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KOSMOS 3/14/2015 RD-170 Family Released!

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hey guys. can anyone remind me how to unfold the big twin balka solar panels? their animations are a little bit moody and I don't remember the correct way to handle them

Click open solar panel, and wait while they open, they take a LONG time so be patient.

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Does this mean that URM is fixed?

No. not really. It means that if you've fixed your local configs (or you have someone's patch), you should grab this updated DLL and put it in the right place in the KOSMOS directory so it plays right. There aren't patches for URM or SSPP in the release.

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I, for the life of me, wasn't able to find just what RD-275K is. According to this very authentic site, there was only RD-253, and then in 1969 there was RD-256 upgrade program in Kama, aimed to increase thrust by 16.6% and Isp(SL) by 3 sec. This program was closed. RD-253U programme (+7.7%) was also closed.

RD-275 (and RD-275M) are further developments of toxic, non-green RD-253 for Proton-PM and Proton-M. So I assumed that MP~=UDMH, and did this for RSS w/o RF:

@PART[Kosmos_Angara_RD-275K] {  // KOCMOC RD-275K
@title = RD-275M
@description = H=3.05m, D=1.5m, Ox/MP ratio = 3 for KSP (2.67 IRL), TWR=174.58
@mass = 1.07
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.1075576, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
@MODULE[ModuleGimbal] { @gimbalRange = 7 }
@MODULE[ModuleEngines] {
@maxThrust = 1832 // must be 1,671 at SL
!atmosphereCurve {}
%atmosphereCurve {
key = 0 322
key = 1 295
!PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {}
%PROPELLANT[MonoPropellant] {
%ratio = 1.0
%DrawGauge = True // maybe need only this; we'll see
%PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {
%ratio = 3.0 // 2.67/(1021/1141) = 2.9838103; they say that "optimal for N2H4/UDMH is 2.61"
%DrawGauge = True // fixme

Mind that I've adjusted fuel mixture ratio not only to be simpler, but to be more realistic weight- and density-wise.

To fly with those, You either need both Oxidizer and MonoPropellant tanks, or You can use ProceduralParts tank with this patch:

@PART[procedural*Liquid]:NEEDS[KOSMOS] {
@MODULE[TankContentSwitcher] {
name = MonoPropellant
dryDensity = 0.12 // stock is 0.22 - too kerbalishly high, unsuitable for RSS; should be 0.12, but if dancing conservatively from KSP LOx density, it is 0.14
costMultiplier = 0.035 // ?? fixme I don't give a damn
name = MonoPropellant
unitsPerT = 1000
// 1 LF = 5 kg // RP-1 density ~= 806 kg/m^3; Syntin density = 851 kg/m^3
// 1 LOx = 5 kg // LOx density = 1141 kg/m^3; N2H4 density = 1021 kg/m^3
// 1 MP = 4 kg // UDMH density = 791 kg/m^3; "optimal for N2H4/UDMH is 2.61"
// so by unit N2H4/UDMH ratio is 2,4:1, and by mass it's 3:1, while in real engine it's 2.67:1
name = LOx+MP 3:1
dryDensity = 0.0541 // as per Proton-M4; stock for MP=0.22; LOx=0.1 // !! that's how much 1L of tank weights
costMultiplier = 0.035 // ?? fixme I don't give a damn
name = MonoPropellant
unitsPerT = 932.4 // per Proton-M4: MP+MO=428.6, MT=(30.6-1.07*6). Those are units !! that's not mass
name = Oxidizer
unitsPerT = 2797.2 // per Proton-M4; JFYI 2nd stage dry mass coefficient: (11000-(566*4))/157300; 3rd stage engine mass: (550+90)

The fact that KSP parts are horribly overweight, incl. tankage, is not news. But I try to play RSS or other "bigger" systems, so...

Edited by cipherpunks
also fix node; add PP tank config
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I realize I'm mostly a lurker... but this has always been one of my favorite mods. CBBP, if you're offering to let us muck about with fixes, I'd like to take a look at the APAS to see if I can't try to sort out the docking angle issue.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm just testing out the station parts and I've noticed that on parts with a top and bottom node, only one attachment node works. I usually have to flip the part to get it to attach. The other node then functions for another part to be attached, but again, if that part is part if this pack, it only attaches from one endpoint. Is this a known bug? Any known solutions before I go tinkering? :)

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I'm just testing out the station parts and I've noticed that on parts with a top and bottom node, only one attachment node works. I usually have to flip the part to get it to attach. The other node then functions for another part to be attached, but again, if that part is part if this pack, it only attaches from one endpoint. Is this a known bug? Any known solutions before I go tinkering? :)

It wasn't updated for 1.0.x. There are some node fixes mentioned a couple of pages back, and I released an update to the DLLs the mod uses, but there's nothing official.

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  • 2 months later...
Really want to use this for the shell fairings. Kw got rid of their's.

Kw rocketry still has their shell fairings, except they are now in the extra folder that comes in the zip file that you download, they only work if you have FAR

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Kw rocketry still has their shell fairings, except they are now in the extra folder that comes in the zip file that you download, they only work if you have FAR

Wierd, last download i made of it did not have this folder

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  • 4 weeks later...
Kw rocketry still has their shell fairings, except they are now in the extra folder that comes in the zip file that you download, they only work if you have FAR

You don't need Far , Far doesn't do anything to the fairings that makes them work or not, Even ferram4 has said this if, I could remember the post or find it will post it for you but in all there more then likely just missing the cude setting.

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  • 3 weeks later...
[quote name='Beale']Kosmos is no longer being developed?

When did this happen?[/QUOTE]

You are a really-really-really mean guy, Beale X°D

(I sense something like the Korolev-Glusko rivalry, here... X°D LOL)
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  • 1 month later...

Ok, I realize I probably borked this up.  I origionally only wanted the Kosmos engines (they are some of the most AWESOME engines available in game for shear LOOK if nothing else,)   So I copied just the engine parts and then updated all the CFGs.  Now I have added the whole mod over top of the engines (not overwriting what was already there.)   None of the tanks or other parts appear in the VAB (they show up just fine on the Science nodes in the R&D buildings.)

Any idea what I have borked up?    I have tried a wipe and re-copy of the pertinant CFGs to no avail.   While I do have a crapton of mods (B9,FASA,Kosmos, to name the bigguns) I have not reached my memory limits (game still runs fine.)  Just no tanks.     TIA



If I do a by Sort by Science Tech Level search, I can find the parts. 

Edited by Pappystein
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  • 1 month later...
12 hours ago, Deimos007 said:

If @CardBoardBoxProcessor still around it should be no problem, and what do you need, the space station parts or the rd-170 family?

It looks like the URM is still available on Curse.  The SSPP pack isn't, but the license allows for an unaltered version of it to be posted.  I've got SSPP 0.14.0 (KSP 0.25) still, but it will require a *lot* of work for whoever downloads it to update it to work with KSP 1.0.5, unless someone's already posted Module Manager patches.

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