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Detailed stock Curiosity MSL rover and Atlas V541 1.0 update


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  • 2 months later...
  Avera9eJoe said:
Dangit I already gave you rep today. Dude. This remake is amazing. And especially that skycrane and capsule! The aesthetic of those struts is quite amazing.

No problem man, I have enough! Thank you.

I can definitely save a lot of parts using the new gizmos. Man.. I'm going to be so busy once 1.0 lands!

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  • 2 months later...

I had forgotten about this! I should give this badboy a version one facelift.

I will attempt to wrestle with the very uncooperative stock fairings to replace the skycrane aeroshell and main fairing. It should run well even with the current versions shortcomings. This was made before the offset/rotate tool so it should let me make the rover even more detailed.

To the VAB!

Edited for pictures,

I am happy to report this is still the most realistic stock curiosity rover on the forums. The shape of the launcher is nearly exactly like the real thing.

I have nearly finished the third stage tweaks and the part count is down to 400 now!




Edited by Majorjim
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
  On 5/9/2016 at 6:18 PM, Wolfair corp. said:

Can you update the link? It dosen't work.


Hi there,

 I will need a bit of time as this will be buried in one of my older saves with a million different versions of each craft. I will then have to test it in the latest version and then I can upload it. 

 I make a huge amount of stuff and keeping track of it all what with version changes and links being broken is a nightmare. Plus my constellation rebuild is taking all my KSP time, it may be a week or two before I get around to doing it. 

 I will try to do it as soon as I can man. And thanks for the interest! 


Edited by Majorjim
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  • 1 month later...
  On 6/14/2016 at 1:45 AM, Wolfair corp. said:

Great work!

Really detailled, but I think you can get something more realist using tweakscale.

About thet, nice job, as usual.


Well yeah tweakscale allows many more shape variations. I only ever make stock craft though.

 Sorry I have not updated this yet I wont have time either until my CxP stuff is complete. Thanks for the kind words!

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  • 1 month later...
  On 7/20/2016 at 12:17 AM, walter923 said:

Download link is broken 


Hi there! Thanks for the message.

 Sadly yes the link is broken due to the banning of Mediarfire links. Also the craft is possibly out of date too due to many game changes since I released it. I am working hard on my constellation stuff so have had no time for any other updates.. I will try to remember to have a look at getting this uploaded to KerbalX, I will of course have to test it first though. It may take a few weeks due to lack of time. Sorry bud.

 I will let you know when it is done though.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 7/20/2016 at 12:17 AM, walter923 said:

Download link is broken 



  On 6/14/2016 at 3:40 AM, Mikki said:

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! :0.0: :0.0: :0.0:  KSP to the Edge!



  On 5/9/2016 at 6:18 PM, Wolfair corp. said:

Can you update the link? It dosen't work.


OK chaps, put your patient hats on. I have finished the rover (Completely redesigned and cleaned up) the skycrane (again completely regesigned and looking awesome), aeroshell (Another total redesign and looking amazing) and the Centaur upper (This looks staggeringly like the real one!), I am now working on the adapter between the Ares V core stage and the Centaur upper. 355 parts so far but when you see it you will know why. it looks exactly like the real thing! I mean, exactly.

The Ares V shouldn't take up too many more parts so we are looking at a possible total of just over 500 maybe. Well within reason and playable at 60FPS on my PC.

No teaser pics as you know by now I very rarely if ever post teaser pics. :sticktongue: So many secrets!

Anyway It will take a little longer than anticipated as I have been really tired recently from work.. Damn my need for a place to live and things to eat..

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  • 2 months later...



The current download link is : http://www./download/hgthmzmsql7xgpl/Majorjims+Curiosity+and+Atlas+V+541.craft

It is a bug frequently encountered with Mediafire

Simply add [mediafire.com] between "www." and "/download..." in the URL bar.

Edited by Wolfair corp.
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  On 11/6/2016 at 3:44 PM, Wolfair corp. said:



The current download link is : http://www./download/hgthmzmsql7xgpl/Majorjims+Curiosity+and+Atlas+V+541.craft

It is a bug frequently encountered with Mediafire

Simply add [mediafire.com] between "www." and "/download..." in the URL bar.


Yeah, the craft is old and broken anyway mate. The good news is my complete rebuild is complete and flight tested! It's a quantum leap ahead of that old one in terms of looks and function. I just need to make a video to go with it then I will release it.

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  • 9 months later...
  On 8/17/2017 at 1:00 AM, Kilo60 said:

Release ready Yet?


Really looking forward to it!


Hey man, I remade this and released it december 2016! It's a much, much better replica, one of my finest. Here's a link to the release thread and a few pics to give you a flavor of it. Let me know if you run into any issues as it's getting on for a year old now, updates ect.






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  On 8/18/2017 at 12:00 AM, Kilo60 said:



Downloaded and installed.


Quite a work of art but unfortunately can run it at all as the "Fairings" Bug has the rocket and launcher completely blowing up on the pad.




This is one of the reasons I have stopped playing KSP for a bit... I head the new version of KSP has a fairing bug. Oh well, keep hold of it dude and wait for a fix in the next patch.

 I would highly reccomend reading my flight instructions on the release page. It is quite a complex craft with all the functions mapped to action groups. And thanks for the kind words mate. I spent a great deal of time on this craft. :)

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  • 2 months later...
  On 11/10/2017 at 9:58 PM, Mudkip909 said:

I cant wait until the download is fixed!


LOL hey man. This post is for the second version I made. Here is the link to the newest and much, much improved version!




Here is the release thread for it.


Just remember dude that I have not tested this in newer KSP versions. :)

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