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[1.3 - 1.2.2] Collision FX v4.0 (2017-03-09) Now with biome coloured dust!


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  pizzaoverhead said:
Ha! Yep, the best way to make a new release is to stay up all night doing it, and then upload one of the old files you were using for testing dust colours...

The correct release is now available on MediaFire and CurseForge. The Kerbal Stuff upload is refusing to complete at the moment.

Thx! ^_^

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I was taking a look at your biome definitions, and I think I like your node format better than what xEvilReaperx set up for me earlier this year. The only thing it lacks is a planetary default color, which I use for the case where a planet might, in the future, be given an overhaul of its biomes and I might lack a color definition. Of course, that was before I started using a camera to sample the terrain colors.

Either way, I might have to dig through your code and look into modifying my format. It looks a lot easier to add new nodes to the system the way you've done it and, since I do use a camera for the more accurate sampling, I wouldn't need a default color definition.

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I was watching MatoroIgnika's stream and saw some really cool dust effects when he drove his planes across the shores and I was told they came from this mod. The problem is, I don't see them. I see the spark effects (if I'm crashing), but even driving off the runway, I never see the dust effects.

EDIT: Ok, I do see the dust but only when crashing. Upon examining your configs I realize the landing gear are exclude (not sure why the streamer had them with landing gear). But here's the thing, a plane taking off of dirt will kick up dust, and I thought that was really cool when I saw it. Any way to separate the scrape sparks from the dust so you can enable one (per-part) and not the other? I think the landing gear should kick up dust when on dirt, but not have scrape sparks along the runway.

Video reference to what I'd like to see

Edited by Alshain
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  Alshain said:
I have in the past (as in previous versions) seen the dust being kicked up while driving. Although I have not yet downloaded the newest version; I'm pretty sure it's a problem with how you installed the mod, and not a problem with the mod itself. I would recommend that you: 1. Check that you are running the latest versions of KSP (1.0.5) and CollisonFX, if you are proceed to step 2. If you aren't, than you should download the latest versions of everything.

2. Delete CollisionFX from your GameData folder

3. Re-download and reinstall CollisionFX

4. See if it works now

Hope I helped! :)

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  hieywiey said:
I have in the past (as in previous versions) seen the dust being kicked up while driving. Although I have not yet downloaded the newest version; I'm pretty sure it's a problem with how you installed the mod, and not a problem with the mod itself. I would recommend that you: 1. Check that you are running the latest versions of KSP (1.0.5) and CollisonFX, if you are proceed to step 2. If you aren't, than you should download the latest versions of everything.

2. Delete CollisionFX from your GameData folder

3. Re-download and reinstall CollisionFX

4. See if it works now

Hope I helped! :)

Done that, it doesn't kick up dust at all.

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  Alshain said:
Done that, it doesn't kick up dust at all.

I installed it and I have the same... I'm trying to mess around in the .cfg files to see if that helps. EDIT: Nope, the .cfg files are almost identical to the previous version (3.1), there is no missing attribute (I don't know if that is the proper term) that could be causing the problem. I think we need Pizzaoverhead to help us with this. I will try the previous version with 1.0.5 and see if it makes any changes (I'm suspecting that the body-specific dust is the culprit).

Edited by hieywiey
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I can confirm the issue on KSP 1.0.5: No dust visible when it should. Other sounds and sparks are OK but not the dust. I tried this with only this MOD installed, Module Manager and Blizzy's Toolbar. That's on Windows 10 64 bit with an nvidia GPU running in Direct X 9 mode.

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Well I hope he can get it fixed, it looked really good when I saw it.

As a secondary related thing, this thread had a request that I think could be done very well using the same effect. The only difference between that and the dust would be that the touchdown smoke is short lived while the dust continues on. I'd love to see that as well if pizzaoverhead is willing. Other implementations of touchdown smoke are very weak (Firespitter, barely there at all)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have sparks going from under the front wheels and a scratchy sound. Think that is a bug.
[SPOILER="Screenshot (sparks are from the front wheels only)"]
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[quote name='Ser']I have sparks going from under the front wheels and a scratchy sound. Think that is a bug.[/QUOTE]

