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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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Darn. I was tidying up and removing mods after mods but ...

My experience with KSP is that it can be very itchy and provide irrational issues between mods I never had an idea of they could do anything against each other.

And it's very hard to pinpoint the issues when the (Unity) KSP yells irrational stuff and spams the log with non-helpful messages - and every few hundred lines of nothing is an error message, later it's clear this is a "harmless" error message etc. pp.

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10 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

My experience with KSP is that it can be very itchy and provide irrational issues between mods I never had an idea of they could do anything against each other.

And it's very hard to pinpoint the issues when the (Unity) KSP yells irrational stuff and spams the log with non-helpful messages - and every few hundred lines of nothing is an error message, later it's clear this is a "harmless" error message etc. pp.

While you may not understand messages in the log or think that it's very hard to pinpoint issues, mod authors generally are pretty good at knowing exactly where to look to find out how their mod is broken. As long as you can put in the work to get clear reproducible issues and then supply the logs, screenshots, ModuleManager cache's, or whatever else the mod author asks for, your problem will almost always get solved.

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How to add my techtree to CTT ?


Instalation Warning.txt


MaErDa have his own tech tree wich his included within the package.
Many old ugly part are removed in this new package. Holes will be filled soon.

-------------------- Warnings -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Be sure to recover all MaErda Part before changing the tech tree ! (Techtree will be soon completed)
Remove old version before installing.


1- Add theses Agencies Definitions into squad\Agencies\Agents.cfg


  name = MaErDa Corp
  description = MaErDa Corp is a corporation founded by an evil billionaire who spent his time to seek for new ressources to dominate the world. Don't tell anyone i told you the thruth ! Past that fact; MaErDa Corp provide the best and lastest tech we can found on Kerbin if you pay the price.
  logoURL = /MaErDa/Flags/MaErDa Corp
  logoScaledURL = /MaErDa/Flags/MaErDa Corp_scaled
  mentality = Commercial
  mentality = Competitive 0.5
  mentality = Hasty 0.7
  mentality = Economic 0.8
  mentality = Moral 0.2
  name = Horace Industrie
  description = Hi is a company that provide technologies for MaErDa Corp and they created some Engines and invented mk2 , mk3 reaction wheels.(but not for MaErDa Corp because it is for military uses.)
  logoURL = /MaErDa/Flags/crazymode
  logoScaledURL = /MaErDa/Flags/crayzymode_scaled
  mentality = Commercial
  mentality = Competitive 0.1
  mentality = Economic 1
  mentality = Easy-Going
  mentality = Record-breaking


2- Add theses Ores Definitions into squad\resources\Ore.cfg


    ResourceName = Warnitium
    ResourceType = 0
        PresenceChance = 10
        MinAbundance = 1
        MaxAbundance = 3
        Variance = 80
        Dispersal = 7

    ResourceName = Warnitium
    ResourceType = 0
    PlanetName = Minmus
        PresenceChance = 30
        MinAbundance = 1
        MaxAbundance = 5
        Variance = 75
        Dispersal = 10

    ResourceName = Warnitium
    ResourceType = 0
    PlanetName = Jool
        PresenceChance = 40
        MinAbundance = 1
        MaxAbundance = 7
        Variance = 90
        Dispersal = 10


3- Add theses ressources Definitions into squad\resources\ResourcesGeneric.cfg


  name = Warnitium
  title = Warnitium
  abbreviation = U
  density = 0.001
  hsp = 5000
  flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = True
  unitCost = 20000000
  volume = 1

  name = Kerblood
  title = Kerblood
  abbreviation = Kb
  density = 0.05
  unitCost = 20
  hsp = 2010
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  volume = 5

  name = Warnium
  title = Warnium
  abbreviation = Wn
  density = 0.005
  unitCost = 30000
  hsp = 6000
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  volume = 0.1

  name = Wastium
  title = Wastium
  abbreviation = Wt
  density = 0.1
  unitCost = -2000.0
  hsp = 8000
  transfer = PUMP
  isTweakable = true
  volume = 0.08


