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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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Is there any known reason why i'm not seeing any girders/plates in the tech tree? Some of the parts used to unlock in construction 101 node, but in 1.10 there aren's any of them. I am running a bunch of other mods, naturally, but what can cause structural stuff to just be puf and gone? )

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19 hours ago, ZatriX said:

Is there any known reason why i'm not seeing any girders/plates in the tech tree? Some of the parts used to unlock in construction 101 node, but in 1.10 there aren's any of them. I am running a bunch of other mods, naturally, but what can cause structural stuff to just be puf and gone? )

@ZatriX. It is possible that a mod moved them to another node in the tech tree. Do you see them in the vab if you open the game in sandbox mode? What mods are you using? Maybe a screenshot of your gamedata folder could be helpful.

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8 hours ago, hemeac said:

@ZatriX. It is possible that a mod moved them to another node in the tech tree. Do you see them in the vab if you open the game in sandbox mode? What mods are you using? Maybe a screenshot of your gamedata folder could be helpful.

That is a good idea with the sandbox, why didn't I think of that, hm. Going to check.  I distinctly remember in my previous mod collection there were like little offshoots next to some nodes, worth 1-2 science that were responsible for the basic structural components, but they are not there any more and for the life of me I don't remember which mod did that. Current Gamedata below: 2b5a3b2d3ec1.jpg

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1 hour ago, hemeac said:

@ZatriX, that was really helpful.  Sounds like you've previously used UnKerballed Start in your games.  That creates those offshoots and places the structural parts earlier in the tree.


@hemeac Rats, of course. And this time I decided to use "probes before crew".  I was trying to remember the name of the mod, but only 'unmanned before manned" came to mind and that isn't compatible no more.


Thanks! I'll try to install it and hope it won't break the save.

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Yeah, unfortunately KSP saves parts in unlocked nodes in the save file, so if you're going to try a new tech tree, I 100% recommend starting a brand new save file. You can get around this by manually deleting the nodes and parts in the save file, but if you have part unlock costs, you'll have to pay for the unlocks over again. If you try that, make sure you back up your save first!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The mod only seems to work with Interstellar Extended parts, for other mods it doesn't , like for Near Future technologies the parts are almost all unlockable in early game, but they are supposed to be in colossal rocketery and more but they are in stock nodes, I also have empty nodes, Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes doesn't work either, is there a solution for that?

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9 hours ago, BlueBirdAzurite said:

The mod only seems to work with Interstellar Extended parts, for other mods it doesn't , like for Near Future technologies the parts are almost all unlockable in early game, but they are supposed to be in colossal rocketery and more but they are in stock nodes, I also have empty nodes, Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes doesn't work either, is there a solution for that?

For Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes, I have link to a pre-release you can download if you go towards the last page of the posts on the mod's forum page. I guess I should finalize it and put it on the main page.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Battou said:

In 1.11 I find all command pods in wrong nodes, the ones with RCS.

Either you misinstalled something or you are using some mod that is misconfigured. All I can say is that all my pods are in the proper places, but the only mods I have installed that add pods are the Near Future mods.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm getting a massive framerate issue with a specific research node, "Advanced Exploration". I only started noticing this problem when i started a career game.

Basically when this node is not researched, my framerate drops to around 40. As soon as I research it, my framerate increases to 76. This framerate issue seems persistent throughout all scenes.


KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0kmcb5gqugxlqp/KSP.log?dl=0

Edit: It seems to  be tied to this one specific part. Unlocking the node itself does not fix it, but buying this part fixes the framerate. I have no idea how to fix this or even debug it.


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2 hours ago, John007qwe said:

Edit: It seems to  be tied to this one specific part. Unlocking the node itself does not fix it, but buying this part fixes the framerate. I have no idea how to fix this or even debug it.

That's a Squad part, from the Breaking Ground expansion.  It's plausible that there could be some sort of stock bug causing that, though it's more likely something caused by a mod (maybe one that does things with science parts).

