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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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Yep, I think that is the first case of such report if you have started new game. Only reason that pops on my mind, why that may happen, is some doble or bad MM patching. Like in above example from few posts above, if someone used "%" operator instead of "@" operator in MM patch, that could add additional tech tree node to some part, instead of just editing existing one.

Something like this:

		%TechRequired = stability


To discover what is happening on your side, log files and MM catch files would be helpful ("ModuleManager.ConfigCache" inside GameData folder) along with "KSP.log" file that is in same folder as exe file of your KSP install. Without logs we can only guess and speculate what is happening. My guess on this is that you have some leftover of previously installed mods, but again, that is only guessing.

In case of install mistakes, this thread may help you. It explains how mods works in KSP and how to avoid mistake, regardless if you are using CKAN or manual installs.



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  • 1 month later...

@Nertea - sorry to bother you, but I'm just starting to break ground on my own custom tech tree mod, and I'm thinking I might want to use CTT as a bit of a jumping board to help get the basics going. From what I understand, it seems like the license CTT is under allows for this, as evidenced by mods like the Kiwi Tech Tree, but I just wanted to check for permission either way before I started anything official on GitHub or the forums, just to be safe. 

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2 hours ago, CessnaSkyhawk said:

@Nertea - sorry to bother you, but I'm just starting to break ground on my own custom tech tree mod, and I'm thinking I might want to use CTT as a bit of a jumping board to help get the basics going. From what I understand, it seems like the license CTT is under allows for this, as evidenced by mods like the Kiwi Tech Tree, but I just wanted to check for permission either way before I started anything official on GitHub or the forums, just to be safe. 

You can use Community tech tree as a dependentcy in your mod. That's fine.  As you said KiwiTechTree, as well as Probes before Crew, Unkerballed Start and my own CSI TechTree do this.

We all use the CTT and change node positions, create new ones and swap things around as well as move all the parts around.

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12 hours ago, CessnaSkyhawk said:

@Nertea - sorry to bother you, but I'm just starting to break ground on my own custom tech tree mod, and I'm thinking I might want to use CTT as a bit of a jumping board to help get the basics going. From what I understand, it seems like the license CTT is under allows for this, as evidenced by mods like the Kiwi Tech Tree, but I just wanted to check for permission either way before I started anything official on GitHub or the forums, just to be safe. 

In case you need a specific statement, the post below yours is correct :)

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  • 1 month later...

@Nertea There is currently no sufficiently advanced node for 'high tech' wheels past experimental motors. I propose to add one. I was going to write a PR but you stated in your README that you want to go through consultation on the forums so I post this here. 

The primary motivation for this was to create a late node for Kerbal Foundries repulsors, which are currently available under the 550 science node advancedMotors, but I believe others may find this useful. 

I unfortunately have no artistic gift so I've reused an existing icon. 

        id = repulsorFieldTheory
        title = Repulsor Field Theory
        description = We've mastered the art of the wheel to the point where we no longer need wheels.
        cost = 4000
        hideEmpty = True
        nodeName = t_repulsorFieldTheory
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_unifiedFieldTheory
        pos = -354,1048,-1 
        scale = 0.6

            parentID = experimentalMotors
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/1/2021 at 11:30 AM, Grimmas said:

@Nertea There is currently no sufficiently advanced node for 'high tech' wheels past experimental motors. I propose to add one. I was going to write a PR but you stated in your README that you want to go through consultation on the forums so I post this here. 

The primary motivation for this was to create a late node for Kerbal Foundries repulsors, which are currently available under the 550 science node advancedMotors, but I believe others may find this useful. 

I unfortunately have no artistic gift so I've reused an existing icon. 

        id = repulsorFieldTheory
        title = Repulsor Field Theory
        description = We've mastered the art of the wheel to the point where we no longer need wheels.
        cost = 4000
        hideEmpty = True
        nodeName = t_repulsorFieldTheory
        anyToUnlock = False
        icon = CommunityTechTree/UI/ctt_icon_unifiedFieldTheory
        pos = -354,1048,-1 
        scale = 0.6

            parentID = experimentalMotors
            lineFrom = RIGHT
            lineTo = LEFT


Sorry I didn't see this before. 

The rule for CTT is that at least two mods must want a node and must agree on its parameters. This was not enforced in the early days and it's why we have all these garbage nodes used by one mod everywhere. It is not quite easy to add a node with MM so there is not really a need to put this at the top anymore.


