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[1.4] SpaceY Heavy-Lifter Parts Pack v1.17.1 (2018-04-02)


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Maybe this isn't the right place for this.


But I'd be VERY interested in having a SpaceY contract pack!

Many types of contracts could be added. All based upon the most basic of Kerbal ideas. . . MORE POWER.

  • Contracts requiring you to place a certain size of payload into orbit. Would be based on engine unlocks. I.e. once you unlock the Moa, you could get a contract to put a certain size payload into orbit that would require a reasonable usage of one or two moas.
  • Contracts requiring you to use a certain engine and ONLY that engine to launch an "ICBM" to a certain location on Kerbin. Basically launch a sub-orbital missile to X location
  • Contracts requiring you to dock massive vessels in orbit, needing both to be over a certain tonnage. This would be a good "forced" usage of all the great RCS thrusters.

Anyway. I don't know the first thing about creating a contract pack, but I think these could be really cool!

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  On 10/21/2016 at 4:58 PM, Kerbonaut257 said:

Many types of contracts could be added. All based upon the most basic of Kerbal ideas. . . MORE POWER.




Yeah, I think there's a certain amount of flexibility, but it's been a while since I've looked into it. I'm not sure what would be involved right now either. :)


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1.15 (2016-10-21) - Update.
 - Added new RCS sounds/effects.
 - Added a linear RCS thruster.
 - Updated OMS engines to use new RCS sounds and effects.
 - Added two adapters that can be used with the Rose/Rosette adapter center slots.
 - Updated custom part category with recent additions from here and SpaceY Expanded.
 - Added some missing search tags on thrust plates / adapters.


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  On 10/21/2016 at 2:55 PM, NecroBones said:

@Starman4308, looking good! Yeah, the big parts can help to greatly simplify things once you start needing to send those larger payloads out there.


Big parts + light memory print mod = heaven :D That made my life simplier but in the same time that was even more fun cause I finally could send to space my lovely behemots 

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  On 10/21/2016 at 7:33 PM, Vahal said:

Big parts + light memory print mod = heaven :D That made my life simplier but in the same time that was even more fun cause I finally could send to space my lovely behemots 


Yep! Now we can send a 100 part space station to orbit with only 20 or 30 parts for the rockets & tanks, rather than 300 part asparagus monsters.

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When I see my old screenshots, showing my monstrous asparagus rocket, barely flying, prone to RUD, overheat and acrobatics "manoeuvers" ... Yeah, all hail Space Y! ^_^ 

Bonus, my rockets look gorgeous now 




Was the propulsion section for my last Interplantery Scientific Mothership during 1.0.4 

Edited by Vahal
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  On 10/22/2016 at 2:52 AM, QiJian said:

Something is not right with “SpaceY R7 "Super-Ratite" Engine Cluster”. I've checked the relevant “mu、dds” files, seems all fine. Reinstall doesn't help. Anyone else has this problem?




Me too. Look this. Some solid buster is good, but almost everything is "buged"



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  On 10/22/2016 at 2:52 AM, QiJian said:

Something is not right with “SpaceY R7 "Super-Ratite" Engine Cluster”. I've checked the relevant “mu、dds” files, seems all fine. Reinstall doesn't help. Anyone else has this problem?




  On 10/22/2016 at 7:13 PM, ick98 said:

Me too. Look this. Some solid buster is good, but almost everything is "buged"




  On 10/23/2016 at 12:47 PM, Vahal said:

had this bug in the past and everytime that was due to conflict between Color Coded Canister and the part mod (MRS or SpaceY), one of them not being up to date.



Yes, check that they're all up to date, and that ModuleManager is up to date. Are you guys using Firespitter or InterstellarFuelSwitch? Make sure those are either up to date, or completely uninstalled. If MM thinks they're installed, but they're not, you'll get the effect you're seeing. Same thing if MM is either missing or not working. And you can also try deleting ModuleManager/ConfigCache in GameData, just in case MM is using stale cache data and hasn't noticed the changes in your mod list.


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How do you guys use the conical payload bay thing? I'd like to use it, but I dislike how the stuff that is attached to the top node looks like its just floating there when the doors open. What sort of builds do you use it for? When/why is it more appropriate to use than a fairing?

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  On 10/26/2016 at 3:20 PM, Justinjah91 said:

How do you guys use the conical payload bay thing? I'd like to use it, but I dislike how the stuff that is attached to the top node looks like its just floating there when the doors open. What sort of builds do you use it for? When/why is it more appropriate to use than a fairing?



Yeah, that's an unfortunate artifact of how KSP works. It's there so that people can build things that work a little more like the Saturn V if they want, and you would use it in place of a fairing if you want to be able to re-dock something and close it up again. I recommend using a stack separator above it, so that you don't leave things attached that are floating in space in front of the bay.