It's unlikely to be caused by CTT, though.  CTT is just a ModuleManager patch that adds nodes to the tech tree; it doesn't contain any executable code and doesn't change the behavior of any parts.

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23 minutes ago, Wyzard said:

That's a Squad part, from the Breaking Ground expansion.  It's plausible that there could be some sort of stock bug causing that, though it's more likely something caused by a mod (maybe one that does things with science parts).

It's unlikely to be caused by CTT, though.  CTT is just a ModuleManager patch that adds nodes to the tech tree; it doesn't contain any executable code and doesn't change the behavior of any parts.

Yes I just confirmed it's not related to CTT at all. I'm currently going through the ksp.log to see which mods affect that part.

Sorry for the trouble.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Is there a way to manually move parts around between nodes?

I'm using CTT, Better Early Tree, Restock, Near Future Tech and a few other mods.  It's a great combo, except for some reason the XM-G50 Radial Air Intake is included in the Advanced Science Tech node, together with the gravioli detector and some resource scanners, way out in tier 8.  This seems like an odd place for it to be, especially considering I've already unlocked MK2 aircraft parts and the afterburner turbofan engine with Supersonic Flight.  I don't have any intakes to use except the old round ones.

Is it my combo of mods doing this, and either way can I move this intake somewhere else?

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7 hours ago, dukeseventyone said:

Is there a way to manually move parts around between nodes?

I'm using CTT, Better Early Tree, Restock, Near Future Tech and a few other mods.  It's a great combo, except for some reason the XM-G50 Radial Air Intake is included in the Advanced Science Tech node, together with the gravioli detector and some resource scanners, way out in tier 8.  This seems like an odd place for it to be, especially considering I've already unlocked MK2 aircraft parts and the afterburner turbofan engine with Supersonic Flight.  I don't have any intakes to use except the old round ones.

Is it my combo of mods doing this, and either way can I move this intake somewhere else?

Most probably your mod combo. It is either, that you use mod that have no MM patch at all for usage with CTT (meaning that those parts are placed in stock tech tree nodes), or for some reason you have MM patch that placed parts in unconvinient tech tree node. I can only speculate that is first case.

Anyhow, you can move parts to different tech tree node with custom MM patch. Following example is created for UKS mod:

		//@TechRequired = earlyAviation
		@TechRequired = stability

Please note, that if you are not using UKS, you need to replace "AFTER[zzzUnkerballedStart]" with some other mod name that you have installed. For examle "AFTER[Restock]" (also might not be exact mod name as defined in game for MM).

You have to find out exact part name used in config files that you want to move and exact tech tree node name where you want to move that part. Also aftrer creating such MM patch it is advided that you start new game. Otherwise you might have same part on multiple tech tree nodes. You can also look in other tech tree node mods, like UKS, that move parts to other tech tree nodes for examples.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I know that the issue of duplicate researched nodes have come up a few times, but I have noticed something fairly bizarre in relation to the problem.


So I started my save using CTT, and didn't install it later on. And I started to notice the duplicate entries of a few items in my already researched nodes. After awhile, I noticed that the number of duplicates continued to increase.


So I finally went in and edited my save to delete the duplicate entries, and figured the problem would be solved. But not long after I noticed they were back again. And more so, I realized that it is adding a duplicate entry for specific parts each and every time I load my save. So immediately after editing the save so that it is back down to only a single entry of a part in my researched nodes, quitting, and reloading the save, I then find one additional entry. After reloading again, another, and so on and so forth. So using this part as an example, after 4 reloads of my save, there is an additional 4 entries of the part.

            part = tele.gru1
            part = tele.gru1
            part = tele.gru1
            part = tele.gru1
            part = tele.gru1

This is for the cacteye telescope mod, and it isn't happening for every part from that mod that I have researched. It is only happening for the part from the mod shown above. The same thing is also happening for me with 4 parts from the surface experiment pack.