4a- If you have some custom tech tree mods; you must open the TechTree.cfg and copy all MaErDa nodes into your TechTree.cfg manually.
4b- If you want; edit the techtree cost for your level of difficulties. (Now Balanced to fit with extra sciences mods)

--------------------------------------- There is the nodes to be copied ---------------------------------------------

        id = MaErDaT0
        title = MaErda R&D Partnership
        description = While researching alone is never a good idea; MaErDa Corp give you the opportunity to access to their new prototypes in exchange of some of your exploration's research and your money of course !
        cost = 50
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat0
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat0
        pos = -2625,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = start
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Form Factor
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa R&D
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1
        pos = -2900,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT0
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1a1
        title = MaErda 0.625m pods
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1a
        pos = -2975,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m pods
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1a
        pos = -2975,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1a3
        title = MaErda 0.625m pods Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Pods Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1a3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1a
        pos = -2975,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1b1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Utils
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1b
        pos = -2825,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m Utils
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1b
        pos = -2825,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1b3
        title = MaErda 0.625m Utils Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1b
        pos = -2825,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1c1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Tanks
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1c
        pos = -2975,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m Tanks
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1c
        pos = -2975,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1c3
        title = MaErda 0.625m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1c
        pos = -2975,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1d1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Engines
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1d
        pos = -2825,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m Engines
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1d
        pos = -2825,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1d3
        title = MaErda 0.625m Engines Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1d
        pos = -2825,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2
        title = MaErda 1.25m pods
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2
        pos = -3200,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2a1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Rocket
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Rocket
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2a
        pos = -3275,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Rocket
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Rocket
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2a
        pos = -3275,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2a3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Rocket Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Rocket Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2a3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2a
        pos = -3275,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2b1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Utils
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2b
        pos = -3125,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Utils
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2b
        pos = -3125,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2b3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Utils Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2b
        pos = -3125,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2c1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Tanks
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2c
        pos = -3275,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Tanks
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2c
        pos = -3275,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2c3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2c
        pos = -3275,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2d1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Engines
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2d
        pos = -3125,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Engines
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2d
        pos = -3125,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2d3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Engines Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2d
        pos = -3125,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Form Factor
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa R&D
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3
        pos = -3500,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3a1
        title = MaErda 2.5m pods
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3a
        pos = -3575,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m pods
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3a
        pos = -3575,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3a3
        title = MaErda 2.5m pods Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Pods Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3a3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3a
        pos = -3575,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3b1
        title = MaErda 2.5m Utils
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3b
        pos = -3425,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m Utils
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3b
        pos = -3425,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3b3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Utils Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3b
        pos = -3425,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3c1
        title = MaErda 2.5m Tanks
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3c
        pos = -3575,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m Tanks
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3c
        pos = -3575,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3c3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3c
        pos = -3575,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3d1
        title = MaErda 2.5m Engines
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3d
        pos = -3425,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m Engines
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3d
        pos = -3425,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3d3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Engines Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3d
        pos = -3425,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4
        title = MaErda 3.75m Form Factor
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa R&D
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4
        pos = -3800,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4a1
        title = MaErda 3.75m pods
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4a
        pos = -3875,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m pods
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4a
        pos = -3875,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4a3
        title = MaErda 3.75m pods Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Pods Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4a
        pos = -3875,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4b1
        title = MaErda 3.75m Utils
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4b
        pos = -3725,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m Utils
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4b
        pos = -3725,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4b3
        title = MaErda 3.75m Utils Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4b
        pos = -3725,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4c1
        title = MaErda 3.75m Tanks
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4c
        pos = -3875,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m Tanks
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4c
        pos = -3875,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4c3
        title = MaErda 3.75m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4c
        pos = -3875,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4d1
        title = MaErda 3.75m Engines
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4d
        pos = -3725,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m Engines
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4d
        pos = -3725,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4d3
        title = MaErda 3.75m Engines Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4d
        pos = -3725,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT


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This should get updated to 1.3 by the end of this week. I want to spend some time converting the strings to localizable formats and also need to add in those new tech nodes.