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  On 10/26/2016 at 6:18 PM, NecroBones said:


Yeah, that's an unfortunate artifact of how KSP works. It's there so that people can build things that work a little more like the Saturn V if they want, and you would use it in place of a fairing if you want to be able to re-dock something and close it up again. I recommend using a stack separator above it, so that you don't leave things attached that are floating in space in front of the bay.



@NecroBones, would it be possible to add built-in decouplers to the conical payload bay, at least for the front?  I saw that KWR's petal bay has them, so I tried making the 3.75m end of the SpaceY one a decoupler also, but it didn't work. Missing something obviosly. :) 

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  On 10/26/2016 at 10:43 PM, Laguna said:

@NecroBones, would it be possible to add built-in decouplers to the conical payload bay, at least for the front?  I saw that KWR's petal bay has them, so I tried making the 3.75m end of the SpaceY one a decoupler also, but it didn't work. Missing something obviosly. :) 



I thought about that when I was initially making it, but decided against it, because you would still need a stack separator to avoid leaving engine shrouds stuck to it. I figured this way, people get the idea right away that something needs to go on that end, for that.

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It seems like advanced tweakables in 1.2 have a tweakable for binding throttle to z-axis rcs thrust. The SpaceY large Dibamus rcs blocks are hardcoded to ignore this setting.
To be fair, the way they are modeled and described implies the z-axis should always be throttle controlled, but following tweakable settings could also also nice.

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  On 10/27/2016 at 8:36 PM, NecroBones said:


I thought about that when I was initially making it, but decided against it, because you would still need a stack separator to avoid leaving engine shrouds stuck to it. I figured this way, people get the idea right away that something needs to go on that end, for that.


Indeed. Though usually I prefer to use a pair of decouplers back-to-back, which makes TD&E a bit easier to perform, since it prevents the separator and engine-shroud from becoming débris that gets in the way of docking with the conical bay's contents.

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I have a suggestion: colour switching on the interstage fairings. The reasoning is so that we can make rockets like the one below without having to have white interstages. It's not so much an issue for the black and white rockets, but for others (like the Soyuz or Ariane colour schemes) it would be nice to have the option to colour code the interstage fairings too.


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  On 10/28/2016 at 3:08 PM, eloquentJane said:

I have a suggestion: colour switching on the interstage fairings. The reasoning is so that we can make rockets like the one below without having to have white interstages. It's not so much an issue for the black and white rockets, but for others (like the Soyuz or Ariane colour schemes) it would be nice to have the option to colour code the interstage fairings too.




Yeah, it's something I've thought about. Not impossible, just a little more complicated.


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Actually whilst on the topic of mesh-switching for interstages, I think if it's doable, it might be a nice option for fairings as well. I don't know about what other people may think, but there are certainly several tank colour schemes from CCC (mainly the red, blue, Ariane, and Soyuz variants) that I'd use a lot more often if I had matching fairings.

Edited by eloquentJane
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Thanks for the parts - have your Heavy lifters and Expanded mods installed. Was recently digging through the logs (for reasons unrelated to your mods) and saw some exceptions associated SpaceY parts being thrown during loading, all involving CLS which I don't have installed. Looked at the patch files and noticed they all have NEEDS: clauses except for the CLS patches - in both Heavy lifters and Expanded mods. Wouldn't have even noticed if I hadn't  been in the logs for other problems. Again - thanks for sharing these.

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  On 10/29/2016 at 9:15 AM, eloquentJane said:

Actually whilst on the topic of mesh-switching for interstages, I think if it's doable, it might be a nice option for fairings as well. I don't know about what other people may think, but there are certainly several tank colour schemes from CCC (mainly the red, blue, Ariane, and Soyuz variants) that I'd use a lot more often if I had matching fairings.

  On 10/29/2016 at 10:29 AM, Vahal said:

Yup, cause white is nice of course, but a big red stick rushing to the stars through the clouds... Ahhhhh  Or just for more diversity.


Unfortunately I don't have a way to do that with the procedural fairings, except for the base. The mesh/texture switchers won't modify the procedural module like that. It would be doable with clamshell fairings, but of course they have all sorts of issues working with stock aerodynamics.


  On 10/30/2016 at 6:46 PM, wasml said:

Thanks for the parts - have your Heavy lifters and Expanded mods installed. Was recently digging through the logs (for reasons unrelated to your mods) and saw some exceptions associated SpaceY parts being thrown during loading, all involving CLS which I don't have installed. Looked at the patch files and noticed they all have NEEDS: clauses except for the CLS patches - in both Heavy lifters and Expanded mods. Wouldn't have even noticed if I hadn't  been in the logs for other problems. Again - thanks for sharing these.



OK cool, I'll take a look. I used to just add patches without "NEEDS" for things that wouldn't break anything. There's no harm in most cases, in adding modules that aren't used. But it does spam up the logs, so I've been trying to clean them up when I find them.

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