Do you use a mod that changes landing gear behaviors? If you look in the CollisionFX folder, there is a file called "ModuleManager_CollisionFX.cfg". Inside the file, there are some Module Manager definitions that should set, for all landing gear parts, the "scrapeSparks" parameters to "false" and set the sound to something "tire like"...
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[quote name='Galenmacil']Do you use a mod that changes landing gear behaviors? If you look in the CollisionFX folder, there is a file called "ModuleManager_CollisionFX.cfg". Inside the file, there are some Module Manager definitions that should set, for all landing gear parts, the "scrapeSparks" parameters to "false" and set the sound to something "tire like"...[/QUOTE]
Yes, that was StockBugFix probably. Updated to a new version and the issue has gone, so it wasn't related to CollisionFX.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Question, is there support for writing the colors in regular RGBA, instead of the weird version of arithmetic RGBA 0.232132, 0.5234, etc. I want to add support for my mod, but if I have to go and convert dozens of colors (I have a lot of moons and planets in my mod and they all have biomes) to that weird system, I'm not looking forward to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just trying this mod out for the first time and I like it.  Nearly died of laugher when a Kerbal fell over and squeaked! 
Just one Q; is there any way to configure what parts generate collision fx? I have a fast stock-rover and it's wheels generate a lot of sound now when turning at speed (30m/s).  Would be nice to be able to disable that.


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  On 12/12/2015 at 2:10 PM, katateochi said:

Just trying this mod out for the first time and I like it.  Nearly died of laugher when a Kerbal fell over and squeaked! 
Just one Q; is there any way to configure what parts generate collision fx? I have a fast stock-rover and it's wheels generate a lot of sound now when turning at speed (30m/s).  Would be nice to be able to disable that.



So this is the mod responsible. That needs to go, how can I disable that? I just want the regular grunts please.

Edit: Nevermind. I was told a way to switch it. I don't know how to delete posts anymore, so..

Edited by Motokid600
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  On 12/14/2015 at 4:44 PM, Motokid600 said:

So this is the mod responsible. That needs to go, how can I disable that? I just want the regular grunts please.

Edit: Nevermind. I was told a way to switch it. I don't know how to delete posts anymore, so..


This mod is too good to take it out just because of the squeaky Kerbals, but I agree, it does get rather annoying after a while.  It's great when it happens at choice comic moments, but sometimes my Kerbals take their jobs seriously!!! 

But you can disable just the squeak and keep the rest of the collision-FX, just go to \GameData\CollisionFX\Sounds and delete (or rename) Squeak.wav

I've not done this yet, but it's going to have to happen now; replace Squeak.wav with the iconic Wilhelm Scream
or maybe.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8jVgaEMWNk


While it is possible to completely disable a particular sound like this, I would like the ability to have some configurable options.  Certain craft with odd designs or which get used in weird ways generate too much collision sounds. It would be nice to disable certain sounds for certain craft and have craft specific settings.  
My rovers (which are all far too fast for their own good) now sound horrible as they make almost constant bang sound effects. 
I have a very small and agile VTOL and when it turns around fast it kicks off tons of sparks which I'd like to be able to disable for that craft, but I love the sparks in most other situations.  


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  On 12/14/2015 at 7:27 PM, katateochi said:

It This mod is too good to take it out just because of the squeaky Kerbals, but I agree, it does get rather annoying after a while.  It's great when it happens at choice comic moments, but sometimes my Kerbals take their jobs seriously!!! 

But you can disable just the squeak and keep the rest of the collision-FX, just go to \GameData\CollisionFX\Sounds and delete (or rename) Squeak.wav

I've not done this yet, but it's going to have to happen now; replace Squeak.wav with the iconic Wilhelm Scream
or maybe.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8jVgaEMWNk


While it is possible to completely disable a particular sound like this, I would like the ability to have some configurable options.  Certain craft with odd designs or which get used in weird ways generate too much collision sounds. It would be nice to disable certain sounds for certain craft and have craft specific settings.  
My rovers (which are all far too fast for their own good) now sound horrible as they make almost constant bang sound effects. 
I have a very small and agile VTOL and when it turns around fast it kicks off tons of sparks which I'd like to be able to disable for that craft, but I love the sparks in most other situations.  



Its beyond me as to why the squeak is default. It made me chuckle once. I'm not a child so after that it just annoyed me. The grunt/oof is really nice though. It's a good immersive effect like the breathing on EVA via Chatterer.