Anyone: let me know via PM if you are interested in proving any kind of CTT translations to the new language sets.


@FreeThinker: Actually, I was the one who added the Unified Field Theory tech for antimatter technology way back when. I'd prefer to keep it as the one for AM stuff... in this way I would rather add a new node for more advanced fusion stuff at that level instead of what I would consider a duplicate of UFT.

Edited by Nertea
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48 minutes ago, Nertea said:


@FreeThinker: Actually, I was the one who added the Unified Field Theory tech for antimatter technology way back when. I'd prefer to keep it as the one for AM stuff... in this way I would rather add a new node for more advanced fusion stuff at that level instead of what I would consider a duplicate of UFT.

That fine with me.

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@Warsoul - You are using a very, very bad method to add your custom content. By making your users modify Squad's base files, you not only make installation way more complicated than it needs to be, but you also risk making your mod incompatible to other mods. You should never, ever modify the base files directly.

If you have problems getting your nodes to work together with CTT, then that is likely the reason. However, since you haven't said what kinds of problems you have - or if you even tried it out already - I don't know how to help you.

My only advice is: learn to use Module Manager. That way, all those complicated install instructions will not be needed anymore. Also, you will make your mod much more compatible with other mods.

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Okay, thank you !

Do i have conflicts with others mods ?

I simply copy my node in a MaErDaTech.cfg in GameData/MaErDa folder ?

Can you give me an exemple of a game module patch for each node type please ?

  • Tech Nodes
  • Ores defs
  • Ressources defs
  • Sciences defs
  • Agencies
  • etc
Edited by Warsoul
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On 29/05/2017 at 5:20 AM, Streetwind said:

@Warsoul - You are using a very, very bad method to add your custom content. By making your users modify Squad's base files, you not only make installation way more complicated than it needs to be, but you also risk making your mod incompatible to other mods. You should never, ever modify the base files directly.

If you have problems getting your nodes to work together with CTT, then that is likely the reason. However, since you haven't said what kinds of problems you have - or if you even tried it out already - I don't know how to help you.

My only advice is: learn to use Module Manager. That way, all those complicated install instructions will not be needed anymore. Also, you will make your mod much more compatible with other mods.

I edit my techtree; can you check if ive done it correctly ?