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  • 3 months later...

Can I suggest that some of the aero tree be reorganized a bit when it comes to the ducted fans, blades, and motors to use them? Right now the Tier-5 node gives you a micro duct, but a medium fan blade that, even if you had a motor, doesn't fit in that duct housing. Tier-6 Advanced Aerodynamics gives you the micro ducted blade (for the duct you unlocked at Tier-5) and the medium duct (for the duct blade you unlocked at Tier-5). Additionally, the rotor engine you need to even use this is in a completely separate tech tree for not really any good reasons, under Tier-6 Advanced Landing.

The ducts, blades, and rotors should be matched a bit better so you can actually *use* them when you unlock them. Instead, even if you just matched the medium or micro ducts/blades in Tier-5, they're 100% unusable until the Tier-6 rotor is unlocked.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
3 hours ago, Fletch4 said:


I don't believe any one has compiled such a list.  Nor do I think it can be done with any accuracy. 

The first question has to be, "what do you mean 'support'?"  If a mod adds a part, alters any part parameter, such as cost, in any way, or alters the configuration of the tech tree, is that 'support'?

If any change to the tree qualifies, such as list would be impractical to maintain it for every KSP version and mod that comes out.

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17 hours ago, Fletch4 said:

yes, but i dont just want to hide them, i want to benefit from them

If a node is empty and hidden, thus no cost, there's no benefit loss since there's no benefit to begin with.  And, AFAIK, there is no requirement to populate every tech tree node.  There are several tree tree re-balance/re-organizer mods out there.

OTOH, if a tech tree node is empty because no mod has put a part in it, you're welcome to write an MM script to reconfigure the tree as you see fit.  Game balance would then be up to you.

I would be wary of hunting for mods just to fill the tech tree.  There could easily be unintended consequences and certainly a collection of unwanted parts that would simply slow down your game.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

After seeing quite a few questions asked about the empty Colossal Rocketry node, I decided to dig through CKAN to see what I could find (filtered Recommends, Suggests, OR Supports CommunityTechTree). The first one that popped out to me was:

Behemoth Aerospace Engineering Large Parts

Sure enough, installing this filled out that node. Hopefully that helps!

Note: the latest version the mod supports is 1.6.1.

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  • 4 months later...
On 3/6/2024 at 1:11 PM, RedFiveStndngBy said:

After seeing quite a few questions asked about the empty Colossal Rocketry node, I decided to dig through CKAN to see what I could find (filtered Recommends, Suggests, OR Supports CommunityTechTree). The first one that popped out to me was:

Behemoth Aerospace Engineering Large Parts

Sure enough, installing this filled out that node. Hopefully that helps!

Note: the latest version the mod supports is 1.6.1.

SpaceY Expanded has its 10m parts in that node too.

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I have a lot of nodes this mod pack adds that don't have any icons in t he tech tree therefore I have no idea what items are in each node. Is there a fix for this? I've read this page of the topic but not all of them. I'll try what I can find about it in this topic.

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12 hours ago, bphft said:

I have a lot of nodes this mod pack adds that don't have any icons in t he tech tree therefore I have no idea what items are in each node. Is there a fix for this? I've read this page of the topic but not all of them. I'll try what I can find about it in this topic.

CTT isn't a mod pack, just a restructuring of the tech tree.  Read the first paragraph of the OP.  Essentially, CTT creates a reorganized stock tree but not all of the contents.  It's shared so that other mod developers can populate it as they see fit within that structure.  Look to other mods for insertions in the tree, such as the Near Future and USI mods.

That said, the baseline CTT does contain unfilled nodes.  You can hide them if they bother you with this mod:


Edited by Brigadier
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On 7/28/2024 at 4:36 PM, Brigadier said:

CTT isn't a mod pack, just a restructuring of the tech tree.  Read the first paragraph of the OP.  Essentially, CTT creates a reorganized stock tree but not all of the contents.  It's shared so that other mod developers can populate it as they see fit within that structure.  Look to other mods for insertions in the tree, such as the Near Future and USI mods.

So, CTT is basically a framework? I'm interested in the Nuclear tech node CTT adds. Does anyone know what I'd look for to fill that in? I've of course looked myself and didn't find anything.

Aha! My fault for not reading the OP...
Found it: Near Future Technologies


Edited by bphft
updated after reading the OP : - \
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