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Hello Kerbals. I'm new to here on the KSP forum. I have a few questions. What should I do if there is a lost Kerbonaut somewhere in the Kerbol system? Can I ask some experienced pilots for them using my save files? Just for fun.

In general, because of the terrible English my phrases may seem impolite, sorry if this is the case. :blush:


Edited by Clay Kerman
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8 minutes ago, Clay Kerman said:

Hello Kerbals. I'm new to here on the KSP forum. I have a few questions. What should I do if there is a lost Kerbonaut somewhere in the Kerbol system? Can I ask some experienced pilots for them using my save files? Just for fun.

In general, because of the terrible English my phrases may seem impolite, sorry if this is the case. :blush:


Your English is fine. :)

Do you mean there is a Kerbal on a flight and you don't remember where? Or is it listed as MIA? If so, it's sort-of dead but will respawn after a while. 

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8 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Ваш английский в порядке. :)

Вы имеете в виду, что на рейсе есть Кербал, и вы не помните, где? Или это указано как МВД ? Если это так, он вроде мертв, но через некоторое время возродится. 

I mean that if I have a kerbonaut with no fuel on the orbit for example. I can't save him because I'm a noob. I cannot destroy the spaceship using the facility with dishes, because the settings are hard and kerbal cannot respawn. :confused:

Edited by Clay Kerman
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Hi everyone.

I've been playing KSP for about a year now, and SFS and Orbiter for a bit longer. I just signed up to the forums a bit ago, so that's great. Hopefully I'll actually be able to contribute to the community. Hopefully.

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@Clay Kerman, now you need to run a rescue mission. :) If you can't do it right away, just leave the ship there and come back for it later. The pilot will be fine. 

@qubyte, welcome to the forum. 

@kraken etc, things happen. Just like the way at-pinging stopped working in the middle of my post here. 


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8 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

@Clay Kerman, now you need to run a rescue mission. :) If you can't do it right away, just leave the ship there and come back for it later. The pilot will be fine. 

@qubyte, welcome to the forum. 

@kraken etc, things happen. Just like the way at-pinging stopped working in the middle of my post here. 



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Hello everyone again ;)! I hope I will not bother with another question. I can see that I am a new member in my profile. In what time it changes and how to change my logo? :)

Sorry for bad English again.

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17 minutes ago, James Kerman said:

Welcome to the forum @Clay Kerman, you become a full member after you have made 5 moderator approved posts. This is a security measure designed to protect the forum. After that you can go to your profile and click on the button on your avatar to change it:

Hooray! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there... :D

I just wanna say a healthy HI to the community.

I startet playing the game in late 2013 after watching one of my youtube hero "Zisteau" with his series "Kerbal Space Explosion". Minmus and Mun wasn´t the big challenges back then, but I really struggled to made a RETURN-Mission to other planets, I also struggled to make airplanes and my jounger, impatient ME left the game behind...
Nevertheless I kept on watching Zisteau´s serie. Later I catched up Matt Lowne´s KSP vids in the tubes... ;)

Early 2020 I stumbled over the KSP 2 announcement.
And finally a week ago I repurchased the game and DLC´s on Steam.
Now I rushed trough Sciencemode only at Kerbin, Mun and Minmus and I am FINALLY ready to explore the rest of Kerbin Space Program....

Mod your game? Just the 6 of theme.... ;)


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  • 1 month later...

Good morning all from Ohio! I am a noob and love KSP! Quick question: How long before you're allowed to direct message other members?  I'd like to talk to @FreeThinker if you're reading this. This is my first post btw. I'm interested in anyone doing AI with ksp. Latest video below ( apologies, not the greatest video guy). Let me know if you're into AI on ksp and/or know someone working an AI project! 


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For reference, @Jebber, you'll need to have some of your posts approved by a moderator before you unlock the full forum features. The good news is that replying to this post will help you out!

I also suggest posting in What Did You Do in KSP Today, and maybe find a few threads in General Discussions that pique your interest. You'll be good to go in no time!

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Pick a card... any card...










Enjoy! and welcome to the KSP forum!





P.S: like this comment and no im not begging. Only Bob Kerman likes to beg.

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