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[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)


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Phoenix Industries: Stock Bug Fix Modules & StockPlus (KSP v1.1.3.1298 Compatible)


Update 1.1.3a.1:

  • Deprecated several modules (that have been incorporated into stock)
  • Added a small fix for non-responsive kerbal EVA lights
  • Added fix for fairings that was causing kerbals to get stuck on EVA and docking ports to break (becoming perma-stuck).

If you already have version 1.0.2a.X, you should be able to carry over your settings from the previous install.


Update 1.1.3b.1:

  • Added DockingPortFix, which adds a "Force Undock" option to stuck docking ports.

Note: The editor symmetry highlight is not included in v1.1.3b.1.


I'm working on a series of stand-alone stock bug fix modules for common stock KSP bugs. These modules are meant to be fully stock compatible. My aim is to be able to remove them from the game at any time without causing a problem for the stock saves. I have other planned modules in the works. If you have a request go ahead an post it below. I may or may not get to them based on my skills and time.

Source Files: https://github.com/ClawKSP/KSP-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules

Download Here (Release v1.1.3b.1)

Note: Please make sure you download the zip file (named something like StockBugFixPlus.v.1.1.3a.1) and not the source files.


Bug fixes included in this download

+ DockingPortFix (10 Jul 16) - (Status: Initial Release, KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Fixes docking ports that were docked after using fairings (and possibly other decouple events)
     - Adds a "Force Undock" button that appears if a stuck docking port is detected (Use with care.)

+ GameSettingsPlus (Plus) (9 Jul 16) - (Status: Updated release for KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Provides GUI Access to some of the stock settings in settings.cfg
     - (Plus) Access to in-flight highlight, save count, save interval, conic patch mode, and wheel clipping settings

+ KerbalEVAFix (9 Jul 16) - (Status: Initial Release, KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Fixes non-responsive EVA lights
     - Fixes non-responsive EVA lights

+ ModuleControlSurfacePlus (Plus) (9 Jul 16) - (STATUS: Updated for KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Currently contains the following Plus options (no StockFixes required)
     - (Plus) Adds tweakable actuator response speed
     - (Plus) Adds tweakable to toggle deploy direction of individual flight control surfaces (by part)

+ ModuleGimbalPlus (Plus) (9 Jul 16) - (STATUS: Updated for KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Currently contains the following Plus options (no StockFixes required).
     - (Plus) Activates gimbaling speed (gimbal speed is ENABLED by default, when ModuleGimbalPlus is active).
     - (Plus) Adds gimbal speed tweakable
     - (Plus) Adds toggle to enable gimbal response speed

+ ModuleParachutePlus (Plus) (9 Jul 16) - (STATUS: Updated for KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Currently contains the following Plus options (no StockFixes required).
     - (Plus) Adds semi deployment and deployment time tweakable
     - (Plus) Adds a couple visual effects (such as symmetric chute spread and asynchronous chute movement)

+ PilotRSASFix (Plus) (9 Jul 16) - (STATUS: Updated for KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: The new(ish) pilot abilities cause smaller vessels to jitter and rapidly deplete electrical charge or monopropellant.
     - Currently does NOT try to prevent overcontrol by RSAS when moving between targets. Only the long term response.
     - Dynamically self adjusts to reduce jitter and resource consumption.
     - Somewhat reduces wobble for bendy craft during launch, when using pilot RSAS abilities.
     - (Plus) Gives access to the tweakable options that control the dynamic tweaks.
          -- The "Plus" tweakable options are available in the right-click menu of the first pod/probe core.
          -- "Min Response" sets the lowest reaction response from the RSAS ("how far" is the initial move)
          -- "Min Clamp" sets the lowest clamp value (how much reaction) as the RSAS nears it's target.
          -- "Threshold" sets the angular speed where clamp and response values start to adjust.
     - Still a bit of a work in progress, and needs testing with more types of craft.

+ RendererFix - (9 Jul 16) - (STATUS: Initial Release, KSP v1.1.3.1298) - Description: Fixes broken docking ports and kerbals stuck on EVA due to fairings.
     - Fixes issue where jettisoned fairings cause kerbals to get stuck out on EVA
     - Fixes issue where jettisoned fairings cause docking ports to non-decouple
     - Attempts to clean up some orphaned objects that may be causing leaks/crashes


Stock Plus
Stock Plus is a secondary addition to the stock bug fixes. They are disabled by default, and are not required to be active for StockBugFix to function.


StockPlus is a collection of minor modifications I've made to stock functionality that fit with the fixes I've created. Some of them are cosmetic, and some are functional. They are all very minor, and basically unlock stock features or functions in the game and expose them to the player. Some examples include flare/spread for radial chutes attached with symmetry (pictured below), unlocking parachute deployment and semi-deployment times, tweakable wheel grip (for low gravity worlds), and disabling flight control surfaces when in space (so they aren't moving around when maneuvering). Modules that include StockPlus features are annotated with (Plus) in the section above, and include a description of Plus features in the spoiler notes. The new in-game GUI (press MOD+F8) also includes descriptions of each StockPlus feature.

