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[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)


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I can't get the gui to come up.  I'm using a Mac and i have turned on the function keys function function without pressing the fn key.

EDIT: Disregard above post. I'm a moron I installed the folder directly from the zip not the ones inside the Gamedata folder.

Edited by Whovian41110
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A request: currently when launch clamps are added a separate stage is created, usually in the number one spot because they are the last thing one does when building- it'd be nice if they got added to the existing first stage. I imagine this could be debatable, but I've yet to encounter a situation where I want my rocket to drop before launching. Now that I think of it, another nice tweak would be if you grabbed a group of something in a stage, eg. 4 thuds, you could restage them without expanding them first. Generally not an issue unless there are other stageables in the same stage.

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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For ModuleControlSurfacePlus, would it be possible to add a tweakable for response/movement rate? (i.e. how quickly the control surface moves?) The tweakable authority range is helping me keep stability under control at high speeds in atmo (I'm an SSTO player), but sometimes I find I need the full authority range while still at high speed (e.g. using my surfaces as airbrakes), so I need to tweak the surfaces mid-flight. Control surfaces list a max deflection and a deflection speed, so I was hoping we'd be able to tweak the deflection speed as well. (Otherwise, I would love action group functionality for adjusting or toggling min/max deflection.)

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  On 1/17/2016 at 4:05 AM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

Now that I think of it, another nice tweak would be if you grabbed a group of something in a stage, eg. 4 thuds, you could restage them without expanding them first. Generally not an issue unless there are other stageables in the same stage.


I want that.  Some of my rockets use 8 SRBs on the bottom as boosters and the staging diagram is painful with that many icons

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Sorry for the long lack of response. For the fairing lift issue, it might be best if anyone can look through their log files to see if there are any errors being thrown. Or if someone can narrow it down to a specific mod interaction issue.


  On 1/16/2016 at 7:12 PM, Whovian41110 said:

Disregard above post.


No worries, glad you sorted it out. Is there anything about the install instructions that is confusing?


  On 1/17/2016 at 3:20 AM, Gaiiden said:

claw the glow suppressor mod



The issue I'm trying to avoid is going through every part on every ship at every game frame. That's how the glow supressor mod works. Which means it works really well, but it's going through everything on every frame. This may be one of those things that's better left out of my combined mod, so that people who are specifically seeking it for specialized applications (like making videos) know exactly what they are getting.


  On 1/17/2016 at 4:05 AM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

it'd be nice if they got added to the existing first stage


They get added to the stage for whatever thing you are connecting to. So if you hook them onto boosters that are in your first stage, then that's where they get added. If you attach them to the core of your ship which was built as the first thing, then that's where they get added. (That's how my stock ones work, anyway...)

Unless you are referring to add-on launch clamps. In which case the clamp author would need to add the stageOffset definitions to the part's config file.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you completely?


  On 1/17/2016 at 4:05 AM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

you could restage them without expanding them first


I'm not sure what you mean by "restage without expanding." (Also, I don't understand why you would restage an SRB? Contracts?) But regardless, if you want to restage any part, all you need to do is add a blank stage to the bottom of the stage queue. Then you can stage (twice in this case, I think) and reactivate/restage parts to complete something like a part test contract.


  On 1/17/2016 at 8:14 AM, StahnAileron said:

For ModuleControlSurfacePlus, would it be possible to add a tweakable for response/movement rate? ...  Otherwise, I would love action group functionality for adjusting or toggling min/max deflection.


Yes, a tweakable response rate should be possible. An action group is also enticing, because then people could actually control things like flap deflection angles (half-flaps, full-flaps, etc)


  On 1/19/2016 at 9:40 PM, Gaiiden said:

until we see what the changes all are


That's also very true.




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Hey Claw, thanks for responding.

Regarding launch clamps, I find that many times they get added to their own stage, which is usually one created by KSP as the first stage. This is using stock clamps. I'll look into it a bit to try to find a way to reproduce it.

By "restage without expanding" I meant that anything, be it SRBs, chutes, etc. that is a quantity more than 1 cannot be dragged and dropped simply as a "closed" group- it requires 2 clicks. The first one always wants to expand the group into the x amount greater than 2 units, you can't simply drag the unexpanded group to a new stage. If this is still not making sense I'll do up a visual example.

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  On 1/24/2016 at 1:32 PM, Claw said:

For the fairing lift issue, it might be best if anyone can look through their log files to see if there are any errors being thrown. Or if someone can narrow it down to a specific mod interaction issue.


Did you check craft I posted? I tested this with only StockBugFix installed and no other mods.

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bulyeqw0zla9hni/KSP.log?dl=0

output_log.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3pwa2buedsqicy4/output_log.txt?dl=0

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  On 1/25/2016 at 10:52 AM, robson1000 said:



Thanks for the log. That helps me figure out what's happening and what configuration everything is in. So... this is now fixed.


