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What Are You Planning/Hoping To Do In KSP In The Near Future?


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  optimusjamie said:
I've had this idea called the Kerbalon Project, the goal of which would be to see what the biggest possible space station would look like.

By "biggest possible" you mean 5km in diameter? Now that I would like to see. :)

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I've stopped playing career after a bug killed my save... Ever since I'been playing in sandbox trying to get used to a couple of mods (specifically NEAR, remote tech, KAS and better resource management of life support) and practicing harder stuff like unassisted (no-MJ) planetary transfers, practicing more docking, building a propper SSTO, etc.

I find the current lack of quest very boring so I'll practice some concepts while I wait for 0.9 update (maybe unity5 too). When those roll out I like to start a propper career game in hard settings with a couple of mods (NEAR, KAS, TAC, DR, RT and a couple of others for gameplay tweaks [like kerbal engineer redux, enhanced docking, nav utilities, etc] and parts [b9, scansat, science parts, etc]).

In said career mode I'll unlock all science available on kerb, mun and minmus, unlock as much as I can from the tech tree and then I'll start sending satellites to other planets, then probes, then rovers and then manned missions and bases... I'd like to have multiple flights at the same time (coordinated with kerbal alarm clock) instead of sending one at a time and timewarping like I do now...

I'd like to have multiple planet-bases and stations for refueling and resource upkeep.

I reaaaaally hope squad makes a propper endgame but If not I'll consider the game finished when I return the last crew from planting the last flag on the last planet meeting all the goals I've set previously...

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I really want to send a spaceplane to Laythe just because. I've never actually landed manned there, although I went to a few other moons around Jool. I was prepping for it in 23.5 and had two of my original Valkyrie planes strapped to a transfer ship... but then I took a break for a while when .24 came out and of course .25 broke my planes and I started a new save. So yeah, it's still on the books. In the very near future though, I'm prepping to send a Kethane mining rig and refueling station to Ike so I can send smaller, shorter range ships out to the Jool system. That's the plan at least. I already have the mining rig and station on one ship and a craft to bring the refined fuel up to the station on another ship, ready to go out at the next transfer window. I'm just taking my sweet time to actually warp ahead and do it. Keep getting distracted and putting it off.

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I'm going to attempt a SSTO Eve descent and ascent, using Interstellar, beamed microwave power, a thermal receiver, and a hybrid thermal turbojet / rocket. I'm fully open to the possibility that the next thing after that may be an Eve rescue mission to recover from a botched ascent.

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  optimusjamie said:
I've had this idea called the Kerbalon Project, the goal of which would be to see what the biggest possible space station would look like.

Just keep your part count down if you don't want it to turn into Kerbal Slide Show Program. I once assembled an 800 ton station in Munar orbit, but I abandoned it because the lag was so bad.

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I've got a couple of contracts for exploration of Duna and Ike, with plans for a series of 5 missions to acheive all the objectives.

That'll be my first interplanetary out-and-return mission.

Plans for a set of geostationary communication satellites around Kerbin.

And a few more details to add to my orbital station.

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I'm going to take a huge interplanetary ship to another star system. It will be full of satellites and versatile landers, seeing as I don't know what kind of planets and moons I'll find. Once there I'll set up a remotely powered and controlled comms network, send satellites out to scan all the planets and moons, and then get to work landing on them all. Then come home. And.. errr. .. use less than 500 parts in total....:huh:

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Repeat Mun and Minmus missions with more scientific instruments available: after that, exploratory unmanned missions to Duna and Eve. I may have been overly hasty installing 6.4x Kerbin after a grand total of one interplanetary mission (one-way lander to Duna), but I suspect my Mun booster will be more than enough for one-way exploratory probes.

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I havent landed on every celestial body yet, time to get this going. At the moment i am preparing my second attempt to land on all 5 Jool moons in a single mission. If this mission is a success, i will try and go on a Grand Tour throughout the complete Kerbol system.