It is important to note, that StockPlus features are disabled by default for those who wish to keep their KSP experiences as close to stock as possible. Instructions for how to unlock StockPlus are included below and in the StockBugFixModule readme.

To enable StockPlus, press MOD+F8 to bring up the GUI. Inside the GUI, you can activate StockPlus, then toggle activation of individual StockPlus components. (Version 1.0.5a.1 and higher only.)




Some StockPlus features include:

  • Engine Gimbals have tweakable gimbal rates.
  • Additional symmetric part highlighting in the SPH/VAB.  (Removed from v. 1.1.2a.1)
  • The response of the Pilot RSAS abilities is tweakable.
  • And finally...Parachutes have symmetric spread (pictured below, and now includes stack chutes).



StockPlus features are disabled by default. If you want to enable the StockPlus features...
     - Configure the StockPlus settings during first launch (after installing)
     - Press MOD+F8 at any time in game to bring up the GUI to configure. Some setting changes will require a scene change, but (as of yet) none require a KSP restart.

** Ensure you save your settings. **

Settings should be persistent across StockBugFixPlus updates. After the release of KSP 1.0.5, many of these modules are Plus only (because all fixes have been incorporated into Stock KSP).



Deprecated Modules (i.e. No Longer Needed)

Release v0.1.7d is the last compatible version for KSP v0.90
Release v0.1.5c is the last compatible version for KSP v0.25
Further releases are labeled by compatible version. Example: Release v1.0.2e.3 is compatible with KSP v1.0.2
For a list of all deprecated modules, please see the read-me (I need to reduce the size of this post). Thanks!


Phoenix Industries Miscellaneous Utilities

I will begin a list of miscellaneous utilities to continue helping in the support forums. These are packaged separately from my bug fix modules.
I might incorporate InflightShipSave into StockPlus, but that decision hasn't been made yet.

+ InflightShipSave.dll (15 Jan 15) - (STATUS: Not KSP v1.0 tested.) Description: Saves a ship that is in-flight, in case you launched it and forgot to save..

Released Here

When you want to save a ship, visit it in-flight and press F6 (rebindable via included .cfg file). This will save the ship to a .craft file in your current game and will have the name "_Rescued" appended.

===> saves\[CurrentSaveName]\Ships\VAB\[NameOfShip]_Rescued.craft

I highly recommend you work on, or keep, a backup copy of your game when using this (just in case)...

NOTE: Still a work in progress. There are certain attributes about ships that, when parts are active, cause the editor to throw NullRefs. Please let me know if you run into this, and provide a save and the offending .craft file.

Also note that this still doesn't properly handle craft that have been docked together in flight. It will save them, but with problems. A fix for this is planned.



Links to other Bug Fix modules

Cleared out for 1.0.5...

Potential Future (or Proposed) Fixes


+ Update editor symmetry highlight for 1.1.2

+ Update InFlightShipSave for 1.1.2



IMPORTANT: With the release of KSP 1.0.5, StockBugFixModules and StockPlus has undergone a major overhaul. Many of the fixes from the last StockBugFixModules release have been incorporated into Stock KSP.

!!! Please delete any old installations of KSP-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules before installing. !!!

  1. Unzip the zip file to the KSP/GameData directory.
  2. During the first launch of KSP after StockBugFixPlus installation, a GUI will pop up asking you to configure the StockPlus options.
  3. Save your settings and enjoy.

NOTE: Do NOT delete StockBugFixPlusController.dll. None of the modules (including fixes) will function without it.
Press MOD+F8 to bring up the GUI any time in-game. Some setting changes will require a scene change, but none require a KSP restart.


My mods are covered under the CC-BY-NC-SA license. See the license.txt for more details.


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  NathanKell said:
Super helpful! The radial decoupler fix is especially awesome.

Haha, Thanks for all the help!

It doesn't fix the decoupler all the way, but I think it's good enough to keep it from destroying rockets. Also, I think I noticed that I in my zeal, I uploaded the unscaled velocity version. Might have to fix that shortly.

  White Owl said:
Here's another good one; maybe you can talk to slumpie about including it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96339-0-25-StockScalingBugFix-V2-MM-Update-fixed-some-mishaps

This is weird. I haven't seen this bug myself or heard it reported in the unmodded installs. It sounds like the same thing that might be happening to the chutes, but I don't know if they are related. Thanks for the point out!



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nice very nice :) i like this one + AnchoredDecouplerFix.dll but...

i think that the boosters (the large ones) when decoupled the top goes a bit inward still...and hitting the rocket

yeahh ia;m officially retarded copied the dll to older version of ksp and starting 0.25 double face palm! :confused:

Edited by dtoxic
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  Claw said:

This is weird. I haven't seen this bug myself or heard it reported in the unmodded installs. It sounds like the same thing that might be happening to the chutes, but I don't know if they are related. Thanks for the point out!