//                MaErDa Techtree Nodes

        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2625,1199,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2900,1199,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2975,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2975,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2975,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2825,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2825,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2825,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2975,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2975,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2975,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2825,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2825,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -2825,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3200,1199,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3275,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3275,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3275,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3125,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3125,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3125,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3275,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3275,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3275,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3125,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3125,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3125,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3500,1199,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3575,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3575,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3575,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3425,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3425,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3425,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3575,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3575,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3575,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3425,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3425,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3425,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3800,1199,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3875,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3875,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3875,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3725,1300,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3725,1400,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3725,1500,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3875,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3875,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3875,900,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3725,1100,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3725,1000,-1
        @hideEmpty = False
        pos = -3725,900,-1
//                MaErDa Techtree Defs
        id = MaErDaT0
        title = MaErda R&D Partnership
        description = While researching alone is never a good idea; MaErDa Corp give you the opportunity to access to their new prototypes in exchange of some of your exploration's research and your money of course !
        cost = 50
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat0
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat0
        pos = -2625,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = start
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Form Factor
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa R&D
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1
        pos = -2900,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT0
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1a1
        title = MaErda 0.625m pods
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1a
        pos = -2975,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m pods
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1a
        pos = -2975,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
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            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1a3
        title = MaErda 0.625m pods Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Pods Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1a3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1a
        pos = -2975,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1b1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Utils
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1b
        pos = -2825,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m Utils
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1b
        pos = -2825,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
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            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1b3
        title = MaErda 0.625m Utils Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1b
        pos = -2825,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
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            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1c1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Tanks
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1c
        pos = -2975,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m Tanks
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1c
        pos = -2975,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1c3
        title = MaErda 0.625m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1c
        pos = -2975,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT1d1
        title = MaErda 0.625m Engines
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 65
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1d
        pos = -2825,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 0.625m Engines
        description = 0.625m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1d
        pos = -2825,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT1d3
        title = MaErda 0.625m Engines Prototypes
        description = 0.625m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat1d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat1d
        pos = -2825,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2
        title = MaErda 1.25m pods
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2
        pos = -3200,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2a1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Rocket
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Rocket
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2a
        pos = -3275,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Rocket
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Rocket
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2a
        pos = -3275,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2a3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Rocket Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Rocket Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2a3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2a
        pos = -3275,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2b1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Utils
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2b
        pos = -3125,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Utils
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2b
        pos = -3125,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2b3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Utils Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2b
        pos = -3125,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2c1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Tanks
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2c
        pos = -3275,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Tanks
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2c
        pos = -3275,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2c3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2c
        pos = -3275,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT2d1
        title = MaErda 1.25m Engines
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 125
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2d
        pos = -3125,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 1.25m Engines
        description = 1.25m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2d
        pos = -3125,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT2d3
        title = MaErda 1.25m Engines Prototypes
        description = 1.25m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat2d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat2d
        pos = -3125,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Form Factor
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa R&D
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3
        pos = -3500,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3a1
        title = MaErda 2.5m pods
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3a
        pos = -3575,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m pods
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3a
        pos = -3575,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3a3
        title = MaErda 2.5m pods Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Pods Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3a3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3a
        pos = -3575,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3b1
        title = MaErda 2.5m Utils
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3b
        pos = -3425,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m Utils
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3b
        pos = -3425,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3b3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Utils Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3b
        pos = -3425,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3c1
        title = MaErda 2.5m Tanks
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3c
        pos = -3575,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m Tanks
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3c
        pos = -3575,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3c3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3c
        pos = -3575,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT3d1
        title = MaErda 2.5m Engines
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 250
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3d
        pos = -3425,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 2.5m Engines
        description = 2.5m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3d
        pos = -3425,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT3d3
        title = MaErda 2.5m Engines Prototypes
        description = 2.5m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat3d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat3d
        pos = -3425,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4
        title = MaErda 3.75m Form Factor
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa R&D
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4
        pos = -3800,1199,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT3
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4a1
        title = MaErda 3.75m pods
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4a1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4a
        pos = -3875,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4a2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m pods
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Pods
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4a
        pos = -3875,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4a1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4a3
        title = MaErda 3.75m pods Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Pods Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4a2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4a
        pos = -3875,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4a2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4b1
        title = MaErda 3.75m Utils
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4b1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4b
        pos = -3725,1300,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4b2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m Utils
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Utils
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4b2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4b
        pos = -3725,1400,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4b1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4b3
        title = MaErda 3.75m Utils Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Utils Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4b3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4b
        pos = -3725,1500,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4b2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4c1
        title = MaErda 3.75m Tanks
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4c1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4c
        pos = -3875,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4c2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m Tanks
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Tanks
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4c2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4c
        pos = -3875,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4c1
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4c3
        title = MaErda 3.75m Tanks Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Tanks Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4c3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4c
        pos = -3875,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4c2
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = RIGHT
        id = MaErDaT4d1
        title = MaErda 3.75m Engines
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 375
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4d1
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4d
        pos = -3725,1100,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4d2
        title = MaErda High-Tech 3.75m Engines
        description = 3.75m High-Tech Branch of MaErDa Engines
        cost = 500
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4d2
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4d
        pos = -3725,1000,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4d1
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT
        id = MaErDaT4d3
        title = MaErda 3.75m Engines Prototypes
        description = 3.75m Branch of MaErDa Engines Prototypes
        cost = 1000
        hideEmpty = False
        nodeName = node1_maerdat4d3
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = maerdat4d
        pos = -3725,900,-1
        scale = 0.6
            parentID = MaErDaT4d2
            lineFrom = LEFT
            lineTo = LEFT

//         MaErDa Techtree End


Edited by Warsoul
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On 5/28/2017 at 1:22 PM, Nertea said:

This should get updated to 1.3 by the end of this week. I want to spend some time converting the strings to localizable formats and also need to add in those new tech nodes.