  On 12/14/2015 at 5:34 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

This is part of CollisionFX. You can change the squeak back to the grunt sound by opening GameData\CollisionFX\settings.cfg and changing this:

collisionSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/Squeak

to this:

collisionSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/Oof




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  On 11/11/2015 at 9:42 PM, Alshain said:

I was watching MatoroIgnika's stream and saw some really cool dust effects when he drove his planes across the shores and I was told they came from this mod. The problem is, I don't see them. I see the spark effects (if I'm crashing), but even driving off the runway, I never see the dust effects.

EDIT: Ok, I do see the dust but only when crashing. Upon examining your configs I realize the landing gear are exclude (not sure why the streamer had them with landing gear). But here's the thing, a plane taking off of dirt will kick up dust, and I thought that was really cool when I saw it. Any way to separate the scrape sparks from the dust so you can enable one (per-part) and not the other? I think the landing gear should kick up dust when on dirt, but not have scrape sparks along the runway.

Video reference to what I'd like to see



  On 11/11/2015 at 11:14 PM, hieywiey said:

I have in the past (as in previous versions) seen the dust being kicked up while driving. Although I have not yet downloaded the newest version; I'm pretty sure it's a problem with how you installed the mod, and not a problem with the mod itself. I would recommend that you: 1. Check that you are running the latest versions of KSP (1.0.5) and CollisonFX, if you are proceed to step 2. If you aren't, than you should download the latest versions of everything.

2. Delete CollisionFX from your GameData folder

3. Re-download and reinstall CollisionFX

4. See if it works now

Hope I helped! :)



  On 11/13/2015 at 2:56 AM, Galenmacil said:

I can confirm the issue on KSP 1.0.5: No dust visible when it should. Other sounds and sparks are OK but not the dust. I tried this with only this MOD installed, Module Manager and Blizzy's Toolbar. That's on Windows 10 64 bit with an nvidia GPU running in Direct X 9 mode.



  On 11/13/2015 at 3:18 AM, Alshain said:

Well I hope he can get it fixed, it looked really good when I saw it.

As a secondary related thing, this thread had a request that I think could be done very well using the same effect. The only difference between that and the dust would be that the touchdown smoke is short lived while the dust continues on. I'd love to see that as well if pizzaoverhead is willing. Other implementations of touchdown smoke are very weak (Firespitter, barely there at all)



  On 11/21/2015 at 5:03 PM, Ser said:

I have sparks going from under the front wheels and a scratchy sound. Think that is a bug.



There's a bug in the current version with the fixed landing gear causing sparks when they shouldn't. I've been working for a fix for this, but have encountered another bug where you get occasional single sparks from wheels. I've also done some work on dust from wheels, and in particular from the early tier runway. In the next release you'll be able to change the dust settings for structures just like you can for biomes, so the dirt landing strip can be dusty with the upgraded runways being clean.


  On 11/30/2015 at 11:32 PM, CaptRobau said:

Question, is there support for writing the colors in regular RGBA, instead of the weird version of arithmetic RGBA 0.232132, 0.5234, etc. I want to add support for my mod, but if I have to go and convert dozens of colors (I have a lot of moons and planets in my mod and they all have biomes) to that weird system, I'm not looking forward to it.


Good idea! I've put this on the to-do list for a future release.


  On 12/12/2015 at 2:10 PM, katateochi said:

Just trying this mod out for the first time and I like it.  Nearly died of laugher when a Kerbal fell over and squeaked! 
Just one Q; is there any way to configure what parts generate collision fx? I have a fast stock-rover and it's wheels generate a lot of sound now when turning at speed (30m/s).  Would be nice to be able to disable that.



That's likely to do with the current bug with the wheels. You can disable it by editing the ModuleManager_CollisionFX.cfg to exclude that part. Which part do you want to exclude?


In other news, I'm working on support for multiple sounds for each action, with different probabilities for selecting each one. Release due once the sparking issue above is fixed.

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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  On 12/17/2015 at 6:11 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

There's a bug in the current version with the fixed landing gear causing sparks when they shouldn't. I've been working for a fix for this, but have encountered another bug where you get occasional single sparks from wheels. I've also done some work on dust from wheels, and in particular from the early tier runway. In the next release you'll be able to change the dust settings for structures just like you can for biomes, so the dirt landing strip can be dusty with the upgraded runways being clean.


So does that mean that the lack of dust was intentional, or am I just not reading this correctly? Anyway, I thought that collisions should make sparks along with some shrapnel and a dust cloud. This video illustrates that pretty well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGLr72G0dOo


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