It's as Nathan just said in the post before.

It only affects the model, but not the coordinates apparently.

Edited by slumpie
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I guess I just never made one of those parts my root. Sounds funny enough. :P

Perhaps I will create a second section in the OP that links out to other bug fixer modules. Would that be useful? Done, let me know what you think.

  biohazard15 said:
Thanks, man! You're awesome!

Thanks! Hope it works okay.



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It's possible. I didn't test this with tweakable everything and I'm unfamiliar with exactly how it manipulates the ejection force. Also, if you have a picture of your craft that can help me replicate what you are doing.



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I don't have tweakable everything and I have the same issue. The only way I can get the silly stages from turning inward is with sepratrons. And at that, I have to stage them first so they are firing when I stage the decouplers. Otherwise, they don't fire if they are in the same stage.

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Using Retro Future 1.6.3 2m Cockpit and Eva fix

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[unityEngine.Collider].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__2E (.KFSMState st) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.StartFSM (.KFSMState initialState) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.StartFSM (System.String initialStateName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ClawKSP.ModuleEVAEjectionFix.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__68 (.KFSMState st) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalEVA.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

ModuleEVAEjectionFIx: Attempting to reset = Idle (Floating)

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.

Parameter name: index

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[unityEngine.Collider].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalEVA.<SetupFSM>m__2E (.KFSMState st) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.StartFSM (.KFSMState initialState) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.StartFSM (System.String initialStateName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ClawKSP.ModuleEVAEjectionFix.OnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.ModulesOnUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Kerbal is stuck cant control it or do anything and the spaming in the log continues

KSP 0.25x32

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  dtoxic said:

Using Retro Future 1.6.3 2m Cockpit and Eva fix

Edited: So I downloaded the cockpits and didn't have any problems. In fact, the ejection bug is present with them but the posted module fixes it.

I'm guessing you are using other mods, and at least one of them must modify kerbal EVA behavior?



Edited by Claw
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  rosenkranz said:
I don't have tweakable everything and I have the same issue. The only way I can get the silly stages from turning inward is with sepratrons.

The fix is far from perfect because the problem is a bit deeper than I can reach into the code. If you guys can provide some pictures so I can see what to test against that would help me refine the code. Pictures of the craft before decoupling and at the collision are the best.

  rosenkranz said:
And at that, I have to stage them first so they are firing when I stage the decouplers. Otherwise, they don't fire if they are in the same stage.

This is how stock KSP is meched, and I'm not planning on doing any changes to this piece.

Thanks for he help fixing it. :)


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  Claw said:
Hmm, okay. I think I can see what the problem is. I was cheating a little which works in stock, but I will have to add a little more work.

I should also ask, does it suffer from the same ejection bug as the stock capsules?



Sorry i cant tell you that

i was just testing something out on the runway when i noticed this, btw there is no IVA for that particular cockpit i clicked on "crew hatch" and than EVA

the kerbal was frozen could not move ,or release from the cockpit. thats when i checked the Dbg. Console and noticed the spaming in the log.

Hope that makes sense. If you need anything else just drop me a line

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Sorry, I edited my post and didn't see that you had already replied...

So I downloaded the cockpits and didn't have any problems. In fact, the ejection bug is present with them but the posted module fixes it. Are you using other mods, and maybe some of them modify kerbal EVA behavior?



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While it's not really a fix, I found that using FAR helped reduce the problems of separating SRB's. On another note, thank you so much for your fixes. I killed Jeb, Bill, and Bob about 5 or 6 times due to the EVA ejection bug.

The first time I witness the EVA bug was when I had Jeb do an EVA at like 70KM and the hatch was pointing towards Kerbin. He kinda of got launched into a sub-orbital trajectory and burned up on reentry. It's not too bad though because he was spinning so bad I'm pretty sure he lost consciousness...

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  Claw said:
Sorry, I edited my post and didn't see that you had already replied...

So I downloaded the cockpits and didn't have any problems. In fact, the ejection bug is present with them but the posted module fixes it. Are you using other mods, and maybe some of them modify kerbal EVA behavior?



Now that you mention it, i do use other mods and the only one that i can think of that edits Kerbal Behavior is ECLSS - Revived mod.

but it does not edit the kerbal in a drastic way, adds oxygen,co2 , Eva fuel etc etc.

I also tried different cockpits and everything is working fine, thou i didn't test it extensively, a side note i never experienced the Evabug what i mean by that is, when i go on EVA the kerbal would slowly slide on the ladder (thats expected) sometimes he would not be attached/grabbed to the capsule but no drastic ejections what so ever, i downloaded this fix under the assumption that this affects everyone and i just add the fix without further detailed tests.

When i get back home ill try that again see if i can replicate the thing and post full logs (i know i should have done that the first time :P) i just thought it was directly tied just to that fix.


Here are the logs and some screens, Note that not all pods/cockpits exhibit this error, btw it also happens on LEM from Fasa mod

hope this helps


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