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0.15 Easter eggs? (Obviously possible spoilers inside)


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Good spot, Nova! You will get a crater named after you for that.

Tranquility Base is indeed on Mun. Its not some secret base from where I test, I have ways and means beyond yer average Jeb, tis just somewhere I can chill after a hard day digging craters. Chances of it being there in the far future are very slim however so enjoy whilst you can.

Still, one secret object and one secret base dont really constitute the 'secret bases or secret objects' I had previously narrowly avoided alluding to. Guess y\'all best keep on lookin eh? ;)

OH moar secret bases!

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It\'ll be leaked, sooner or later, sadly... I had fun finding it, though!

My rover is already circumnavigating the Mun along the equator as we speak.


(picture taken immediately after landing, I don\'t actually drive it with the descent stage still attached)

Which is probably the least efficient way of looking for it, but it\'s fun.

Good spot, Nova! You will get a crater named after you for that.

Tranquility Base is indeed on Mun. Its not some secret base from where I test, I have ways and means beyond yer average Jeb, tis just somewhere I can chill after a hard day digging craters. Chances of it being there in the far future are very slim however so enjoy whilst you can.

Still, one secret object and one secret base dont really constitute the 'secret bases or secret objects' I had previously narrowly avoided alluding to. Guess y\'all best keep on lookin eh? ;)

See, now this is exactly what I was talking about when I said exploration is only fun when there\'s something interesting to find. I hadn\'t touched KSP in months, but now I can\'t stop playing. I want to find something, anything. As far as I\'m concerned, you can just shovel these locations in. The more the better.

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Oh it does, though I think C7-based aircraft would be better for exploring Kerbin. A question, though: From how far away are these things visible? Do they pop in at a certain distance?

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Good spot, Nova! You will get a crater named after you for that.

Tranquility Base is indeed on Mun. Its not some secret base from where I test, I have ways and means beyond yer average Jeb, tis just somewhere I can chill after a hard day digging craters. Chances of it being there in the far future are very slim however so enjoy whilst you can.

Still, one secret object and one secret base dont really constitute the 'secret bases or secret objects' I had previously narrowly avoided alluding to. Guess y\'all best keep on lookin eh? ;)

So the crater with the monolith is now 'Silisko Crater,' eh? Awesome. I\'m sending another probe to SMA-01 (Silisko Magnetic Anomaly 01)to study it.

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Okay, so I should basically be able to see the things from low Munar orbit. Cool.

Oh, I don\'t suppose they get marked on the map once you get close to them, do they? That\'d be really neat.

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I\'m trying my best to find this place. I tried an equatorial orbit @ less than 10 km, but saw nothing (half due to darkness). I\'m trying my luck now with a polar orbit. Hanging nice and low @ 5 km for this one. I should be able to cover most of the Mun in two Munar orbits around Kerbin.

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Is there any way to increase Draw Distance? I\'ve been 'orbiting' the Mun at about 700-1000m and didn\'t find squat....it\'s either this or I need glasses...

I think I was a few km above the surface when I found it (something like 5km or less), and I could only see a small black dot, so I suppose you need to set the resolution high enough to see it (and look at the proper place =P).

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I took a Mun Rover and explored a few craters and guess what I found? Nada, squat, nil, zero. I drove like 300k and from time to time I zoomed out to see if I can spot anything....nothing. At one point I saw a glowing stuff but when I got a bit closer it disappeared.

Here\'s how I look so far, the crew went crazy a while a go...


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5km? My two egg hunting probes are at least 8-9 km above the surface of the mun. What do you expect the maximum distance to see the monoliths would be?

Also, UnlogicalOne, I assume you used a C7 plane to spot the alternate KSC? That\'s awesome, none of my planes ever fly so I\'d never be able to do that.

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...Also, UnlogicalOne, I assume you used a C7 plane to spot the alternate KSC? That\'s awesome, none of my planes ever fly so I\'d never be able to do that.

Hah, no, nothing so nice. I cheated a bit. I cobbled together a 'plane' from stock parts and changed one of the engines to use no fuel. I stuck a mechjeb module on to act as an autopilot using the surface mode. 11 degrees of pitch gave me -1m/s vertical speed so just flipping between 11 and 12 degrees every few minutes gave nice level flight.

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Is the monolith in 14.3? I\'ve been to most craters now, and I haven\'t found it. :\'(

Yes, it is in 14.3. Just like Silisko said, an unusualy shaped crater near the equator. You have to be very close to spot it, at first I thought it was a rock or a graphical glitch.

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Found it, landed perfectly then pressed command+shift+3 (mac screenshot), and watched my lander go up in flames as I hit the gas, luckily the pod survived so I could roll in for a shot.


You know that you could just have pressed F1...

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