Anyone: let me know via PM if you are interested in proving any kind of CTT translations to the new language sets.


@FreeThinker: Actually, I was the one who added the Unified Field Theory tech for antimatter technology way back when. I'd prefer to keep it as the one for AM stuff... in this way I would rather add a new node for more advanced fusion stuff at that level instead of what I would consider a duplicate of UFT.

I can help with Translating to Kerbin!   Kerbals speak backwards Spanish

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CTT 3.1.0

  • Marked for KSP 1.3
  • Converted all strings to localization system
  • Updated MiniAVC to
  • Fixed some spelling errors in tech nodes
  • Fixed icon of Orbital Megastructures
  • Fixed cost of Specialized Command Modules (was 300, should be 550)
  • Added Exotic Plasma Propulsion [Cost 10000, Electric Propulsion Branch]
  • Added High Density Fusion Reactions [Cost 10000, Nuclear Tech Branch]
  • Added Exotic Electrical Systems [Cost 10000, Electrical Branch]
  • Added Extreme Fuel Storage [Cost 2250, Fuel Storage Branch]
  • Added Experimental Nuclear Power [Cost 1500, Nuclear Tech Branch] and Exotic Nuclear Power [Cost 2250, Nuclear Tech Branch]
  • Added new icons for Advanced Solar Technology, Cutting-Edge Solar Technology, Advanced PV Materials, Exotic Solar Technology, High Tech Electrical Systems, High Power Electrical Systems, Experimental Electrical Systems, Exotic Electrical Systems, Microwave Power

I used a new deploy script for this. I hope nothing broke.

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5 hours ago, TheThing said:

Some bug


Confirmed to exist, would like to test the fix first though.

-edit: yeah, there's also a similar issue with Enhanced Survivability. Fix tomorrow or Monday...

Edited by Nertea
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  • 4 weeks later...


Hello, @Nertea. I'd like to help with Russian translation of CTT. I'm newbie as you can see. So i'm not sure am i doing everything right on github. I added file ru.cfg

Please tell me if I did something wrong and how fix it. It might be better if I just e-mail the file or something

Edited by vladimir_v
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I did some tech tree testing this morning and was amazed that the Experimental Nuclear Propulsion tech-node was accessible even without research High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion. Therefore I propose that the experimental nuclear propulsion technode has anyToUnlock set to False. I made a pull request to realize it.

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On 5/17/2017 at 6:02 PM, TheRagingIrishman said:

@Gordon Dry CTT doesn't change any of the stock nodes so all parts should be able to load onto the tech tree without config editing. I don't know what's going on on your side but I'd guess it's a mod conflict.

for example, AdvancedSciTech has the exact same name in both Stock and CTT. Don't belive me, check out https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/CommunityTechTree/blob/master/GameData/CommunityTechTree/Tree/CommunityTechTree.cfg#L166

I was having a similar problem with not finding a part and searching on your link I could not find the node advConstruction referenced in tree. Is there a different file that changes all parts that use that node to go in another or did it get missed somehow, or am I missing something?

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like anything not listed specifically is ignored in favor of the stock tree so isn't needed to be in there. :)

Edited by JeffreyCor
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On 7/9/2017 at 0:37 AM, FreeThinker said:

I did some tech tree testing this morning and was amazed that the Experimental Nuclear Propulsion tech-node was accessible even without research High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion. Therefore I propose that the experimental nuclear propulsion technode has anyToUnlock set to False. I made a pull request to realize it.


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