Designing and testing craft for the upcoming Jool mission... upper left - orbital construction site for the main mission craft | lower left - testing the return vehicle for the work crew | right side - Design work in progress of the main mission craft. Making sure everything fits to the point before shunting the material into orbit for assembly.


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Wanna get as realistic as possible with default scale parts, kinda simulation like gameplay would be my next progression in difficulty level :)

Sounds hilarious... but just a few days ago once again i tried an apollo like mission, everything went nominal (well the rover went out of power, so that thing was kinda useless) until re-entry, at that point i realized that i forgot the parachutes on the CM. The crew was not amused, i can tell ya, poor kerbals :(

I guess i need a pre launch checklist :huh:


Wow, Frank_G that is one lovely ssto (return vehicle), may you share the craft file? :kiss:

Edited by StainX
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  StainX said:
Wow, Frank_G that is one lovely ssto, may you share the craft file? :kiss:

Thank you :), but it is not an SSTO... it is a return vehicle... it only has enough deltaV to de-orbit an land 4 kerbals. And to build it yourself, it is as simple as you see it there... only has around 25 parts. Tank, Probe core, cabin, wings, landing gear, docking port, engines, 2 intakes and RCS thrusters... you can reconstruct that in 5 minutes. No hidden parts or so going on there.

Here is a screenshot where you can see the front and the underside.


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In the near term? Finish my support network. To me, this is an essential part of this game for long-term play.

As of today, every planet and moon now has an unmanned probe in close orbit; Eeloo and Bop were the last to be placed. These probes have ScanSat and Kethane sensors, meaning I've mapped every moon/planet now. They also include a thermometer to complete science contracts, so they're my main source of income. (The probes are ion-based, with about 18km/s of deltaV. They can go anywhere in the system, the burns just take 20-30 minutes apiece so it's not a fast process.)

What I'm doing next is deploying my fuel network; I've built a 360-ton mobile refinery vessel capable of landing on Minmus, Ike, Gilly, Pol, and Bop. (Mun is marginal.) It fills up on its moon, then returns to orbit to act as a fuel station. In the long term I'll have one at Kerbin, one at each of those moons, and one at Laythe (refueled from Pol or Bop). I've got one of these in Kerbin orbit right now, but I can't finish the full network until I make a lot more money as the things are very expensive. Between the cost of the vessel and the fuel of its SSTO booster, they cost about 1.5M per, and I just don't have enough for these yet.

Then, I'll launch my megastation. That thing is going to be REALLY expensive. It's about 1500 tons, launched in one piece; in the long term I'll have one of these at Kerbin, one at Duna, one at Eve, and one at Laythe, but I need to fine-tune the booster design first.

Once I have all of that in place, I'll be able to fly my small manned vessels anywhere I need to go. I've got a beautiful SSTO spaceplane capable of flying to Laythe and back without any refueling, and a more powerful 1-man non-atmospheric vessel designed for places like Tylo, so I might repeat Jeb's Grand Tour (done back in 0.22ish). With all those fuel depots, I should be able to do this in small, efficient designs instead of building gigantic boosters for the more distant targets.

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  Frank_G said:
Thank you :), but it is not an SSTO... it is a return vehicle... it only has enough deltaV to de-orbit an land 4 kerbals.

I've got something similar, myself. But I took it to an even more ridiculous extreme; my lifeboat has no actual engines, just its RCS jets, so it's a dead-stick landing every time. 6-man capacity, only 17 parts:


On the underside is a radial monoprop tank, a front landing gear, and a light. It uses a lot of mod parts, including the air brakes at the back (necessary to keep it oriented on reentry), though. And yes, I've actually tested it by dropping it from orbit. The landing was a bit hairy, but it worked... mainly because I perfectly balanced the center of mass, and there's so little fuel burning off that it doesn't shift during the landing.

I've now got one of these attached to my megastation design, to act as its primary lifeboat, even though I haven't actually launched the station yet. I'm sure a parachute-based design would be even better, but who can resist the idea of a glider?

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