Initially, I had hundreds of duplicate entries for these parts that I went in and deleted.

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So I have a further update on this. It isn't just adding entries when I load the game. It is also adding entries while the game is loaded and I am playing! For example these three parts from the surface experiment pack, as you can see here have many duplicate entries in the first image.  These are the parts SEP.Box, SEP.StorageLong, and SEP.StorageShort.

However, if I enter the VAB, and then leave and check the tech tree again it has added two more of each of those entries in that node in the tech tree. As indicated in the 2nd image.

The same thing is happening with the part tele.gru1 from the cacteye telescope mod. It add's two entries of that each time I enter the VAB, exit, and check the tech tree again.

Edit: just noticed it is happening with probeCoreSlim as well. But I can't for the life of me remember which mod that is from. Also SEP.FallenKerbonaut from surface experiments pack.




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1 hour ago, Hudsonkm said:

So I have a further update on this. It isn't just adding entries when I load the game. It is also adding entries while the game is loaded and I am playing! For example these three parts from the surface experiment pack, as you can see here have many duplicate entries in the first image.  These are the parts SEP.Box, SEP.StorageLong, and SEP.StorageShort.

However, if I enter the VAB, and then leave and check the tech tree again it has added two more of each of those entries in that node in the tech tree. As indicated in the 2nd image.

The same thing is happening with the part tele.gru1 from the cacteye telescope mod. It add's two entries of that each time I enter the VAB, exit, and check the tech tree again.

Edit: just noticed it is happening with probeCoreSlim as well. But I can't for the life of me remember which mod that is from. Also SEP.FallenKerbonaut from surface experiments pack.

That what you are describing is known issue if you have installed any tech tree and load game in the middle of playtrough where you have already unlocked parts on different tech tree. Regardless if it is stock or some other CTT compatible tech tree. You need to start new career/science game after installing any mod that alter tech tree. Otherwise, you will get "duplicate" parts in R&D screen. In the VAB/SPH editor you will not have any duplicates.

Try to start new career game and see if you still have same issues. If you have still duplicates on new game then upload logs on some cloud service and post link here. It would be hard to help you without it. Many other moders would not even answer your question without provided logs.


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18 minutes ago, kcs123 said:

That what you are describing is known issue if you have installed any tech tree and load game in the middle of playtrough where you have already unlocked parts on different tech tree. Regardless if it is stock or some other CTT compatible tech tree. You need to start new career/science game after installing any mod that alter tech tree. Otherwise, you will get "duplicate" parts in R&D screen. In the VAB/SPH editor you will not have any duplicates.

Try to start new career game and see if you still have same issues. If you have still duplicates on new game then upload logs on some cloud service and post link here. It would be hard to help you without it. Many other moders would not even answer your question without provided logs.



TY for the reply!

Luckily I am not all that far into my current career save. I will start a new career as suggested and see how it goes.

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So I took the extra step of reinstalling KSP completely, and reinstalling all of my mods and then starting a new career save. As soon as I researched one of the nodes where a part was that was being duplicated, it started happening again. If I check the tech tree, then enter the VAB, then come back out and check again, it adds 2 more entries of that part. It also adds 2 entries if I exit to main menu and then load my career save back up again.


I'm heading out to run some errands now but will get some logs up as soon as I get a chance.


To be honest I am not all that concerned about it since it isn't duplicating the parts themselves, but could it cause problems or performance issues just from how bloated the save file eventually gets with all the entries? When I first noticed this problem initially, there were around 6 hundred duplicate entries for each researched part where this was happening. LOL made it very difficult to scroll through the list of parts on that researched node.

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Hmm well CTT doesn't do much of anything with that. All it does is make new nodes and allow people to assign to them - there's nothing complex going on there. I'll go look a bit at some point but if this is happening it's something I'll have to investigate with MM devs or something. 

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