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[1.0] TurboNisuReloaded - Stock-a-Like Parts Pack [06/05/15]


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A stock-a-like parts pack

Back in 0.23 TurboNisu appeared with some great looking stock-a-like parts. Unfortunately he only ever made one update to the pack and with the more recent releases of KSP some of the properties of the parts became unbalanced. Not wanting to let this pack fall into obscurity (And since TurboNisu generously licenced his parts in such a way as to allow redistribution), I have totally rebalanced every part in the pack to bring it in line with stock KSP as it is today.

All 15 parts TurboNisu created have had all of their properties balanced in line with stock KSP, including cost, mass strength and fuel capacity. I have also adjusted the names and descriptions of the parts, to attribute them to the companies already existing within the game (Rockomax Conglomerate etc).

Recent changes:

  • Categorized fuel tanks as FuelTank rather than Propulsion
  • Max temperatures bought in line 1.0 values
  • Entry costs bought in line 1.0 values
  • Fuel levels bought in line 1.0 values (Think this only really affects the tiny tanks)
  • Attachment nodes fixed
  • Added bulkhead profiles for sorting

Download from Dropbox, last updated 06/05/15.

As this is just a part pack compatibility shouldn't be broken with KSP updates

When updates are released I will check the balance of the parts as soon as I can, but it is HIGHLY unlikely you will experience any issues in the meantime.


The Parts

  • 6 new fuel tanks, including adapters and endcaps
  • Junctions for the stock girders (Available in T, L and + shapes)
  • A new smaller girder size, also with a full set of junctions
  • A triangular structural plate
  • A basic, low tech landing leg




Obviously all credit goes to TurboNisu for making these parts, I have just updated their cfg's. TurboNisu has endorsed my re-release of this pack.

Any and all feedback would be appreciated. I still haven't checked the distribution of parts around the tech tree - feedback on this is especially welcome.

Based on 'Stockalike parts for useful esthetics' by TurboNisu.

Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Edited by a__gun
1.0 Compatibility
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These look quite useful. I really need 64-bit...

Really? Really? It's a set of parts, what more do you want?

Honestly, "64 bits" is being passed around like it's the new cool greeting on the street. "Yo, how ya 64-bit goin', brah?" It's like no one is even paying attention to what they're saying. You don't make a "64 bit" edition of a few models, textures, and part configs. It's the same bleeping files! I swear, the human race is doomed. We're getting less intelligent with every generation! Gah!

Amd I'm one of them! Now I'm sad. I'm just a stupid, sad, doomed human being.

(Yes, I just realized I over-reacted to a misunderstanding of the comment. I admit it. Throw a 64-bit rock at me if it makes you feel better.)

Edited by Gaalidas
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Really? Really? It's a set of parts, what more do you want?

Honestly, "64 bits" is being passed around like it's the new cool greeting on the street. "Yo, how ya 64-bit goin', brah?" It's like no one is even paying attention to what they're saying. You don't make a "64 bit" edition of a few models, textures, and part configs. It's the same bleeping files! I swear, the human race is doomed. We're getting less intelligent with every generation! Gah!

Amd I'm one of them! Now I'm sad. I'm just a stupid, sad, doomed human being.

(Yes, I just realized I over-reacted to a misunderstanding of the comment. I admit it. Throw a 64-bit rock at me if it makes you feel better.)

Take it easy, dude. I'm sure he just means he has too many mods already...

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(Yes, I just realized I over-reacted to a misunderstanding of the comment. I admit it. Throw a 64-bit rock at me if it makes you feel better.)

You could just ask for more RAM, you know. No need to have it thrown at you, that might hurt. ;)

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Screw 64 bit, buy a Geforce 970 and run in opengl, dropped my ram usage from 3.5gb to 2.5gb :D Next convert all textures to DDS (works with 99% of textures, just use originals if the DDS is screwed) dropped it to 1.8gb, and I have a crap ton of mods :D

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is this version any different than v1.02 of the original parts pack with your 0.24 MM cfg applied? You say you're targeting 0.25 with this release so I assume some additional changes have been made but if so I'm interested in what they might be.

The Module Manager patch I originally posted was just a quick dirty edit mainly just of part costs when cost actually became a thing. With this pack I have gone through every property of every part and made sure they line up with their stock equivalents (As best I can anyway...stock parts aren't actually balanced against themselves very well...but I digress). A couple of the tanks have had their capacities changed and I've taken a closer look at the cost, mass and strength of all of the parts. Also, since this is a full redistribution and not a patch, Module Manager is not required.

These look quite useful. I really need 64-bit...

I havn't got the numbers on this, but I really wouldn't of thought these would use much of your RAM allowance. That being said, the look of all of these parts is based off of stock textures and it would be GREAT if someone could set them up (Or give me very easy to follow instructions) to use the stock textures as Lack does with his Stock eXTension parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a TweakScale file for the fuel tanks;


@PART[tankBigAdapter] // Rockomax X200-6A Fuel Tank
name = TweakScale
type = adapter_2_1
defaultScale = 2.5

@PART[tankBigCap] // Rockomax X200-6R Fuel Tank
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 2.5

@PART[tankTinyCap] // Oscar-R "Tangerine" Fuel Tank
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 0.625

@PART[tankSmallAdapter] // FL-T80A Fuel Tank
name = TweakScale
type = adapter_2_1
defaultScale = 0.625

@PART[tankSmallCap] // FL-T80R Fuel Tank
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 1.25

@PART[tankSmallCapRCS] // FL-RC15 RCS Fuel Tank
name = TweakScale
type = stack
defaultScale = 1.25

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there any skilled modeler who could complete the modular girder parts with a 6-way junction?

That would open even more possibilities indeed. You can already buils quite crazy things with those:


(trucks from SXT and winch from KAS)

Thanks a lot a___gun! These parts have been essential to me for a long time!

If I may ask, why are'nt they backward compatible with the original mod?

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Is there any skilled modeler who could complete the modular girder parts with a 6-way junction?

That was already done some day long before TurboNisu pack. But it was buried with old kerbal spaceport...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

All you have to do is edit the cfg files. You change the 1 to a -1 and it works.

The round tank you mention is buggy, I can't find anything wrong with the triangle panel.

The fix is mentioned in the KW Rocketry thread, but you do this...

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.156, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0


node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.156, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0

Try this fix - I have fixed the nodes and added "bulkheadProfiles" sizes so the parts sort properly. The tiny girders sort with probe parts. The big round tanks sort with the 1.25m stuff.


Let me know how it goes.

Edited by Z-Key Aerospace
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