Update 1.0.5a.4:

  • Fixed bug with ModuleProceduralFairingFix when StockPlus active
  • Added StockPlus tweakable "Speed" to adjust control surface actuator speed

If you already have version 1.0.5a.3, you should be able to carry over your settings from the previous install.



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Would someone be so kind as to help me get this mod working?


I installed as per the instructions but nothing showed up on the first run of the program and the MOD+F8 does nothing.  I tried ALT, CTRL, and SHIFT and neither of them work with the F8 key.

Is this where it is supposed to be installed?

Kerbal Space Program







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  On 10/18/2014 at 8:08 AM, Claw said:

+ ModuleAeroSurfacePlus (Plus) (27 Dec 15) - (STATUS: Fixed Control Lock Bug) - Description: Aero Surface (Airbrakes) action groups do not work properly.
     - (Plus) When stowed (not deployed) air brakes do not contribute drag (flush with the fuselage)
     - (Plus) Disables flight controls in space, so they aren't moving around when maneuvering


I found that when the craft come back to atmosphere, the airbreak will not enable again

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  On 1/27/2016 at 1:10 PM, snoopydude said:

I installed as per the instructions


You have grabbed the source files instead of the game files. Try this link (for v1.0.5a.4).


You aren't the only one this has happened to, and I think I see now where the confusion is coming from. The first page has been updated to be (hopefully) less confusing.


  On 1/29/2016 at 7:02 PM, royying said:

I found that when the craft come back to atmosphere, the airbreak will not enable again


Okay. As much as I'd like this feature to be working, sounds like it still doesn't for some folks. I'll pull this part out in the next update, since it doesn't seem worth the trouble.

For now, you can disable ModuleAeroSurface's Plus features (via the GUI) or delete the ModuleAeroSurfacePlus.dll file. I'm sorry for the issues.



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ETA: I just reinstalled this mod because it had become deactivated. Now, when I press [Alt-F8], to bring up the GUI, it brings up another GUI that allows me to load any save file, but I doesn't offer access to any of the settings for this mod. My troubleshooting skills are degrading with age, so It may take some time to work through this.

Does anyone have helpful advice to offer?

ETA: After my initial panicky response*, I found some useful tips in another thread and discovered how to get everything working (apparently) again. I'm going to see if it worked, now. wish me luck.

* I have anxiety disorders. My first response to anything unexpected is to repress the urge to panic while I figure out what just happened. After a while, you just learn to deal. *shrugs*

Edited by SSgt Baloo
Maybe I fixed it. We'll see.
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That's a possibility. I still found that there were some corrupted files that Steam needed to fix, and once I gained access to the menu and turned all the stuff back on, it fixed everything.

BTW: Love your avatar. ;)


ETA: Since then, other problems resulted in a clean reinstall becoming necessary. At least this time I'm paying better attention to dependencies, mod bloat, etc., than I was before. 


Edited by SSgt Baloo
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  On 1/30/2016 at 3:59 PM, Claw said:

You have grabbed the source files instead of the game files. Try this link (for v1.0.5a.4).

You aren't the only one this has happened to, and I think I see now where the confusion is coming from. The first page has been updated to be (hopefully) less confusing.


That's one of the major reasons I avoid downloading files on github. 9 times out of 10 I cant figure out where the download link for the file I want is located. and end up downloading a master file instead and don't know which part is the part I want.

Sometimes I can puzzle out what I want, but hate having to figure it out every time I visit the site, because people don't post links to the download, they post links to the main page.

(I guess if I was going to github everyday it would become familiar, but I usually only go there once a month or so.)

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@BlackHat There's the main project page (which is where everyone links their source) and that includes a default "Download" button. That, naturally, grabs the source code.

But there's a separate page that contains the "Releases" and that's where people package the mods for download. Because of add-on rules, the source code must be readily available near the downloads. Hopefully I've clarified my links a bit to make it less confusing. :)



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  On 2/5/2016 at 3:58 PM, kcs123 said:

Just realized that Claw is promoted from moderator to SQUAD staff.

Congrats on that, well deserved too for all contributions trough bug fixing and trough other threads too.




Seriously though, make this stock. With the StockPlus modules too.

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  On 2/5/2016 at 6:59 PM, ThatGuyWithALongUsername said:


Seriously though, make this stock. With the StockPlus modules too.



Well, they have been:

  On 10/18/2014 at 8:08 AM, Claw said:

IMPORTANT: With the release of KSP 1.0.5, StockBugFixModules and StockPlus has undergone a major overhaul. Many of the fixes from the last StockBugFixModules release have been incorporated into Stock KSP.



And now they made the Claw stock too. How's that for stock plus? :D

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