo.

That is very much true. :) I remember someone was making, or had the idea to make a web-based, interactive dV map where you could select your departure and destination, and it would give you the total dV needed. Unfortunately, I can't exactly remember where I saw it, or the link to access it.

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Could we get a suborbital node on them.  Obviously this means a suborbital arch that has an apoapsis high enough for orbit entry?

This would make stage planning easier.  (Ascent burn requires higher TWR than circularization burn.)

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Thanks to @AlexSheFF, who did the huge favor of creating and sharing the KSPedia version with the map above. See it here.
I've also added a link at the OP.

@Ruedii I understand what you're looking for, but this is the kind of feature that is playstyle dependant and doesn't belong in the map, imho. There's a bunch of other features that could also be added, but I rather keep it simple & clean.
To solve your problem, though, I think you can use the rule of thumb to design your ascent stages with about 80~85% of the node's number on a high TWR, and putting the rest on a lower-TWR engine. I hope that helps.

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